It would be much appreciated if someone could post some details on how the Rendezvous went and some pictures.
Joe Ribaudo
Just to give you an assessment of how things went:
Friday: Wayne, Frank, Josh, and Jesse sat up front for a Q&A. The first words off Greg Davis' Lips were "What can you tell us about the Pit Mine?" HAHAHA Things started off kinda slow, but picked up as everybody got a little more comfortable and had a few more shots of Bob Schoose's "Fireball"! Chased a rattlesnake into a rat hole just outside the Ramada. I dropped a key to my car. Frank and Ryan found it, so naturally .............................. Frank stole my car and hid it. When I noticed it missing, I lost it. Ryan threw Frank under the bus, and asked me to give Frank some s**t. I started yelling, and acting like I was about to kill someone. HAHAHA ........ and good times were had by all.
Saturday: Greg led a group up to a newly found abandoned mine in the A.M. Saturday Evening, we started with Wayne's most excellent chili, then Thomas Glover speaking about his new book, and giving everybody a little insight into it. Folks must have gotten a little too much Fireball into themselves, because even after my best drill sergeant bellow, Greg got madder than I have ever seen him, and had to yell at some folks to SHUT UP! People were a bit shocked to see Greg that angry, and it worked (mostly).
Tom and Sharon Kollenborn were there. The entire Feldman Clan, Bob Schoose, Bob and Lori Corbin, Rick Gwinn, Ryan Gordon, Paul, Matthew, Greg, Wayne, Randy, Frank, etc, etc, etc. About the only people missing were you, Carolyn, Clay, Roy and Beth, Bill Riley, and Kurt Painter. I bailed about 9:30pm Saturday night and drove home to L.A. Tom K. has several pics posted to his facebook page.