14 Day Limit is Driving Me Nuts


Sr. Member
Mar 4, 2011
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Golden Thread
The most frustrating thing about this business is the fourteen day camping restriction on public lands. It's rediculous. Buy the time you set up camp, pick up supplies in town, survey the locale, set up your equipment and dig up the material.. It's time to start packing. God help you if you have to order something that takes three to five business days, (make that a week) to arrive. Now you only have seven days left. Of course, nobody works non-stop. You'd drop from exhaustion. So you'll need a couple of days off. Which leaves only five days of actual work. That only holds true if some whacko BLM Ranger with an attitude doesn't think you look like the guy who ran off with his wife in 1989. He's gonna tell you, "you've already been here 14 days and you have to displace 30 miles and 30 days before returning". Don't laugh. It's happened to me. This forced me to make a side trip to the hospital ER in Salida Colorado where i obtained a doctor's note that said i was suffering from an abcessed tooth and couldn't travel. The next day was wasted taking the note to the regional BLM office where Ranger Ron's supervisor issued a temporary waiver allowing me to stay the remaining (Three Days) of my vacation. Silly of me to think Ranger Ron would accept the note on the spot without the approval of his supervisor... who agreed laughing i did kind'a resemble the guy who ran off with Ron's wife back in 89'. So after spending a thousand dollars and travelling 1500 miles, i got to prospect and pan at Point Bar Colorado (Three Days). The Vicadin i got at the hospital was the only bright spot in an otherwise crappy experience. Who makes these assanine rules and restrictions ? Why are they being arbitrarily enforced by psychologically unstable officers ? IS THERE ANYWHERE YOU CAN GO AND PROSPECT FOR MORE THAN THREE DAYS WITHOUT BEING HARRASSED AND DRIVEN NUTS !!!

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Well in part I agree with you the run of the mill politician is concerned about him/her self. This is why we need to keep trying to get folks in there that care. Can we find any? Are there any?

I am concerned about not being allowed to go "out there" any more as it has been put off limits. Or if I am still allowed to go out there everything I want to do is illegal (prospect, fish, camp, sluice, pan, highbank and maybe even dredge). I know things are disgusting! I believe 'O' would use drones against us in an instant, just give him a reason like a Civil uprising.

If we stop trying to make things better, if we stop telling them NO, if we put it in our minds that "we can't do anything so why should we try" then indeed all is lost. But the Colonists in the 1700's did not give up and so today we have what may be the last independent country in the world because people gave their lives trying. Put another way, if it comes to it the police in the streets, the national guard are not the enemy, in a way the enemy is us and in a way the enemy is our government which we the people have gotten mighty lax about, in my opinion that is...............63bkpkr

We can fight back effectively by voting for rural american values at the county level.

Both of you guys are starting to sound like you have gone over to the other side!

Don't worry, be happy mon!

I've been looking into BLM areas here in S.E. Arizona and it looks to be pretty wide open. The one thing I would be worried about is the Border Patrol instead of BLM rangers. We can't even drive into town without passing 4-5 Border Patrol units on the highway.

I live on 80 Acres 15 miles east of DOuglas, AZ with a couple of washes crossing it and have been starting to do some testing in them. I have found a couple of very small colors so far but then again I've just started looking. This area is more known for copper (Bisbee is about 40 miles from us) but there is some out here.

gman - I think with today's technology with Metal Detectors, areas like yours, that have very little water, and were bypassed in the old days, are going
to produce a discovery like the ones in Austrailia soon. Good hunting.

I've been looking into BLM areas here in S.E. Arizona and it looks to be pretty wide open. The one thing I would be worried about is the Border Patrol instead of BLM rangers. We can't even drive into town without passing 4-5 Border Patrol units on the highway.

I live on 80 Acres 15 miles east of DOuglas, AZ with a couple of washes crossing it and have been starting to do some testing in them. I have found a couple of very small colors so far but then again I've just started looking. This area is more known for copper (Bisbee is about 40 miles from us) but there is some out here.

The border patrol is no problem at all. I've talked to dozens of them. Never once have they given me trouble about prospecting. They have searched my vehicle for drugs though.. But that's expected when you're in smugglers alley.

It's the forest service/blm rangers that'll give you trouble. Those blm rangers are the biggest *******s.

It's good to make friends with the border patrol. They've helped me when I was stuck and I even checked out some old mines with one agent.

