🥇 BANNER 1783 King George III "GEORGIVS" backwards "S" UPDATE ID 25-83A OMG!


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Mar 13, 2008
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Pittsfield Ma.
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1783 King George III "GEORGIVS" backwards "S" UPDATE ID 25-83A OMG!

Went exploring for new spots on Sunday with my brother-in law, DigginitRTB. You would never know this place was there, only 20-30 yds. off the main trail we walk on. We found a stone wall running approx. 100 yds. long along the side of the main trail and thought it was part of a close by foundation. Thought we would check it out anyway and Rich said he thought he found what was a cellar hole. Called me over and sure enough it was. Found a nice button, a trigger guard to an old musket, and this King George III 1783 copper. Couple things are different on this one. The "S" in GEORGIVS is backwards,(almost looks like a "2"), the 3 in the date is slightly seperated from the rest of the date, and the dot after "REX" is below the bust. The shirt or breast of King George is also different from the dies I've looked at. More or less looks like a series of 6 crescent moons. sorry the scans don't look that good but there is alot of detail left on this coin. Also, the back shield is tipped more than the other die varieties I've looked at. :icon_scratch: Can someone help with ID on this one? :icon_study: Thanks HOGGE Saw 2 other posts from Sunday with King George coppers. Musta been the day for these! UPDATE: In recent days this coin has been positively ID'd as a CFT 25-83A one of ONLY 3,(mine being the third), known to exist. I would first like to thank Iron Patch, and Don in SJ, for without their time and help this would NOT have been possible.This site is AWESOME! And would also like to acknowledge the help of PBK and Jeff of PA with the help on my British Belt Tip. Through Don's knowledge and contacts in the Colonial Collectors world, a DEFINITE, POSITIVE, ID on this coin was possible. Byron Weston of PSU, and Gary Trudgen of "The Colonial Coin Collectors Club" have ID'd this coin and want to do a write up for the C4 Newsletter and Colonial Newsletter on this discovery. I WILL be attending the C4 Convention in Boston the week of Nov. 14-17 with the Ryder 7 Vermont, the British Cartridge Box Belt Tip, the 25-83A, and other CFT coppers found this yr. Tony Carlotto will be contacted to take some better pics and do weight and measurements for them for the newsletter. From what these guys are telling me, over the past couple of days with numerous EMails, the example I have is in better condition than the second known example. They want to compare weight, diameter, and die rotation to the other examples. This whole run of LUCK I've had in the last month has been like a dream. There are several people these guys want me to see, and talk to when I attend the C4. I can't wait! THIS COIN IS IN BETTER CONDITION THAN THE SCAN SHOWS! I HATE MY SCANNER! Anyways, Good Luck to all, and many Thanks to ALL who helped me!


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Re: 1783 King George III "GEORGIVS" backwards "S" UPDATE ID 25-83A OMG!

1235CE said:
Well, if it wasn't the economy then it wasn't a desired coin?........ :icon_scratch:


Desired coin but only by a few, and way more factors you're not taking into account. I'm sure if you talk to any expert they will tell you the last going for near 11K was extremely high for that coin. The price on this one is simply back to what should be expected.

Also keep in mind it's a dug coin. Imagine what a high grade non dug would get.

Re: 1783 King George III "GEORGIVS" backwards "S" UPDATE ID 25-83A OMG!

1235CE said:
Well, if it wasn't the economy then it wasn't a desired coin?........ :icon_scratch:

Definitely want to sell the Vermont and the Belt Tip (in time). No need to have and show or display these items , just to have some jacka$$ come in and steal them. I will build a display case(s) and display some of my finds. ALL my big $$$$ finds will definitely be sold if I find buyers for them. I LIKE CASH! Got into this hobby to see if I can make some $. Finally, it seems to be panning out. We took a chance taking it to auction, but we both, DigginitRTB and myself, thought it was the way to go. Now I think private sale is the way to go. Could have gotten alot more if we went this route. "A bird in the hand......". Lesson learned. I can say 1 thing with all confidence, these aren't the last big $ relics and coins I will find! :wink: :thumbsup: Hogge P.S. You guys should check out the cross belt buckle found in "what is it?"

Re: 1783 King George III "GEORGIVS" backwards "S" UPDATE ID 25-83A OMG!

Iron Patch said:
1235CE said:
Well, if it wasn't the economy then it wasn't a desired coin?........ :icon_scratch:


Desired coin but only by a few, and way more factors you're not taking into account. I'm sure if you talk to any expert they will tell you the last going for near 11K was extremely high for that coin. The price on this one is simply back to what should be expected.

Also keep in mind it's a dug coin. Imagine what a high grade non dug would get.
ABSOLUTELY! And I knew this going in.....That 11,000 was Mike Ringos' coin. Sentimental and now instead of 2 there are at least 3. Hence value goes down. I'm happy but not completely estatic. GREAT price for a dug copper!

Re: 1783 King George III "GEORGIVS" backwards "S" UPDATE ID 25-83A OMG!

