13th-14th Century GOLD Stirrup Ring Updated. (Inquest Update.)..Outcome.

Silver Searcher

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Sep 27, 2006
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Two weeks into a new season and I just might have found my best ever find :icon_sunny: the day started off with a phone call from my detecting partner Michael, he could not make it due to a family illness we were due to go to our usual haunt in North Yorkshire :-\

Any way I decided to go to a farm that is just 14 miles from were I live and were I have had some nice hammered, most of the land was still under crop but a small section of barley and rape seed stubble were detectable :thumbsup:

After three hours of scrap lead the odd button and shot gun catridges I moved to a ridge just above the flood plain of the river the area was very quiet , on my second run down I received a sweet two way signal in the cordless phones looking down I immediately recognized what had gave the signal, the colour GOLD with a small blackish stone right in the middle staring straight back at me :o :o :o

It was a Medieval GOLD Stirrup Ring from about the 13th-14th Century in perfect condition. I think the stone might be a small blue or black Saphire. :o :o

The Gold wedding band I found last week turned out to be the farmers were we were detecting he had lost it just two weeks after he had been married back in 1991 I am returning the ring to him tommorrow. :o :o TK.


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Upvote 6
That is one beautiful ring :icon_thumleft: it,s really to bad there is stupid laws like those of Treasure Trove if you had not found that ring it most likely would still be in the soil another 200 years
if i had found it ? it never would of left my hands ever they would have to kill me first to give it up , old school taught 1 mans lose is another mans gain .:protest: Dd60

Deepdiger60 said:
That is one beautiful ring :icon_thumleft: it,s really to bad there is stupid laws like those of Treasure Trove if you had not found that ring it most likely would still be in the soil another 200 years
if i had found it ? it never would of left my hands ever they would have to kill me first to give it up , old school taught 1 mans lose is another mans gain .:protest: Dd60
Yep...this bitter experience will certainly make me think twice in the future :-\ and outhers proberbly to :-X


Yep, that's one of the all-time classic T-Net finds and that image of the ring in the ground is one I'll always remember. It sounds like the bureaucrats took a while (2 years) to figure things out, but STILL.... YOU FOUND THAT RING ..... and nobody can take that moment away from you. :thumbsup:

ziphius said:
Yep, that's one of the all-time classic T-Net finds and that image of the ring in the ground is one I'll always remember. It sounds like the bureaucrats took a while (2 years) to figure things out, but STILL.... YOU FOUND THAT RING ..... and nobody can take that moment away from you. :thumbsup:
You right :o I never really thought about it that way :icon_thumleft: Thanks..it was a day I would normally be some were else that time of year :-\ amazing what fate has in for you :o


This is an awesome find that I somehow missed when the original post was made. Congrats on finding both the ancient ring and the modern ring. Even though the ring was in limbo for 2 years you still did the right thing by turning it in. At least now you can tell the story of your find without fear of being caught. I suppose the difficult part is now deciding how to split the ring between yourself, the farmer and your hunting mate (you could have a jeweler cast a replica for each of you :dontknow:) Perhaps you could loan it to the museum that was interested until they can raise the money to purchase it. In any case, congratulations on a major find :icon_thumleft:

While watching the new Robin Hood movie my wife noticed that towards the end of the movie :happy1: Maid Marion (Kate Blanchett) was wearing your Stirrup Ring. It was gold with a blue saffire. It was in the scene where she is sending Robin (Russell Crowe) off to do battle with the French invaders. She was standing on the ground and he was mounted on a horse. She reached up with her left hand and there it was! :hello2:

Are you sure that museum didn't lend your ring out and that is why it took so long to get back?

