2 Merc's and a Wolseley 1500!!

Stretch Da Truth

Bronze Member
Jan 13, 2017
Detector(s) used
XP Déus & a Carrot!
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
It's been a while since I posted anything. Haven't had anything good to show. Been digging tons of clad but we all do that and I am not a new guy anymore so no need to show that stuff off. Was calling myself "The Clad Cowboy" for a while.... kind of depressing.

I have been reading about all the goodies you guys are finding and wondering when am I gonna find some goodies? Well tonight was a good night for me!

My son didn't feel like digging so I decided to head out alone and see what I could find. The park was totally dead.... not a person in sight. I decided to swing where the old baseball diamond was and hit some pennies and dimes and some junk here and there. Had a nice chirp on this one spot and started digging. I flipped up some dirt with the Lesche and caught the shiny glimmer of silver out of the corner of my eye. Like a Ninja my digger was down and I grabbed it out of mid air with a smile on my face as I knew I had found some silver. With a quick wipe I let out a YEA! as I finally found my first Mercury dime! A 1942 and in pretty good shape.

I filled the hole, kept swinging and found some more pennies, dimes and the usual junk. Was about halfway down the field so I turned around and started swinging as I headed back. A few hits here and there and then this really odd one... had a number then it didn't. Had a good sound, then it had some weird sounds. Being a digger I wondered what the heck is this and started digging. Down about 8" and nothing yet. The Carrot is going crazy but I got a lot of rocks? Keep digging and finally pull out some strange toy car. Looks odd... some Euro thing so I put it in the pouch to check it out later. It's pretty dark out now so I fill the hole and start walking back to my car. I paused to sneeze and dropped the coil to the ground and heard a cool lil squeal like earlier so I started digging. By the light of the Carrot I am looking and scraping... pull a lil more dirt out and then I saw that glimmer again. Wicked big grin this time! Pulled out another Merc! This one was a 1945! Two Merc's in one night! I was so psyched! :headbang:

I get home and call my son down cellar. He asked what I found and I fill him in on my hunt. We separate the junk out, clean up the goodies and he has a big smile on his face. He congrats me on the finds and gives me a big high five for the 2 Merc's! We both wonder about the car as it is pretty odd. After cleaning it up, the bottom says: Wolseley 1500, Made In England by Lesney. After this post, I am going to go look them up as I never heard of them.

I was glad to finally have something to post... clad days are ok but you gotta find some goodies every now and then to share!
Thanks for looking an good luck on your next time out!
:occasion14: Stretch


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Upvote 23
LOL, good one! You can be the Clad King and I will be the Clad Cowboy! We have the East and West coast covered! :laughing7:
Don't give up! Keep at it, you will find some one of these days!

We shall conquer all clad! We will do it for the Motherland!

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