1st Annual Shipwreck Salvage Archaeology Symposium

As a person who travelled from Australia to the 1st and 2nd Greater Fort Lauderdale Shipwreck Symposium in 84 and 85, I want to make sure that the 1st Annual Shipwreck Salvage Archaeology Symposium HAPPENS without you being out of pocket. Therefore tomorrow I am sending you a $400 Money Order. Just send me a PM with your mailing address.
Jack Sparrow(Captain of the Black Pearl)

You rang

the bell


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Another stellar addition to our program for the Shipwreck Salvage Archaeology Symposium to be held in Palm Bay on March 14 and 15th!!
One of my very favorite people, Ms Taffi Fisher Abt, will be on our program for Saturday, Mar 14.
More tomorrow!!




It is LIVE!!!
Get your tickets here in advance and save $15!!
Saturday and Saturday evening programs are one low price of $60
Sunday program is even less expensive at $50!
Combined full weekend pass is only $95.
Just click here to get your tickets! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/shipwreck-salvage-archaeology-symposium-tickets-97031438645
Please consider attending. I believe this will be something special.

Taffi Fisher Abt
E. Lee Spence
Robert Westrick
Alex Mirabal
Herman Moro
Jason Nowell
Terry Armstrong
John Kendall

waiting to close on 4 more in the next few days.

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New speaker announcement!!!

I am pleased to announce that John Kendall, Cottenham, UK, will join the Shipwreck Salvage Archaeology Symposium program on Sunday, March 15 with a presentation on 3-D photogrammetry and digital archaeology. (Photogrammetry is the science of taking measurements from photographs. It has rapidly become a key part of exploration projects and is an incredible way of sharing underwater sites with the non-diving world. Pioneered with the Mars wreck in Sweden, it is unsurpassed as an archaeological tool.)

John is a most accomplished diver, instructor, instructor trainer, tech diver with Global Underwater Explorers (GUE).
Global Underwater Explorers (GUE) represents a global network of GUE communities, empowered by highly refined diver training programs and inspired to explore and conserve the world’s aquatic environments.
GUE is a leader in scuba education, developing numerous industry-first training protocols with a global cast of extremely knowledgeable professional educators and producing divers of exceptional quality. These educational programs enable divers to enjoy a nearly unlimited range of opportunities, including conservation programs, exploration projects, and documentation adventures. GUE-trained divers are found in far-reaching global communities that offer many social and support opportunities alongside a host of unique and challenging underwater projects.
You can visit John's website below for more information about him and GUE. Check the link below for more information about photogrammetry and GUE.
Welcome aboard, John!



John Kendall - GUE Tech + Cave Instructor


Another New Speaker Announcement!!
Regan Lipinski, Sales and Training guru of Marine Sonic Technology in historic Yorktown, VA will be joining us for the Shipwreck Salvage Archaeology Symposium at the Lagoon House in Palm Bay, FL on March 14 and 15th.

Marine Sonic Technology (MST) is a premier domestic and international supplier of Side Scan and Collision Avoidance Sonars and Depth Sounders/Altimeters. U.S. customers include First Responders, Federal Agencies, all Military services, the Coast Guard, State and Local Governments, Colleges and Universities and finally most Underwater Surveyors, Archeologists and Treasure Hunters.
Regan will be a most interesting speaker! Please attend the Symposium to get the chance to learn from the best!
Here's Regan's bio:
Training Director for Marine Sonic Technology, where he Instructs Police, Fire, & Military how to Locate, Document, and Recover Criminal Evidence, Historical Artifacts, and Derelict Mines. He began his position after serving 18 years in Law Enforcement with a primary focus on Maritime Security & Investigations.
In 1996 Regan joined the U.S. Army as a Military Policeman & Military Police Investigations. He served on many specialized teams to include SRT (Special Reaction Team), DST (Drug Suppression Team), QRF (Quick Reaction Force), but his primary function was plain clothed Investigator for crimes against people.
In 2002 he left the Army and began a career with the Newport News Police Department in VA where earned the rank of Master Police Officer and was in charge of the Marine Unit & served on the Tactical Operations Unit. During his tenure he developed the Basic Marine Operations Course which was used throughout the State of VA and was bestowed many awards to include a Silver Medal of Valor & a Commendation from the United States Senate.
In 2011 while still working for the Newport News Police Department he was asked to serve as a Federal Special Agent with CGIS (Coast Guard Investigative Service) in the Coast Guard Reserve. In 2013 Regan accepted a position with Marine Sonic Technology as the Training Director and travels all over the world training MST customers on side scan sonar & underwater imaging. MST specializes in manufacturing Side Scan Sonar Systems for Police, Fire, & Military Agencies.
In 2015 he was asked to appear on the History Channel since then he has made almost 20 television appearances as a Marine Search and Survey Expert. Some of the shows consist of:
Hunting Hitler, JFK Declassified Tracking Oswald, Buried Knights Templar, Legends of the Deep with Celine & Fabien Cousteau, Expedition Unknown with Josh Gates & Drain The Oceans