My wife and I used to get a annual pass as we liked to travel and visit all the parks in our state. When is started costing me a $100.00 bucks a day to BBQ I quit. I also found I could not enjoy some of my hobbys, one of which is metal detecting. The state parks are going bankrupt, but I doubt they will care. I have only had one bad experiences at a state park, the guy running the place couldn't see the annual pass on my windshield and proceeded to chew my butt and try to issue a ticket. I have never been back to that park come to think of it. Its getting hard to find places to go out and enjoy anymore.

The border patrol is no problem at all. I've talked to dozens of them. Never once have they given me trouble about prospecting. They have searched my vehicle for drugs though.. But that's expected when you're in smugglers alley.

It's the forest service/blm rangers that'll give you trouble. Those blm rangers are the biggest *******s.

It's good to make friends with the border patrol. They've helped me when I was stuck and I even checked out some old mines with one agent.

I agree. I've got one friend that's an agent although he is stationed over in San Diego. They can feel free to search my truck anytime they wish since I know they won't find anything and they are just doing their jobs.

I think another benefit would be that they know all the roads and how to access a lot of different areas. One of my other hobbies is flying radio control sailplanes and there are some slopes in this area that I'd love to find a way up to the top of so I could do some flying off of them. Now... If I could figure out a way to combine the two and have the planes do the searching for me....... ;)

Reply to the last one here. why is that ok for them to search your truck? Why is that to be expected? Honestly my friends is it really OK to allow these people to search you without an actual suspicion of you committing a crime? Its OK for them to pat you down and stick fingers in your butt too? That's where smugglers hide drugs too. I think as a culture we are all becoming acclimated to this police state and you are relinquishing your freedoms for the thought of "SAFETY". Not trying to side track this thread too far here I just wanted to chime in on what I see you saying with those statements. I'm not saying you are wrong but just think about what is happening when you say its OK for them to detain you and search you.

The Fourth Amendment reads "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

So it is up to you to determine what is unreasonable. Just my thoughts on the matter. Have a great day!!

Reply to the last one here. why is that ok for them to search your truck? Why is that to be expected? Honestly my friends is it really OK to allow these people to search you without an actual suspicion of you committing a crime? Its OK for them to pat you down and stick fingers in your butt too? That's where smugglers hide drugs too. I think as a culture we are all becoming acclimated to this police state and you are relinquishing your freedoms for the thought of "SAFETY". Not trying to side track this thread too far here I just wanted to chime in on what I see you saying with those statements. I'm not saying you are wrong but just think about what is happening when you say its OK for them to detain you and search you.

The Fourth Amendment reads "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

So it is up to you to determine what is unreasonable. Just my thoughts on the matter. Have a great day!!
Video Link: http://youtu.be/KIqosCld4R8

Trust me I'm just as much against it as you.

Google constitution free zone just for fun.

But I understand why I was searched. I'm in the middle of no where. Only person around. Known drug smuggling area. And they saw me peeling around the corner with a huge dust cloud and a cigarette in my mouth. So they pulled me over. I could of denied them searching the vehicle and waited an hour in 110F heat for the dog or just pop my trunk. They didnt touch anything. Just looked in the trunk. And they were cool about it. Had they been dicks I might have waited for the dog.

Now checkpoints are a whole different story. Nothing I hate more... Such bullshit. What country am I in? :(

I've been looking into BLM areas here in S.E. Arizona and it looks to be pretty wide open. The one thing I would be worried about is the Border Patrol instead of BLM rangers. We can't even drive into town without passing 4-5 Border Patrol units on the highway.

I live on 80 Acres 15 miles east of DOuglas, AZ with a couple of washes crossing it and have been starting to do some testing in them. I have found a couple of very small colors so far but then again I've just started looking. This area is more known for copper (Bisbee is about 40 miles from us) but there is some out here.
Be careful out there, bud. I had a friend killed on his ranch in the same area you are in. I actually quit hunting anywhere south of the 8 anymore because of that reason.

Where at in Arizona Terry ? The only place i've found in Arizona where you can camp and prospect longer than 14 days is at Rose Creek in Prescott near Lynx. A landowner, who is also a local politician graciously allows prospectors to camp on a small strip of private land on Rose Creek between Stoneridge Road and Faine Park. Unfortunately there is little gold there. Only one fella i met last year, "Bob" is a permanent fixture at Rose Creek. He's lived there continously for five years. But he is a "ligitimate" prospector. I've seen him digging and panning seven days a week, tweleve hours a day. I think the idea hobo camps will spring up at Rose Creek is what politicians call a "strawman" arguement. Deadbeats set up their camps in town, close to package liquor stores and Salvation Army Shelters where they can eat for free.. Not out on some creek or riverbank in the middle of nowhere. Down cose to the border of Mexico some gypsy tent camps exist.. like the one in Las Crusas, but you arn't gonna find one on the Arkansas River in Colorado. And it ain't because Colorado BLM Rangers are a bunch of S.O.B's, (Which they are). The two things are entirely seperate issues.

yeah... I know what/who you're talking about Kaz. I'm always careful when out in the field and I pity the fool that comes around the house wanting to make trouble. Between the weapons at hand and three (yes THREE!!) very large Rottweilers nobody could get within 500 yards of the house if we don't want them to. When I go out prospecting in the washes on the property, the dogs go with.

