Hello all.
I've been lurking behind the scenes on this board for a couple months, but as of yet, haven't had any real reason to post. Now, I'm really trying to find an answer to a question, and would ask for a touch of help...
I live in Rockledge, Fl and I really want to use my detector off the beach while SCUBA diving. Seriously, all I hope for is modern jewelry from the hundreds of people that play on our beaches, but something more interesting like discovering one of these missing wrecks would surely be a lucky day.
I've searched the board and the WWW in general, over a period of weeks, and have found scattered information concerning the Spanish shipwrecks around the Sebastian Inlet area. I even found the GPS numbers on this site for the wrecks, and a picture from somewhere (maybe here) that outlines the salvage areas. I found Wreckdiver1715's comments about the specific wreck locations in the post:
I understand completely that you are not allowed to even consider taking a metal detector into the water in those areas, due to the salvage operations, but my question is this:
At what point North or South, is it O.K. to use a metal detector off the beach??
There isn't a wreck to the North side of the inlet, so is it O.K. to use a metal detector from the inlet north?
I don't want to even REMOTELY run the risk of being fined or getting equipment confiscated, but I do want to use the MD in the water freediving for rings and earrings or with SCUBA for something far more valuable.
Who knows... maybe one of these other wrecks that haven't been discovered are sitting in snorkeling water just waiting for that last inch of sand to be washed off!
Also, any hard links to the State pages or some other "official" site would be greatly appreciated! Something to print out and show Da Man, when he is standing in the surf as I exit the water...
Thanks guys and gals.