The 1st Annual Shipwreck Salvage Symposium is in less than 2 weeks. The speaker roster is almost full.

What I do have available...and I am embarrassed that I have not gotten this publicized, is table space for companies that wish to come and promote their good or services. I have enough room for 8 booth spaces. If you have a business that is involved in the salvage diving industry or hobby that you would like to promote, please contact me directly (and soon). If you know of someone or some company should be there, please reach out to them and have them contact me.

I am trying to make this the most useful event of it's kind, but I have to ask for your help on this one...I just have not been able to find the time to do this properly. Please share.

Thanks! See you at the Lagoon House on March 14 and 15th.


What time does it start?

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Changes in the line up....
Regan Lipinski and Lee Spence are unable to attend, but we have Carl FISMER speaking on Saturday afternoon!

With over 30 years of treasure search and salvage experience, Captain Carl Fismer is one of the most respected and knowledgeable diving professionals in the world. Carl has worked with some of the leaders in treasure hunting. Carl has worked over 30 years with respected Treasure Historian Jack Haskins and worked with Mel Fisher on the Atocha. His area of expertise is shipwrecks... especially Spanish shipwrecks. During his career, he has worked over 300 shipwrecks in the United States, Bahamas, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, the Indian Ocean and Central and South America. He has recovered millions of dollars in Spanish gold, silver, jewels and other artifacts. "Fizz”, as he is known to friends, directed part of the salvage diving of the Santa Margarita, sister ship to the Nuestra Senora de Atocha which was discovered by Mel Fisher. Then in 1986, he led an expedition to the Silver Shoals in the Dominican Republic, and there located the famed galleon, Concepcion which sank during a hurricane in 1641. In 1992, he traveled to Sri Lanka and dived with Sir Arthur C. Clarke of 2001: A Space Odyssey fame, in association with the Great Basses Reef Treasures. In May, 2010, Captain Fismer was awarded the Mel Fisher Lifetime Achievement Award for perseverance in following his quest for life, his motivation of mankind in the search for knowledge, discovery and the ambitions of the human spirit and the ability to achieve in life what others might only dare to dream.


The King of the 1715 Fleet for the last few years, Jonah Martinez will be our speaker on 3 PM on Sunday afternoon. Jonah will also have a display table with some of his epic beach and underwater finds.
Here is Jonah's autobio:
Jonah Martinez. Age 43.
"I live on the treasure coast of Florida. I grew up on a sailboat and was adventurous from a young age always interested in exploring. I was fascinated with finding lost things.

