1871 GOLD 1/4 Dollar


Hero Member
Apr 14, 2007
Reaction score
Golden Thread
East Greenbush NY
Detector(s) used
Spectrum XLT/Troy Shadow X2/Ace 250
I found this recently....My best find so far hands down...






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I've never seen or even heard of one of those. awsome find!!!!

Great find, Congratulations!! :thumbsup:

Nice finds WTG!!!!!

That is definatly the most coolest gold coin I have seen to date! Very nice job on finding that beauty! You must be very pleased! ;D

Very cool, indeed. I thing you should change your screen name from "outraged" to "elated" I Congrats and here's to many more !!


Great find, but I can't believe no one yet has said to get that coin checked out for value. Octagon shaped gold coins are unique and even with the hole in it, it may have some great value depending on the rarety. I looked around for a half hour and could not find one exactly like yours. I found an octagon shaped one, but it had a circle within it. I would get it checked out. Nice! I love the cross too!

Your Friend,

Steve in Michigan

I am surprised no one has pointed this out before, but that is not a real gold coin. It's a fake coin token, and relatively modern at that. There were no gold coins ever made like this. Search for "California Gold Token" and you will find whole websites devoted to these tokens. They are usually just gold-plated.


Looking at that coin, it don't look gold plated. Also, that cross that its attached too looks very old as well. The best thing would be to go get it checked out. Let us know how it turns out!

Your Friend,

Steve in Michigan

Alnitak said:
I am surprised no one has pointed this out before, but that is not a real gold coin. It's a fake coin token, and relatively modern at that. There were no gold coins ever made like this. Search for "California Gold Token" and you will find whole websites devoted to these tokens. They are usually just gold-plated.


Nope...it's real.

romeo-1 said:
Alnitak said:
I am surprised no one has pointed this out before, but that is not a real gold coin. It's a fake coin token, and relatively modern at that. There were no gold coins ever made like this. Search for "California Gold Token" and you will find whole websites devoted to these tokens. They are usually just gold-plated.


Nope...it's real.

OK, let me be more clear. There is a *very* slim chance this is a real California fractional gold coin, and not a replica/token. The real California gold fractional coins are very rare. As for the replicas/tokens, they are actually very common and are often found by people. In fact, here is a thread right here on TNet from someone who found one of these replicas:


There are *some* of these replicas that are made of gold for the jewelry trade, but the bulk of them are not and are gold-plated brass. If you want to learn a little more about them, just use Google. For example, here is a whole site dedicated to collecting them:


And some similar ones here:


Given the relative common nature of the replicas and the extreme rarity of real coins, I would be highly skeptical that this is a real coin; however, the finder should get it tested to make sure it is not, as if it is a real California fractional gold coin, it would be worth a lot of money.


The Cross is Truly a Treasure. The coin is a just a bonus!!!! Great Find!!

Cape Coral, FL :icon_sunny:

I've owned several California gold fractional coins through the years and this one looks to be legit to me. That said I don't know the current value trends of these pieces but completed ebay auctions would actually be a good indicator,however, be aware there are several fakes listed at any given time (some are honest, some are not). Congrats on the great find! :thumbsup:

Great find!!! :thumbsup:

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