Why does our government makes concessions to ethnic and religious minorities (who don't live under the same rules and laws we do), while recreational prospectors have their feet held to the fire ? How come there's a Wildlife Management Area, BLM, Wilderness Area or State or National Park sitting ontop of just about EVERY square inch of gold bearing land in the United States ? Our government claims these lands are set aside for public use. They even claim to allow recreational panning on these lands. Until you actually do it. And then the guys with the badges roll up and toss your tent, (like you're a criminal). It's happened to me on several occasions. Two years ago, outside Cayon City Colorado in Red Canyon i was handcuffed and forced to kneel on the ground while police officers searched my tent. They said it had something to do with armed fugitives masquerading as campers. This dispite the fact i was alone and had a sluice in the creek and prospecting equipment sitting around everywhere. I was warned i better not be there when they came back, so the fugitives wouldn't get hold of my gun. Apparantly Marshal Law had been declared in Southern Colorado and nobody told anyone about it, except for me. Why ? You got the &#!! beat outta me ?!! I never heard Tourism had been suspended in Colorado. But i wasn't gonna argue the point with a bunch of lunatic cops.

Sorry you had that experience in CO, definitely not the norm. I remember that story in the news - the killers headed for the hills in the very area where you were...the cops did track em down with a shoot out and the whole action movie ending scene thing! Please don't think your experience is typical, CO is much more welcoming to prospectors than that.

Where at in Arizona Terry ? The only place i've found in Arizona where you can camp and prospect longer than 14 days is at Rose Creek in Prescott near Lynx. A landowner, who is also a local politician graciously allows prospectors to camp on a small strip of private land on Rose Creek between Stoneridge Road and Faine Park. Unfortunately there is little gold there. Only one fella i met last year, "Bob" is a permanent fixture at Rose Creek. He's lived there continously for five years. But he is a "ligitimate" prospector. I've seen him digging and panning seven days a week, tweleve hours a day. I think the idea hobo camps will spring up at Rose Creek is what politicians call a "strawman" arguement. Deadbeats set up their camps in town, close to package liquor stores and Salvation Army Shelters where they can eat for free.. Not out on some creek or riverbank in the middle of nowhere. Down cose to the border of Mexico some gypsy tent camps exist.. like the one in Las Crusas, but you arn't gonna find one on the Arkansas River in Colorado. And it ain't because Colorado BLM Rangers are a bunch of S.O.B's, (Which they are). The two things are entirely seperate issues.
You are right.... 14 day limit. But..... case in point..... "Luke" has been out on BLM (near Stanton, AZ) for at least 3 years that I know of. I bring him "care packages" everytime I'm in the area. He is also a very good source of info. The rangers also know he is there and I would not doubt they also ask him about things. A ranger will TELL you 14 days.... what he personally allows may be something else. TTC

I was told by a ranger out of kingman, az pretty much the same. She mentioned the 14 day limit, then told me if my campsite was clean and well maintained, it was okay to stay longer. As with any rule, the dynamics of personality and respect will determine it's enforcement.

That's the rub Terry. These Rangers working for the state are "local" good ole' boys. If you're a local yourself, they can be downright friendly. If you're some outta state guy passin through.. OH BOY, LOOK OUT ! You're gonna get harrassed. Getting established as a local is tough, (nearly impossible). I'm wondering if Black Canyon Creek in the Southern Bradshaws is navigable down the whole stretch ? That way when the Possum Cops or Rangers show up, all you'd have to do is throw your stuff in a boat, paddle 25 miles downstream and set up camp. That's one solution.

Please keep in mind,that if the BLM rangers are just enforceing the laws on the book. BUT, if he
is being an ******* about it,you can report him. last year a BLM supervisor from the Kingman,AZ.
field office told me "if we get 3 complaints on a ranger,we transfer them to another area".
Most all rangers I've met are a little flexable on the 14 day rule.

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