At the age of 11, I was dive certified and spent everyday in the water. My brother and I would dive and explore islands wherever we stopped.
At the age of 14-15 we happened to stop into Mel Fishers Museum in Key West and knew what I wanted to do. All I had to do was figure out what was needed and how to do it.
When my parents finally decided to make land fall, they purchased a home in Palm City FL. There I worked as a welder- fabricator designing and building custom cars until age 18. In 1996, I was reintroduced to treasure hunting and started my first job as a treasure diver aboard the salvage boat Endeavor. I met John Brandon and learned all about real life treasure hunting. I worked as a deck hand learning the ropes and recovering real 1715 Spanish treasures. It was during that summer that made me strive and reinforce my passion of treasure diving. I knew I wanted to do this forever.
I continued to work on the 1715 fleet for many summers and started working winters in Key West. I worked on the Atocha and Margarita wrecks, as well as some odd jobs in order to pay the bills. I ended up starting my own metal fabrication shop and working on cars.
After some hard summers, I decided to just hunt the beaches after storms and land sites. I still loved finding things and couldn’t get my first 6-7 years of treasure hunting out of my head.
Life goes on, got married and had children. When one day my wife said I should take the summer off and go back to the water and hunt treasure again, but this time get more serious about it. In 2010, I contacted some old friends and asked if they had room on there boat for me. Again I was sucked back in, but this time I knew it was going to be different. Working a few seasons finding treasures in new areas, I saw my experiences and drive changing how we hunt for treasure.
In 2012, I worked aboard the Goldhound with a great group of hunters. We found some great treasure and learned more about water dynamics and movements, al the while building on my previous experiences with hunting and creating the best scenario for finding treasure.
In 2013, It was my first season aboard the Capitana. We decided to change our blowers and the way we actually excavated the area. This combined with a excellent group of metal detectorists, we found some winning combinations. We have uncovered a lot of unbelievable treasure up and down our coastline. In my 24 years of treasure hunting experience, I’ve been a part of recovering between $13-$15 million dollars worth of artifacts and treasure along with piles of modern finds. Every year we don’t know what is going to be put in our way, But look forward to the challenge and beating the odds. In my opinion, that’s what it takes to find treasure. Taking different strengths and prior experiences to make ideal hunting conditions to find treasure.
I still work on cars and love metal fabrication. I strive to “out think” the problem and of course treasure hunting. I believe the key is the delicate balancing act between family, work, passion, and treasure hunting. I look forward to sharing my stories and adventures with you while Influencing the next generation of kids and treasure hunters."



Robert Westrick will be our lead speaker for the Saturday program. Rob has written seven books on shipwreck salvage archaeology as well as having done hands-on work on both the 1715 and 1733 Fleets among others.
Here is Rob's bio:
Robert Westrick holds a Master’s degree in Maritime History & Nautical Archaeology from East Carolina University. He is a
registered professional archaeologist. Mr. Westrick has worked on numerous shipwreck projects over the past 18 years, ranging from remote sensing surveys to complete excavation and mapping investigations. In 1997 he secured the necessary permits from the United States Navy, obtained funding from the Institute for International Maritime Research, and completed the first archaeological survey of the U.S.S. Peterhoff, a Civil War steamship lost off the coast of North Carolina. The Peterhoff was the first shipwreck ever to be placed on the National Register of Historic Places, despite that distinction, no prior detailed archaeological survey had ever been conducted on the site. In addition to his work on various Civil War shipwrecks in North Carolina and Virginia, Westrick has worked on projects ranging from 17th century Spanish merchant ships off of Bermuda to 19th century schooners in Lake Erie.

