1700s Irish / 1903 IH / Flying Eagle / Ornate Keyhole Cover and Cool Thimble


Bronze Member
Aug 28, 2013
Nova Scotia
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All Treasure Hunting

This is a combined 3 hunts....8 hrs total.

Out yesterday morning for the low water ...wind outta the Nortwest 40 knots -4c and snow...miserable. Went to a new spot but not much luck but I did pick up the nice thimble....my first ornate thimble. Was few musket balls there that indicated some age. Went home for some hot dinner and back out to try where I found 20+ coins last year in hopes that the frost moved a few around....was too much snow in most of that spot but still managed to pull out the 1903 Indian Head in nice shape and the key hole cover.

Then back out for the low water again this morning -2c little bit of wind and light snow......Ed decided not to go today so I went back to the spot where I got my US Half Dollar....thought maybe there might be a decent find there somewhere....went very slow and thorough.

And the spot gave up 4 coppers :

2 blanks
1 1766-86 Irish half penny
1 flying eagle

The flying eagle is encrusted and very hard to get off. These coins are usually in very bad shape when dug...I,ve dug 2 before anf they are horrible shape...barely recognizable ....this one seems to be very good shape on the flying eagle side...would really like to save it.


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Upvote 10
Awesome finds , I am comming to Nova Scotia for vacation this summer !!! lol :skullflag:

Excellent finds. I'd love to find a nice thimble or flying eagle cent.

Awesome finds , I am comming to Nova Scotia for vacation this summer !!! lol :skullflag:

ty gman

You see this snow and you will run the other way !!!

Awesome finds, hope ya find out the date on that flying eagle...

Excellent finds. I'd love to find a nice thimble or flying eagle cent.

ty fongu

Neither of them things seem to be very common..... I was quite pleased with the thimble.

Awesome finds, hope ya find out the date on that flying eagle...

ty park pirate

Me too... thats why I stopped picking at the encrusted part and looks to be good shape so the date should be clear if can get it off....was hoping there was a easy way to remove it

Great finds! Nice looking thimble ! Maybe the key hole cover came off a little sewing chest or something.
You must have slush for blood by now! Congrats to ya! At some point it will stop snowing...hopefully.

Great finds! Nice looking thimble ! Maybe the key hole cover came off a little sewing chest or something.
You must have slush for blood by now! Congrats to ya! At some point it will stop snowing...hopefully.

ty Msbeepbeep

I was thinking the same also about the key hole cover..some type of fancy personal chest.

Think I got slush for brains.....winter boredom is killing me ...few hours a day detecting shortens the winter grind but winter is winning ...little more snow today !!

Nice array of finds. You got a little of everything. That keyhole Escutcheon is awesome. I always like finding those....Makes you think about the front door of the homesite/foundation you're hunting and what it must have looked like. Keep up the good work. :thumbsup:

Nice array of finds. You got a little of everything. That keyhole Escutcheon is awesome. I always like finding those....Makes you think about the front door of the homesite/foundation you're hunting and what it must have looked like. Keep up the good work. :thumbsup:

ty Evolution

Now I know what it is called...Escutcheon. I usually think of how stuff gets lost when I find it. Some things seem to end up in the oddest places.

That's a very productine 8 hours AQ!! I like it all.You just never know what you will dig there. HH, Q.

Ty VOL1266-X

There is a wide variety of stuff in these old locations that is for sure... keeps it interesting digging. I,m usually happy if I find one thing to put in my good cases...so all good !

I,m slowly learning to try and hit multi generational sights............increases the odds dramatically of taking home something for the case......not always awesome stuff...butI,m easily pleased.

Nice variety! I like the thimble, keyhole escutcheon, and of course the KG Hibernia and the flying eagle.

Nice variety! I like the thimble, keyhole escutcheon, and of course the KG Hibernia and the flying eagle.

TY Steve in PA

Any ideas on the removal of the encrustation ?

Some nice digging there Aqua. Love the halfpenny.

Hey, great finds, I love the thimble it has real character. :thumbsup:
Be careful with that F/E they are rare and that one looks fragile. Maybe ask Rick for some help with that, he is good at cleaning old coppers.
Glad to see you got out today, I had to work:-[. I am so sick of this winter I am going back down south next week. Heading to Florida for some Meg Tooth diving and when I get back this snow had better be gone!
Good luck buddy and if I can get out this weekend I will scoop up Rick and head your way.

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