Don't get me wrong Hogge, I like cash too but coins/relics only gain value over time and I would much rather leave a nice collection to my children than pay an oil bill or make a car payment now...that was the point I was trying to make and everyone is different........you can't leave a note to your heirs that says "this is what I was passionate about in my life and while I'd like to leave the fruits of my labor to you I decided to pay some bills"........and again, if you need to pay bills this way, that's awesome, pretty much free money, but remember, chances are nobody's gonna steal your stuff and once you sell something that you worked soooooo hard to find it's gone to you and your family forever.........that great new coin/relic is not always just around the corner.


Re: 1783 King George III "GEORGIVS" backwards "S" UPDATE ID 25-83A OMG!

1235CE said:
Don't get me wrong Hogge, I like cash too but coins/relics only gain value over time and I would much rather leave a nice collection to my children than pay an oil bill or make a car payment now...that was the point I was trying to make and everyone is different........you can't leave a note to your heirs that says "this is what I was passionate about in my life and while I'd like to leave the fruits of my labor to you I decided to pay some bills"........and again, if you need to pay bills this way, that's awesome, pretty much free money, but remember, chances are nobody's gonna steal your stuff and once you sell something that you worked soooooo hard to find it's gone to you and your family forever.........that great new coin/relic is not always just around the corner.


Collecting is good but sometimes not the best investment.

I once sold a button for $750, more were found and 5 years later it was sold again... for $75!

Re: 1783 King George III "GEORGIVS" backwards "S" UPDATE ID 25-83A OMG!

wtg , sweet finds :thumbsup:

Re: 1783 King George III "GEORGIVS" backwards "S" UPDATE ID 25-83A OMG!

hogge said:
1235CE said:
Well, if it wasn't the economy then it wasn't a desired coin?........ :icon_scratch:

Definitely want to sell the Vermont and the Belt Tip (in time). No need to have and show or display these items , just to have some jacka$$ come in and steal them. I will build a display case(s) and display some of my finds. ALL my big $$$$ finds will definitely be sold if I find buyers for them. I LIKE CASH! Got into this hobby to see if I can make some $. Finally, it seems to be panning out. We took a chance taking it to auction, but we both, DigginitRTB and myself, thought it was the way to go. Now I think private sale is the way to go. Could have gotten alot more if we went this route. "A bird in the hand......". Lesson learned. I can say 1 thing with all confidence, these aren't the last big $ relics and coins I will find! :wink: :thumbsup: Hogge P.S. You guys should check out the cross belt buckle found in "what is it?"

Seen the plate but without any real historical connection it's not really a huge find, as it would be being a Rev War plate. I'd still take it though as I've probably dug a few hundred military buttons but only two plates.

Re: 1783 King George III "GEORGIVS" backwards "S" UPDATE ID 25-83A OMG!

1235CE said:
Don't get me wrong Hogge, I like cash too but coins/relics only gain value over time and I would much rather leave a nice collection to my children than pay an oil bill or make a car payment now...that was the point I was trying to make and everyone is different........you can't leave a note to your heirs that says "this is what I was passionate about in my life and while I'd like to leave the fruits of my labor to you I decided to pay some bills"........and again, if you need to pay bills this way, that's awesome, pretty much free money, but remember, chances are nobody's gonna steal your stuff and once you sell something that you worked soooooo hard to find it's gone to you and your family forever.........that great new coin/relic is not always just around the corner.

At this point....My kids will have to fend for themselves.(LOL) I'm a lower middle class family man, with no end in site. 3 girls means 3 weddings. That's just the tip of my iceburg and right now I'm the Capt. on the bridge of the Titanic! :BangHead: I do have great confidence that I WILL find more high dollar relics and coins. We have ALOT of new spots we found,(and will find), to search this year. And don't forget the "old faithfuls" we will hit hard in the spring. You guy's don't think for one minute that these hot spots are tapped out do ya? There may be another belt tip or even the box plate left to be found at that spot. My business is seasonal, so alot of time in the summer to detect. :icon_sunny:

Re: 1783 King George III "GEORGIVS" backwards "S" UPDATE ID 25-83A OMG!

hogge said:
1235CE said:
Don't get me wrong Hogge, I like cash too but coins/relics only gain value over time and I would much rather leave a nice collection to my children than pay an oil bill or make a car payment now...that was the point I was trying to make and everyone is different........you can't leave a note to your heirs that says "this is what I was passionate about in my life and while I'd like to leave the fruits of my labor to you I decided to pay some bills"........and again, if you need to pay bills this way, that's awesome, pretty much free money, but remember, chances are nobody's gonna steal your stuff and once you sell something that you worked soooooo hard to find it's gone to you and your family forever.........that great new coin/relic is not always just around the corner.

