1840-1860 era Antique Photo Portrait- Restoration COMPLETE! - 6 March

Re: 1840-1860 era Antique Photo Portrait- Restortation COMPLETE! - 6 March

Captn_SE said:
I always use non-iodized salt and lemon juice as the electrolyte for electrolysis of my silver. Have you found your 3-1 water/ammonia solution more effective or about the same?

Congrats again,


I wanted to try an match what the Conservators did to restore the Dag's on the Princeton University website and they did what they called "Electrocleaning" using Distilled Water and Ammonium Hydroxide. Of course they never gave the ratio amounts, so that was just a gamble on my part, educated gamble though, since the 3 to 1 was basically what I used on the soak to get rid of the copper corrosion.

As far as using what we consider the standard electrolyte for doing coins, iron, etc, well, I sure would not have even thought of it, especially since a large portion of what I had to restore was copper and the thin plating was the silver and some mercury.

I believe salt might have been a disaster, with the copper and silver both being on the same plate, but not sure, anyway, I just tried to do as the conservator did with the Princeton Dags...... :)


Re: 1840-1860 era Antique Photo Portrait- Restoration COMPLETE! - 6 March

This post deserves to be back up top! Keep the passion high, buddy bud budster! ;) :D


Re: 1840-1860 era Antique Photo Portrait- Restoration COMPLETE! - 6 March

Awesome job Don, very nice! HH, Mike

Re: 1840-1860 era Antique Photo Portrait- Restoration COMPLETE! - 6 March

Nice work. That power supply is a bit scary. LOL
Normal method is a variable supply, and most likely pin point electrolysis.

Very useful experiment and information with great results.

Re: 1840-1860 era Antique Photo Portrait- Restoration COMPLETE! - 6 March

this has been the most interesting post i have seen in awhile, i can't wait to check on the status of the next step as you go along!!Great job , please keep us informed as you go! BANNER FOR SURE ;D

Re: 1840-1860 era Antique Photo Portrait- Restoration COMPLETE! - 6 March

I'm also new to this site, and I must stand squarely in the same corner as Metalfinder.
I'm awaiting delivery on my first MD,next week.
Don, you are a true inspiration to someone just entering this field.
I commend you on a job well done. ;)


Re: 1840-1860 era Antique Photo Portrait- Restoration COMPLETE! - 6 March

I am researching on this rainy day in South Jersey some possible surnames for the individual, using land record names that I have found. I am trying to determine an age so I can sort of line up possiblities based on when they were born, matching the age of the man in the photo.

Assuming the photo is from 1855-1860 range, I believe the individual should have been born in the late 1820's to no later than 1840, with early to mid 1830's being the prime target dates. My primary guess is that he is in his early 20's?

Any thoughts on this age estimate?


Re: 1840-1860 era Antique Photo Portrait- Restoration COMPLETE! - 6 March

Life expetancy at that time was 38 - 40 years old.

Re: 1840-1860 era Antique Photo Portrait- Restoration COMPLETE! - 6 March

Don, that's a great find and a great job restoring the photo yourself. I swore I replied to your post originally and went through over 150 replies to it to make sure, and I found I didn't put in my 2 cents worth..so here it is..this is, in my opinion, the most interesting post I've ever seen here on TNet since I've been a part of it. A wonderful find Don, and when you've enjoyed a post and learned something besides, that makes it all the more worthwhile to see.

Thanks for taking the time to educate all of us and share in your discovery.


Re: 1840-1860 era Antique Photo Portrait- Restoration COMPLETE! - 6 March

That's pretty amazing but did you have to use a mercury dime? :o LOL.

I am just wondering now if there is any chance using a silver dime in that method could put a date back on a coin where the date was worn off. I seriously doubt it but wouldn't it be great. I bet there are a lot of dateless Type I Standing Liberty quarters this would be tried on.



Re: 1840-1860 era Antique Photo Portrait- Restoration COMPLETE! - 6 March

Umm great results there Don, you have taken chances and won.... that is what it is about.... I think that maybe I have found your man today?


God bless

Re: 1840-1860 era Antique Photo Portrait- Restoration COMPLETE! - 6 March

That's just - You did one incredible, fantastic job of restoration on that picture. It's just fabulous.

I'm so glad you shared the adventure with the rest of TNet! It was like seeing this fellow rise from the past and stand in front of us, clear eyed. Wow.


Re: 1840-1860 era Antique Photo Portrait- Restoration COMPLETE! - 6 March

Don in SJ said:
I am researching on this rainy day in South Jersey some possible surnames for the individual, using land record names that I have found. I am trying to determine an age so I can sort of line up possiblities based on when they were born, matching the age of the man in the photo.

Assuming the photo is from 1855-1860 range, I believe the individual should have been born in the late 1820's to no later than 1840, with early to mid 1830's being the prime target dates. My primary guess is that he is in his early 20's?

Any thoughts on this age estimate?


I'd probably say early to mid-20s, maybe.

Once you find names for the property, you could possibly check for marriages at that property (newspaper, census) as he's really dressed nicely. He's even got his starched collar on, and a black tie. Unless he only dressed up for the picture itself.

Best to you, if anybody can find out who, it's probably you!


Re: 1840-1860 era Antique Photo Portrait- Restoration COMPLETE! - 6 March

You photo is really improving. Nice find.

Ray S


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Re: 1840-1860 era Antique Photo Portrait- Restoration COMPLETE! - 6 March

good luck on the search, your local historic society might have records of traveling photographers that came through the area. We have some old family photos from probably the 1870's-80's that were taken by one, and apparently he did quite a bit of work in the area. Of course it was in a rural area in the middle of Illinois, and his presence made the local paper back then. I think he charged something like 25 cents a photo? I can't remember right off.

It's strange to think of what a big deal it was then to have your picture taken, people would put on their sunday best, and hold a pose for quite a long time to get it done. I've seen the photographers stands that they used to keep peoples heads from moving and blurring the image, and it looks like an uncomfortable prospect to say the least. At any rate you have a very nice image of someone who probably spent all morning getting dressed up and who probably spent a good chunk of his wages to have it done. I hope you can put a name to him.

Re: 1840-1860 era Antique Photo Portrait- Restoration COMPLETE! - 6 March

Don ... congratulations on a unique find, a great restoration, and a well deserved spot on the banner ~ Jimmy

Re: 1840-1860 era Antique Photo Portrait- Restoration COMPLETE! - 6 March

:) :) :)CONGRATS ON MAKING THE BANNER!!!! :) :) :)

This post has grabbed my attention and I can't wait to see how it all ends.
Nice work so far. Your doing a great job. Keep it up


Re: 1840-1860 era Antique Photo Portrait- Restoration COMPLETE! - 6 March

Is it my imagination or is there some writing or printing at about 8 o'clock?


- joe

Re: 1840-1860 era Antique Photo Portrait- Restoration COMPLETE! - 6 March

I went back this morning to the area where I found the old photo and took a couple pictures of the site, I again checked very thoroughly and no other diggable readings, just like the previous trips. The only artifact to come from this area was the photo!. Lots of iron hits but nothing that could be dug. I proceeded on further down the road after taking these photos to a known homestead and got a couple of relics, which I will post later, I might need help in IDing both of them. Hint, one is a heart with and eagle with shield on it, but still researching before I post later. :)



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Re: 1840-1860 era Antique Photo Portrait- Restoration COMPLETE! - 6 March

DON, thats friggin' fantastic. Great work. ...........Rich

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