
Jay, I really am worried about Floyd. As stated before, he and I spoke SEVERAL times and he ALWAYS returned my calls immediately. Then, all of a sudden, NOTHING! Plus, his voice mailbox has been full for several months now.

As for Scott T., I am also worried, as you and I have discussed. The last I heard from him, he and his girlfriend were doing some work in another state, then he was going to come and help me when the weather broke here. Now, I cannot get through to him at all - this, after he was VERY PROMPT at returning my e-mails/calls.

Jay, as you and I have discussed and EXPERIENCED first hand, there is more to all of this than meets the eye. This "group" we have both encountered needs to be exposed, as they are RUTHLESS. I intend to lay all of my cards out on the table shortly in an upcoming forum! :wink: There won't be any "naysayers" or trolls on the forum, but if any future member has any doubts, I have pics that will prove what you and I have been saying - even of the helicopter that follows me!

Hi swiftsearcher. I've still received no word from either Floyd Mann, Scott Thomason or Scott's girlfriend, all of whom are members of our Bloody Bill Anderson Mystery group. I agree that these creeps need to be publicly exposed but I feel I must warn you that no Internet forum or group can keep them from snooping and reading all the messages posted on that forum. I've learned the hard way, this past winter, that not even one's private email is exempt. That is why I have a new policy of only telling my trusted friends about KGC treasures or KGC treasure sites IN PERSON at a safe location where it is virtually impossible to be eavesdropped on. I say "virtually" because of the expensive lesson that my partner and I were taught recently. Anyone who claims not to believe what we and others have been telling them about our personal experiences are either very ignorant or are in cahoots with our enemies.
~Texas Jay

Odd , ain't it that the naysayers are avoiding this topic in light of recent events that have exposed some of them ?

SWR said:
truckinbutch said:
Odd , ain't it that the naysayers are avoiding this topic in light of recent events that have exposed some of them ?

What's even odder, is that an adult thinks there are some recent events that have exposed anybody :icon_scratch:

Trolling for a confrontation...overrated, Dude :mblah05:
Not trolling in any sense of the word , Loverbucket .
A simple commentary to the minimum of 5 people that read this thread that know exactly what I am commenting on .
The story will spread in time ....... Sorry if this went over your head ;D

Hi truckinbutch. As I said on this website, lastleg is obviously "out of the loop" and either SWR is too or he wants everyone to think he is. Fishing for information? Quite possible, maybe even probable. :coffee2:
~Texas Jay
http://bloodybillanderson.webs.com - there have also been some people threatened not to write about or publish anything about the information on this simple web page that Bloody Bill Anderson himself told to Henry Fuller in 1924. Too bad for them that some of us will not retreat in the face of their threats.


In the loop, out of the loop, who do you think cares? When you were a child
you spoke as a child. Now that you are a man speak like a man.

I must be doing something wrong. I have posted a number of "KGC" treasure maps, hundreds of pics of treasure signs, been to a whole bunch of treasure sites, and I haven't received one threatening e-mail, phone call, or letter. There hasn't been a black helicopter following me or any armed mystery men stalking me. My blog is rolling right along without being comprimised. Why is that I can't join the conspiracy club? :dontknow: I'm feeling left out!

:sign10: :binkybaby:'s
Loverbucket ,
You are beneath your normal level of antagonism .... Are you having a bad day ?

okietreasurehunter said:
I must be doing something wrong. I have posted a number of "KGC" treasure maps, hundreds of pics of treasure signs, been to a whole bunch of treasure sites, and I haven't received one threatening e-mail, phone call, or letter. There hasn't been a black helicopter following me or any armed mystery men stalking me. My blog is rolling right along without being comprimised. Why is that I can't join the conspiracy club? :dontknow: I'm feeling left out!

Maybe you're not any good at your research and the "other" folks are just letting you roam. :dontknow:

Shortstack, that's probably what it is and to think all this time I was thinking that the stories of "watchers" were just to boost ones ego and image. I guess it's back to roaming around aimlessly for me.