Herman Moro will not be able to join us for this weekend's symposium, so Tom Gidus has graciously stepped up to fill his slot. (Herman will be joining us for next year's event!)
Here is a little bit about Tom:
Thomas Gidus is a native Floridian who has been salvaging shipwrecks for 30 years. He is an avocational archaeologist & historian and is registered with the National Archives as an independent maritime researcher.
Beginning with the salvage of the 1715 fleet shipwrecks in 1991, Gidus went on to work the San Martin (1618), the Juno Beach Wreck (circa 1590), the Jupiter Wreck (1659), the Victor (1872) and dozens of other wrecks in Florida & North Carolina. In the late 1990s Gidus spent several years investigating two exploration leases off Vero Beach held by Historical Research & Development, Inc. where he prepared their year end archaeological reports to the State of Florida. and securex two documentaries for HRD during this time.
In 2008, Gidus was part of an expedition that discovered an early 19th century shipwreck on Frying Pan Shoals.
Besides multiple projects with his own companies, Wreckovery Salvage & Gold Coast Explorations, LLC, Gidus has also worked in various capacities for HRD, Inc, Mo Divers, Historical Maritime Surveying, Inc., Aquatic Research & Recovery Group Inc., Coastal Marine Salvage, Florida Research & Recovery Group, Inc., Seafarers Inc., Tulco Inc., Jupiter Coins Inc., and Caribbean Treasure Salvors Inc.
Gidus has worked a number of historic terrestrial sites as well, including an 1838 Seminole Indian War battlefield through an invitation from the National Park Service, two Ais Indian middens in Brevard Co. under the direction of archaeologist Alan Brech, several 18th century shipwreck salvage camps, a 19th century abandoned railroad in Winter Park, FL., and 19th century railroad, ghost town & pioneer homestead sites in Palm Beach County.
Thomas Gidus is currently back working the 1715 fleet shipwreck sites with Caribbean Treasure Salvors Inc.
Come on over to Palm Bay this Saturday and Sunday!


Due to some unforeseen last minute cancellations we will be consolidating the Saturday evening session with the Saturday session by adding a Round Table/Q & A session from 4 PM to approximately 5:15 PM.
Saturday 3/14/2020:
Taffi and Carl Fismer will be unable to attend.

9 AM - Opening remarks- Bill Black
9:10 AM- Dr. Leesa Souto - Marine Resources Council
9:30 AM- Robert Westrick- Marine Archaeologist
10:40 AM- Alex Mirabal- Historic Shipwrecks of the World
12-1 PM Lunch break
1:00 PM- Thomas Gidus - Professional Historic Shipwreck Salvor
2:00 PM- John Kendall
3:00 PM- Maj Mike Brown - “Sharing the Adventure”
4:00 PM - 5:15 PM Round Table discussion and Q &A

Sunday 3/15/2020:
9:00 AM - Opening remarks - Bill Black
9:10 AM - Dr. Leesa Souto - Marine Resources Council
9:30 AM - Terry Armstrong - Signum Ops
10:30 AM - John Kendall - Photogrammetry and the Mars Wreck
12-1 PM - Lunch
1:00 PM - Jason Nowell - Marine Survey Techniques
2:00 PM - Guy Zajonc Marine Induced Polarization -Technology for New Discoveries
3:00 PM - Jonah Martinez
*Roster as of 3/13/2020 (Subject to revision without notice)

How'd it go, Bill?

Thanks for asking, Darren.
The first day of the Symposium was great...Rob Westrick, Alex Mirabal, Tom Gidus and Mike Brown did a great job. Leesa Souto, the Executive Director of the Marine Resources Council had a great presentation on the health and welfare of the Indian River Lagoon as an opening. (It's their facility that I rented and a great cause) We did a couple of Q&A/open discussion sessions due to last minute cancellations by speakers, but everyone I talked to was very happy with the program.
The only thing I have been disappointed in would be the lack of attendance and interest from the general TH community, but that is not surprising, just disappointing.
Fortunately, since we had a couple of generous donations, the Symposium will just break even and live to see a 2nd Annual Symposium next year.
Today we will start with Terry Armstrong and John Kendall in the morning, with presentations on mapping and photogrammetry, followed by Guy Zajonc (Marine Induced Polarization) and Jonah Martinez ( Life as a Treasure Hunter).
Tickets are available at the door.

For all the effort that Bill put into making this event ,I was disappointed at the lack of local participation in this event. If you want to keep your industry from being taken over by bureaucrats, events like this offer you the opportunity to network and plan strategy to circumvent Government. I am also surprised at attendees lack of awareness of Search Inc and James Delgado's $94 million funding to almost eliminate private treasure hunting as I see it. Hopefully the litigation against the Florida government by Bobby Pritchett(sp?) and Intersal's litigation will get the attention of Governments and make them realize the treasure hunting industry will not go down without a fight.
Jack Dyer

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