Superb details and for being excavated, the surface isn't that bad at all.
hogge said:
UH....Better guess again. This coin would grade EF20-30.(or even 35), Then look at the Rarity on Variety, which is a 5. Better do some

The more I look at it, it may even be higher than VF35.
I think you might have mixed up the numbers on your VF's and EF's, but I agree this coin has EF details. I'm not particularly strong at grading Early American but having looked at plenty that were professionally graded, once you see past the surface, the details are probably in the EF range (and the grading houses tend to be a bit more forgiving with them than they are with later stuff). That coin wasn't circulated much before it found a peaceful and undisturbed place in the earth for 200+ years
It does kind of give one pause when we think about how hasty we can sometimes be in digging targets. One careless jab from the Lesche here and... well... lets not even think about that.