1787 Fugio Cent - The First United States Coin


Full Member
Oct 5, 2007
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Golden Thread
New Hampshire
Detector(s) used
Fisher F2
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Only been detecting for a couple months. This is my best find.

Found December 28, 2007 approx 8 p.m. (east coast time) in a beautiful old church yard on a cool misty calm night.

I'm addicted for life!


A few notes: Fugio here means "time flies" so you should "mind your business" which is stated elsewhere on the coin. The 13 rings represent the 13 original colonies and says "we are one" in the middle. This was the idea of Benjamin Franklin who is often credited with the design of the coin or at least much input from him.


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Thats incredible............you had no choice but to be bitten by the bug...... :thumbsup:


Dugholes :laughing7:

First of all, great find. I was not aware of such a coin. I think Ben Franklin was one of those born hundreds of years before his time with the knowlege given by God to advance mankind. Ie, Galileo, Michaleangelo, Jules Verne, Einstein, and others It is true that Latin is a dead language and you are close but tempus fugit means time flies, fugio correctly translated means I fly or more correctly I flee (away from something) and the mind your own business means just that. I am not being critical but just thorough. Thanks for not chastising an old person who still thinks Latin is a wonderful language responsible for most of our English language.

good job i hope you enjoy that

The Bulgarian said:

Very neat.....But I couldn't tell it was a "Deaths Head with Crossbones" until I went to Reply....than you can really see it. Cool

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