🥇 BANNER 1761 Two Reales, 1803 Draped Bust dime, and a heavey dose of heartbreak

Steve in PA

Gold Member
Jul 5, 2010
Reaction score
Golden Thread
Pittsburgh, PA
🥇 Banner finds
Detector(s) used
Fisher F75, XP Deus, Equinox 600, Fisher 1270
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I started hunting a new field this past winter/spring. The finds were scattered, but there was enough to encourage me that I might find a nice piece of early silver in this field. The first two short hunts had yielded 7 buttons and 4 toasted coppers. The only identifiable copper was a Draped Bust large cent. Last week I finally got a text from a member of the family that owns the field saying that the hay had finally been cut. I made plans with my buddy Tom to visit the field on Saturday. Saturday was hot and humid, the bugs were swarming us, the ground was dry and hard as a rock, and the hay stubble was making it difficult to get the coil close to the soil.
After 3.5 hours we had enough and called it a day. I had recovered 5 buttons (one of which I lost), 3 musketballs, and a well worn 1761 Two Reales. The Spanish silver was tarnished pretty dark. Since it was already so worn, I used a little baking soda and water to lightened it up. Tom ended up with a couple buttons, a couple musketballs, and a worn, unidentifiable copper.

Sunday morning, I had about and hour and half to kill. I had planned to hit a lot in town where they had just torn down a house, but the property owner wasn't home. Since we had some heavy thunderstorms Saturday evening, I though maybe the hay field had been softened up some. When I got to the field it was overcast and misting. I grabbed my gear out of my jeep and headed into the field. I walked out to where I wanted to start hunting, turned on my machine, and within a few feet I had a signal that was bouncing around some, but definitely good enough to investigate. I removed some dirt and the signal improved to a constant mid 70s on my F75. At this point I thought it would turn out to be another thin corroded copper. The ground in this section of the field is very rocky, almost like digging in a gravel parking lot. I finally had the target in the dirt pile beside the hole and saw it was a silver coin. I picked it up and took a look. I could see part of the date 180_, and also the bottom of the bust. I knew it wasn't bust profile of a Spanish coin. Now I'm getting excited, but I didn't want to do a field cleaning. I slipped it into a little plastic zip lock bag and put it in my finds container. Before I could fill in the hole, the heavens opened up and I had to high tail it out of the field. That was my hunt - one target, one hole dug, one silver coin in my pouch. I returned to my parents where I was staying over the weekend, and rinsed the dirt of the coin in the kitchen sink. When I saw the the Federal eagle on the back I knew for sure what I had and let out a loud, BOOM BABY!!! When I turned it over and saw the obverse, I started to cry - there was a recent scuff across the face. I thought how could I have hit this coin with my shovel? I thought I had given the target plenty of room as I dug my plug. Then I thought it might be a recent plow strike. This would be at least a $900 coin without this damage. Anyway, it's not perfect but I'm happy as heck to have dug another Draped Bust dime. I dug a 1797 two years ago.


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Upvote 34
A day maker for sure!

Steve, chances are you probably did give it the space and was a rock that scraped it. If hitting a target with the shovel is a rare occurrence it probbaly didn't happen this time either, you just don't see damage when rocks rub against coppers and other non silver targets. Of course you will never know for sure, but like I said if you thought you had the space, and you have very few problems in general with hitting finds, it was probably just bad luck. Or you hit them all, but gently. :)

IP, After studying the marks on the coin very carefully and looking at the dirt that was still sticking to the coin before I washed it off, I am certain that I didn't make the worst of those marks. I believe they were caused by recent plowing and the rocky soil the coin was in. I feel a lot better knowing that I didn't do it :).

CONGRATS on the banner!

That dime blows me away!

Great finds--nicely done!!

All the best,


nice old silver you got there

Steve congrats on such an amazing find.......And now ya got two! WOW!.............I Should say you deserve to be on top!............HH

Those are some beautiful finds! I pulled a '17 Merc this summer that had a fresh scratch and I swore I wasn't close to it during the dig. Who knows? That doesn't diminish a find that any of us would be ecstatic about! Congrats on the Banner.

I'd still be laying the field if I found a nice draped dime like that. Great find and congrats!

Congrats on a well deserved BANNER Steve!!! That was a great hunt Bud. HH, Quindy.

Chaaa-Ching!!! Way to go! Congratulations on a great hunt and BANNER find! :) Breezie

I had to come back for another look--fantastic finds!!

All the best,


Good to see another DB great finds !!! Jim

Steve in PA said:
I started hunting a new field this past winter/spring. The finds were scattered, but there was enough to encourage me that I might find a nice piece of early silver in this field. The first two short hunts had yielded 7 buttons and 4 toasted coppers. The only identifiable copper was a Draped Bust large cent. Last week I finally got a text from a member of the family that owns the field saying that the hay had finally been cut. I made plans with my buddy Tom to visit the field on Saturday. Saturday was hot and humid, the bugs were swarming us, the ground was dry and hard as a rock, and the hay stubble was making it difficult to get the coil close to the soil.
After 3.5 hours we had enough and called it a day. I had recovered 5 buttons (one of which I lost), 3 musketballs, and a well worn 1761 Two Reales. The Spanish silver was tarnished pretty dark. Since it was already so worn, I used a little baking soda and water to lightened it up. Tom ended up with a couple buttons, a couple musketballs, and a worn, unidentifiable copper.

Sunday morning, I had about and hour and half to kill. I had planned to hit a lot in town where they had just torn down a house, but the property owner wasn't home. Since we had some heavy thunderstorms Saturday evening, I though maybe the hay field had been softened up some. When I got to the field it was overcast and misting. I grabbed my gear out of my jeep and headed into the field. I walked out to where I wanted to start hunting, turned on my machine, and within a few feet I had a signal that was bouncing around some, but definitely good enough to investigate. I removed some dirt and the signal improved to a constant mid 70s on my F75. At this point I thought it would turn out to be another thin corroded copper. The ground in this section of the field is very rocky, almost like digging in a gravel parking lot. I finally had the target in the dirt pile beside the hole and saw it was a silver coin. I picked it up and took a look. I could see part of the date 180_, and also the bottom of the bust. I knew it wasn't bust profile of a Spanish coin. Now I'm getting excited, but I didn't want to do a field cleaning. I slipped it into a little plastic zip lock bag and put it in my finds container. Before I could fill in the hole, the heavens opened up and I had to high tail it out of the field. That was my hunt - one target, one hole dug, one silver coin in my pouch. I returned to my parents where I was staying over the weekend, and rinsed the dirt of the coin in the kitchen sink. When I saw the the Federal eagle on the back I knew for sure what I had and let out a loud, BOOM BABY!!! When I turned it over and saw the obverse, I started to cry - there was a recent scuff across the face. I thought how could I have hit this coin with my shovel? I thought I had given the target plenty of room as I dug my plug. Then I thought it might be a recent plow strike. This would be at least a $900 coin without this damage. Anyway, it's not perfect but I'm happy as heck to have dug another Draped Bust dime. I dug a 1797 two years ago.



Wow, I love that coin. Nice find. Me wanty a metal detector .....

Yay Boobies! Awesome find btw, HH!:icon_thumright:

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Totally awesome, congratulations on the rare silvers and your Banner!:occasion14:

Congrats on the banner and on a great find Steve! Great to see one of those dug by a regular contributor on the forum! Too bad about the scuff, but shake it off and move on to the next great find!

awesome... totally awesome! I had a heck of a week around the Indiana, PA area, and so nice to see other people doing well!

nice coins, over the top

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