SWR the "family" meeting will be on the 12th this month. Don't forget your decoder ring this time.

okietreasurehunter said:
I must be doing something wrong. I have posted a number of "KGC" treasure maps, hundreds of pics of treasure signs, been to a whole bunch of treasure sites, and I haven't received one threatening e-mail, phone call, or letter. There hasn't been a black helicopter following me or any armed mystery men stalking me. My blog is rolling right along without being comprimised. Why is that I can't join the conspiracy club? :dontknow: I'm feeling left out!

Okie, the helicopter that buzzed my partner and me at one of our sites, that we were on with the permission of the landowner (a longtime friend), was not black. It was white with "PATROL" written in blue letters on both sides of its belly. If you don't want to feel all left out, give me a call sometime and start talking about "KGC treasure", signs or locations and you will see for yourself that what I've been saying, that my phone has been wiretapped for several years, is true. They have no interest in stalking naysayers, Okie, but they even hire some to collect information for them. The others are just fishing for information to use themselves. Where is your sidekick lately? Ron aka "Alec". I'm beginning to miss him.
~Texas Jay

Did you get those coordinates yet? Those choppers were a great idea.
Spooked 'em pretty good :laughing7:.

Ron's been pretty busy lately. We tried to get hired by the "watchers" to collect info on the KGC conspiracy guys, but they never contacted us. That's why we have been busy working our own interesting treasure site. If the next time you are having a phone conversation about the KGC you might mention our names and the fact that we are looking for some work on the side. That way if they are listening in they will know who we are and that we are for hire. If they want they can even pay me off to stay away from their KGC treasure sites and for the right amount of money I'd even work security for them. I would need benefits and a good retirement plan.

Jay, I hate to tell you but you are a naysayer as well. You have turned your back on accepted history and numerous facts that have been put before you. It's ok though, membership in the naysayer club is granted by somebody other than yourself putting you there.

lastleg: I'm sure the landowner I spoke of will be happy to hear your admission. Now, he will know who to send the bill to for the helicopter spooking one of his horses and causing him to run into a fence and injure himself. :laughing9:

Okie: Nevermind that idea. They already know who you are and which side you are on. You might want to apply for membership in the Smokescreen Gang though as they seem to be having great problems recruiting any members to their numerous groups, many of which they've abandoned for lack of interest and credibility.

Here's one: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/jesse_james_outlaws_renegades

~Texas Jay

I hope the "watchers" realize that there are far better ways of keeping an eye on hidden KGC fortunes. A helicopter can cost a cool million a year to operate. I would think remote sensors and solar powered, net linked cameras would be the better way to go.

Okie, they've already thought of that too. What do you think triggered the helicopter's appearance in the first place, less than 30 minutes after we arrived on the property? If they knew exactly where the KGC treasures were, they would have already gotten them and there would be no need for either sensors, cameras, or helicopter surveillance to spy on the rest of us and try to learn what we know or what we have found. A million dollars a year is peanuts to them and they consider it a good investment. I think their assessment is right.
~Texas Jay


10-4 on the remote sensors for tracking (ahem) his/their vehicle movements.

Flying in a helicopter over a person while they are treasure hunting doesn't seem to be a very discreet way of gathering info on what the treasure hunters have figured out. I would think that they would just put a gps tracking device on your vehicle and follow you from a distance and observe your movements with a high powered telephoto lens and maybe record your conversation with a high tech audio recording device. Now if these guys are really connected high up in the government a drone plane comes to mind.

okietreasurehunter said:
Flying in a helicopter over a person while they are treasure hunting doesn't seem to be a very discreet way of gathering info on what the treasure hunters have figured out. I would think that they would just put a gps tracking device on your vehicle and follow you from a distance and observe your movements with a high powered telephoto lens and maybe record your conversation with a high tech audio recording device. Now if these guys are really connected high up in the government a drone plane comes to mind.
You and Loverbucket seem to have a pretty good handle on the drill ................

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