Hero Member
This weekends neg low tides got me out with the little one strapped to my back!! Went to Eastern Mountain Sports last week and dropped 200$ on a baby backpack (Deuter)! If I want to detect I'll have to bring the 4 1/2 month old, so I did and I'm soooo glad!!! Any way went to an old beach with history, I've found old coins there before! This time I checked an area that was considered empty of targets. After walking about 1/2 mile with nothing but a few junk tics I thought well maybe I should head back to where I have found some great stuff in the past. Starting back I almost turned off the Excal and jogged the 1/2 mile or so to the opposite side of the beach! That little voice in my head said keep it on and just walk faster! About 5 Min's later I get a low tone hit!! Hurray something to dig up! It's a lead bullet, 2 ft on and I dig another bullet! Again about 12 ft away I get a low tone' so I start digging and while I'm digging my Excal starts sounding off! Up pops my 3rd bullet! This is a wast of time I'm not going to dig my 4th bullet! As I move the coil it hits again on the low tone o'brother I'll #$!* dig it, First Scoop nothing yep still in the hole, signal still the same so I sank the scoop in deep pull it out and empty it. Kaboom!! Sitting on top of the sand starring back at me was this beautiful Golden Lady Liberty!!!!! I was stunned looked at her for about 30 secs. then fell to my knees and placed my face next to it for about 1 min totally in awe!!! Carefully put it safely away and started digging..... thinking if there's one then..... well you know I went crazy for an hour and found more bullets! I hammered that area twice before heading home and all the time on cloud nine!!! Bumped into a friend in the parking lot asked how I did! I could'nt talk just showed him with a shaking hand. All I heard was OMG! No way! OMG! No way!! OMG!!! New member of the only club I wanted to join!!!!
P.s. My buddy asked if it was a fake and is this a joke!!!!

P.s. My buddy asked if it was a fake and is this a joke!!!!
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