1874-cc "variety 5" Seated Dime, Real or Fake?

"Proof" it's fake...According to this article..:laughing7:

Liberty Seated Dimes Varieties 1837-1891 - 1874cc_101page

What I believe to be the "rim seam" of the two coins...There is a section that looks like the gap wasn't filled well. :dontknow:

rim seam 001.JPG

I'll try to find a link that explains how this is done. One coin is machined, then another is machined, and they are slipped together pressed or soldered. This is just what I think is going on here...:laughing7: But who knows! Just fun to try to figure out..

Any other ideas from anyone? I'm having fun with this thing now...And want to look into all possibilities...Or how to rule things out..

Added....I'm having a tough time finding an explanation of this online, Maybe from not remembering the term...

Anyhow, What is done....

One coin is machined out, leaving the rim. making a hollow type cavity or cup in a way. Then another coin is taken, and the rim is cut off on a lathe, and the coin is shaved or "thinned" to fit in the hollow part of the first coin. This is usually done with two not so rare coins to combine them to make a rare looking coin or add a mint mark, but has been done on coins that had very bad damage to one side. The rim is usually the indicator of this. There are a couple of ways and methods this is done.The smooth inner rim is a little harder to detect at times, on this time that couldn't be done because of the inner detail(?), But that is the basic idea...I would think there would be more information online about this to warn people? Maybe I'm just bad at finding it..

And there are some very good "hole fillers" out there...Guys can take a coin with a hole and repair it. I've seen all skill levels of this, but some guys are VERY good! And most people would never know.

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One explanation of the uneven wear and the "flats" on the edge, could be it was mounted in a pendant bezel. Over the years it would have worn more on the reverse if it was against someone's neck or chest. If the coin was slightly loose in the bezel, it could have caused the edge wear. Maybe submit the coin to PCGS for their professional opinion.

One explanation of the uneven wear and the "flats" on the edge, could be it was mounted in a pendant bezel. Over the years it would have worn more on the reverse if it was against someone's neck or chest. If the coin was slightly loose in the bezel, it could have caused the edge wear. Maybe submit the coin to PCGS for their professional opinion.

I can't find a trace of the die cracks that are known to all 74 cc seated dimes. I'm still looking HARD just in case!:laughing7: I would love to find out I'm wrong or the guys before me were wrong on this. But I doubt it! That would be an awesome surprise!!:laughing7: I keep trying to tell my self, "well? maybe it is real"! :laughing7: Jkg, I'm convinced it isn't...
The bezel idea would make sense though! Maybe.........Wouldn't that be something! Geeeez That would cure a lot of problems right now! I was just comparing pics online and I can't believe what they are asking for these now!!! I made a comment earlier in the thread not knowing the the actual value of a real one..I was guessing a couple grand, just found out I was wrong there. :laughing7:

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Counterfeits have never been a particular problem in this short-lived series. The only well-known counterfeits are of the very rare 1874-CC. These pieces are easily detectable by most collectors and dealers, as the die characteristics are well known for this rare, high-profile date. An interesting fact for authentication purposes is that early Carson City dimes have only 89 reeds on the edge, while their Philadelphia counterparts have 113, making it impossible to manufacture a convincing counterfeit Carson City dime from a Philadelphia coin simply by adding the mintmark.

taken from here..

If the reeds don't match? 113 in this case....There is no other "Factual proof" needed... That just means it's a 1874 dime with a CC or CC back added.? or whatever....:laughing7:

Hey! The holder even snapped back together! Too bad I put it in upside down!:laughing7:

"Factual Proof" enough Jerseyben!:laughing7: Like I mentioned early in the thread...The reed count was wrong!!!:laughing7:

It's fake!!

Well that was fun and refreshed a lot of things that i didn't remember!

On to the next one....:laughing7:

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Sorry that I did not respond to your PM about this coin! I was out hunting Ginseng all day, found only 6 plants and dug 2 that were legal to dig and then I crashed and burned (took a nap) when I got home.

I agree with you that the coin is a fake made from using a Carson City Reverse and an 1874-P Obverse. Most often, these types of fakes are made just like a Magician's coin. However, some folks with skill, have been known to slice one coin (let's say the 1874-P Liberty Seated Obverse donor) in half in respect to thickness, then slice another coin (let's say the Carson City Liberty Seated Dime Reverse donor) in half or thereabouts. They had to make precise measurements for cutting due to width of the cutting saw blade as well as soldering the two donor pieces together. If the seams on either type are hard to tell by only using a Gem Loupe, then the drop on a hard surface to hear the tell-tale Silver ring is a dead giveaway for these fakes because there is no clear ring and the sound is more like dropping a Penny/Cent on the same hard surface. This method beats trying to count the Reeds and going blind doing so!:BangHead:


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Sorry that I did not respond to your PM about this coin! I was out hunting Ginseng all day, found only 6 plants and dug 2 that were legal to dig and then I crashed and burned (took a nap) when I got home.

I agree with you that the coin is a fake made from using a Carson City Reverse and an 1874-P Obverse. Most often, these types of fakes are made just like a Magician's coin. However, some folks with skill, have been known to slice one coin (let's say the 1874-P Liberty Seated Obverse donor) in half in respect to thickness, then slice another coin (let's say the Carson City Liberty Seated Dime Reverse donor) in half or thereabouts. They had to make precise measurements for cutting due to width of the cutting saw blade as well as soldering the two donor pieces together. If the seams on either type are hard to tell by only using a Gem Loupe, then the drop on a hard surface to hear the tell-tale Silver ring is a dead giveaway for these fakes because there is no clear ring and the sound is more like dropping a Penny/Cent on the same hard surface. This method beats trying to count the Reeds and going blind doing so!:BangHead:


Thank you! Again!

I think this is made like a magician coin. It is really hard to get a pic. But looking around the reverse rim, it looks worked.

I'm glad you explained the other way too..I do kind of remember hearing something like that now that you mention it. I've never seen one of those yet. Or at least that I know of or remember.

Glad your finding ginseng!! I haven't gotten my pics together yet. I took about 30, and want to try to look through and get it down to just a couple.:laughing7:
I'm almost ready to have someone drop me off with a backpack! I'll camp and look for a few days! I can't believe the trash they threw along just one trail. That ticks me off...I don't even care if people ride horses, walk or 4 wheeler, but the trash or ruining trees kind of gets me boiled!:censored: I don't even throw my cig butts on the ground of my own land! I don't want their trash! I would like to camp and watch to see what goes on though....I was looking for trail cams but we didn't see any, we weren't there that long though and just walked to one ravine then back out to the car.

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