At this point....My kids will have to fend for themselves.(LOL) I'm a lower middle class family man, with no end in site. 3 girls means 3 weddings. That's just the tip of my iceburg and right now I'm the Capt. on the bridge of the Titanic! :BangHead: I do have great confidence that I WILL find more high dollar relics and coins. We have ALOT of new spots we found,(and will find), to search this year. And don't forget the "old faithfuls" we will hit hard in the spring. You guy's don't think for one minute that these hot spots are tapped out do ya? There may be another belt tip or even the box plate left to be found at that spot. My business is seasonal, so alot of time in the summer to detect. :icon_sunny:

Don't curse yourself. :D I did very well in the beginning thinking this is pretty easy, but now have reached the point where more years haven't turned up the "money finds" as ones that have. Having said that, they did come at a very good time ... in fact a great time, and even though it wasn't a large amount of money it was the boost that set me on a much better course. Kind of a long story but detecting was (and is) very good to me.

Re: 1783 King George III "GEORGIVS" backwards "S" UPDATE ID 25-83A OMG!

Iron Patch said:
I really don't think the economy has much to do with it compared to other things. There's still plenty of money being spent on the most desired coins.

Agreed, just spoke to a leading UK coin dealer & things haven't been better. When you can only get 2-3% in the banks then why not invest in coins!

Re: 1783 King George III "GEORGIVS" backwards "S" UPDATE ID 25-83A OMG!

hummm seems some folks merely know the worth of silver and gold only and not much else sady , ---geez this thing is rare to the max and worth a mint -- if the gold / silver grubbers had a clue to as to its real worth they'd be impressed * -- oh well those gold or silver only folks can just keep "skipping" over those "junk" copper tones--- ;D :wink: ;D--- Ivan

lets see $ 4,000 is about 5 oz of of .999 gold --(over 1/3rd of a troy pound 13 oz) at $800 per oz ---or 400 oz of silver at $10 per oz. --- geez it was hardly worth digging up . :o

sadly while it didn't fetch as much as hoped for -- fiscally times are tight and $4,000 bucks is $4,000 bucks -- of pure profiet
way to go daddy O.

Re: 1783 King George III "GEORGIVS" backwards "S" UPDATE ID 25-83A OMG!

The 2009 hunting season in ma is going to be very interesting ::)


Re: 1783 King George III "GEORGIVS" backwards "S" UPDATE ID 25-83A OMG!

Hi Hogge, this is fantastic! I'm catching the treasure finding bug from ya. Keep up the good work!


P.S. Good job on my pellet stove too!

Re: 1783 King George III "GEORGIVS" backwards "S" UPDATE ID 25-83A OMG!

Sandsprings said:
Hi Hogge, this is fantastic! I'm catching the treasure finding bug from ya. Keep up the good work!


P.S. Good job on my pellet stove too!

That's ok, the Hogge strain is one of the better forms of the disease, you break out in rare Colonials and GW buttons.

Re: 1783 King George III "GEORGIVS" backwards "S" UPDATE ID 25-83A OMG!

ok i would not know a colonel copper from a house and this is the first time i've seen the post but if all the experts say it's unique then i would have 2 agree CONGRATS

Re: 1783 King George III "GEORGIVS" backwards "S" UPDATE ID 25-83A OMG!

INCREDIBLE!!!What did it end up going for?

Re: 1783 King George III "GEORGIVS" backwards "S" UPDATE ID 25-83A OMG!

Iron Patch said:
Sandsprings said:
Hi Hogge, this is fantastic! I'm catching the treasure finding bug from ya. Keep up the good work!


P.S. Good job on my pellet stove too!

That's ok, the Hogge strain is one of the better forms of the disease, you break out in rare Colonials and GW buttons.
Hahahahahaha! Was wondering how this post came up again. Peter is one of my customers that has been bitten by the "Detecting Bug", after I told him some of the stuff I found. He is a good guy, and I welcome him to T-Net!

Re: 1783 King George III "GEORGIVS" backwards "S" UPDATE ID 25-83A OMG!

kuger said:
INCREDIBLE!!!What did it end up going for?
$3,750.00 I might add that it is my good friend IP's favorite find of mine. :laughing7:

Re: 1783 King George III "GEORGIVS" backwards "S" UPDATE ID 25-83A OMG!

hogge congrates on that super find i may have seen your first post as i read most all and realy love colonial coin finds regardless of condition there are cool they are our history this is only me second season at this so still learning what to place coin values at i just honestly dont yet know but people like iron patch and others on this net sure help my learning curve thanks to all ill vote banner for sure and ill be looking for a coin like that in my old vt cellar hole sites

Re: 1783 King George III "GEORGIVS" backwards "S" UPDATE ID 25-83A OMG!

Iron Patch said:
That's ok, the Hogge strain is one of the better forms of the disease, you break out in rare Colonials and GW buttons.

Yeah, I could definitely use a bit of the Hogge strain for a while. Haven't hit much colonial in a while (though I'm sure not arguing about the '21 SLQ). May be moving off the east coast soon so I need to get out more and hit it while I can.

Was fun reading this thread again.

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