Kate looked very good with it on her finger. :tongue3:


Patrol said:
While watching the new Robin Hood movie my wife noticed that towards the end of the movie :happy1: Maid Marion (Kate Blanchett) was wearing your Stirrup Ring. It was gold with a blue saffire. It was in the scene where she is sending Robin (Russell Crowe) off to do battle with the French invaders. She was standing on the ground and he was mounted on a horse. She reached up with her left hand and there it was! :hello2:

Are you sure that museum didn't lend your ring out and that is why it took so long to get back?

Kate looked very good with it on her finger. :tongue3:

:o I will have to watch the Movie :) thanks for the reply :icon_thumleft:



Thanks to everbody who followed this thread :notworthy: just to let you all know, I got the ring back in July and the outher day found a buyer for the ring ;D

I'm now £2000 richer :icon_thumleft:


Re: 13th-14th Century GOLD Stirrup Ring Updated. Inquest Update.

Silver Searcher said:
:hello: All

well it's been 14 months since I found the Gold Ring and I have just had to go to the Treasure Inquest :( I thought that I might get the Ring back :'( alass I was wrong :'(

I turned up to the inquest, my name was called, and I entered the courtroom were I had to swear on the Bible to tell the truth and so on ::) in short the coroner declared the Ring as Treasure Trove and refered it back to the BM :'(

So after waiting all this time I have to wait another :dontknow:

All I can tell you all is that The Bowes Museum(Durham County) has expressed an interest in aquiring the Stirrup Ring :-\ so as for the Treasure act :dontknow: doe's it work...proberbly, do you have to wait long...Hell Yes :(


Dang Colin, Im SO GLADDDDDD that we don't have to do that here in America! That would really be upsetting >:( :( :'( :'( BUT GLAD YOU GOT IT BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wav:

Silver Searcher said:

Thanks to everbody who followed this thread :notworthy: just to let you all know, I got the ring back in July and the outher day found a buyer for the ring ;D

I'm now £2000 richer :icon_thumleft:


Congratulations :thumbsup:

Silver Searcher said:

Thanks to everbody who followed this thread :notworthy: just to let you all know, I got the ring back in July and the outher day found a buyer for the ring ;D

I'm now £2000 richer :icon_thumleft:


Silver Searcher said:

Thanks to everbody who followed this thread :notworthy: just to let you all know, I got the ring back in July and the outher day found a buyer for the ring ;D

I'm now £2000 richer :icon_thumleft:


with that you can buy 10 rings large current 18 k gold :o but still very little money for a jewel of these caractristicas ... ::)

Silver Searcher said:

Thanks to everbody who followed this thread :notworthy: just to let you all know, I got the ring back in July and the outher day found a buyer for the ring ;D

I'm now £2000 richer :icon_thumleft:


Congratulations on having finally gotten the money that you were originally offered SS, :notworthy:
even if it wasn't from the original buyer. But wouldn't it have been nice to say that you
sold your ring to the British Museum eh! :wink:

:icon_thumright: congrats on the Banner and the finds , makes you wonder how long that rings been sitting there like that just waiting for somebody to pick her . :icon_thumleft: once again congrats .

HH Tank

Medieval GOLD Stirrup Ring from about the 13th-14th Century in perfect condition.

2000 quid is a bit on the lean side IMO. The museum could have written a cheque for it on the spot, they wanted it but wanted it for 500 nicker. Glad you got to keep it, youre way better off. Its now a family heirloom, will only increase n value.

mickk said:
Medieval GOLD Stirrup Ring from about the 13th-14th Century in perfect condition.

2000 quid is a bit on the lean side IMO. The museum could have written a cheque for it on the spot, they wanted it but wanted it for 500 nicker. Glad you got to keep it, youre way better off. Its now a family heirloom, will only increase n value.

The Ring was actually dated by a expert to 11th-13thc so it could be older, I don't get sentimental over my finds :P £2000 is a lot of money and now it's gone :icon_thumleft:


Well that's a good piece of news, and now your ;D from the sale of the ring. :icon_thumright: It's all good.

Great instincts on where to move too! Great hunting! :hello2:

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