$100 bag from US Bank short?


Jr. Member
Jul 31, 2012
>GJ Colorado
Primary Interest:
So couldn't find any rolls of 1/2 dollars but a US Bank had a bag that was sealed and marked $100. This being my first chance to try this out I bought it and my son and I went through this weekend. It is short 4 pieces, only $98 in there so now my son and I are already down $2 with nothing of value found. Is this common? I have read of people missing a coin out of a box, but this 4 coins out of a small bag. :-(

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To me this is even scarier! So not only can the bank get you when you are buying but they can also substantially short you on the return?

So realisticly this actually a form of slots with generally the house coming ahead just as if you went to Vegas. At least in Vegas they give you drinks!

That is why more and more banks are not selling bags to customers. Not all of them will get advice on pages like this and go into the bank hot and heavy demanding their money. It makes it not worth the headaches to the banks.

I also think it is pretty cool, that you are trying to tech your son lessons with a hobby. Learning can be fun. Sorry that it turned out to be more difficult than it was intended.

One piece of advice -

I bought a bunch of CWR of dimes from a Bank of America. Every roll was 1-3 short. The next time I went in, same teller and she remembered me, I told her about it. I said I wasnt worried about the money, but wanted to inform her that someone was shorting the rolls and potentially costing the bank money. She was very apologetic about it and INSISTED that I take $2 to cover my losses. I tried not to take it - that wasn't the reason I told her - but she insisted and told me that the Banks have "leeway" when it comes to that.

It happens often. Pennies in dime rolls, shorted rolls, worthless foreign coins, washers, aluminum foil wrapped pennies in dime rolls, you name it! I am by no means wealthy, but the way I look at it is if people are that hurt up and need to short coin rolls to help ends meet, maybe they need that 9 cents more than I do! Try to look at it glass half full.


Its $2, it happens all the time. Its the price you pay to play. $2 really isn't worth much to the bank to check if something is merely $2 short or not. $200 and you might have had a valid complaint, but $2 is literally pocket change.

You could have also just as easily gotten $2 more in those rolls.

CRHing is NOT a money making activity. Yeah, you can make some $$$ if you're lucky, but its more for the fun of it. Think of it like metal detecting, you go out with your $250+ machine, spend $30 in gas to get to just the right spot, spend 2-3 hours in the library researching potential spots, then spend 2-3 hours swinging your coil over the ground only to find $3 in clad, some old junk and a mercury dime (worth $2 or so in melt) on that one trip you just made -$25 or so! But I hardly think that anyone would call that an unsuccessful day in the MDing community.

Its the same way with CRHing, you can often (but certainly not always!) break even or even make a bit extra. Sure sometimes you'll find that dream score, just like a detectorist occasionally finds gold or a CSA belt plate. But its the hunt that is the fun part, not the monetary value of what you found.

First off I didn't go in there asking for a bag of halves, I didn't know such a thing existed. I went in there with my six year old to introduce him to coins and what seemed a safe hobby that he could have fun with. I was looking for a roll or loose, they offered the bag. If they would having mentioned that there is a chance of the bag being short, I wouldn't have purchased it. Instead they sold me an item they sealed and marked as accurate.

Second, I definitly didn't expect "big" rewards. It was in a clear bag sitting on a counter, I was pretty sure that it had been "looked" through numerous times. I was hoping for a fun experience to get my son interested. Instead I got the "opportunity" to try and explain why a business who specializes in the transaction of money signed, sealed, and said one thing but gave us another. I told the bank specifically the money we were using was from my 6 year olds savings. I of course am replacing the missing money with my own.

Hearing from others that this is not an uncommon occurance is good on one hand since it sounds like most likely they have a degree of error due to mechanical issues, sad though since it would have been nice to know of it prior to involving my son at that point.

Live and learn, I will probably just let him work on getting loose coins and occasional roll if they ever occur.

Going off of what you've posted, I get the feeling you're more upset about being cheated than you are about your 6yr old's failed math lesson. Besides, you provided him with two better lessons out of this: Theory vs Reality and Life Isn't Fair.

Theory vs Reality - Systems are designed to work one way, when often times they only resemble the design plans.

Life Isn't Fair - I was born in America. I have money to CRH and MD. Another guy is born in Somalia. He doesn't have enough money to feed his family. I didn't make a deal with anyone to be born in the U.S. Fairness has never been apart of life.

While 1+1=2 is important, there are other lessons that will help out our children as well. Good luck to you and your son in your future endeavours.

Going off of what you've posted, I get the feeling you're more upset about being cheated than you are about your 6yr old's failed math lesson. Besides, you provided him with two better lessons out of this: Theory vs Reality and Life Isn't Fair.

Theory vs Reality - Systems are designed to work one way, when often times they only resemble the design plans.

Life Isn't Fair - I was born in America. I have money to CRH and MD. Another guy is born in Somalia. He doesn't have enough money to feed his family. I didn't make a deal with anyone to be born in the U.S. Fairness has never been apart of life.

While 1+1=2 is important, there are other lessons that will help out our children as well. Good luck to you and your son in your future endeavours.

This thread seems to wander all over. I posted to this forum to see if it was expected or unexpected in regards to my experience. I have been answered that regardless of the bag being signed, sealed and specified as having 100 dollars that it really means around 100 dollars. So be it. I received an answer. End of thread.

One piece of advice -

I bought a bunch of CWR of dimes from a Bank of America. Every roll was 1-3 short. The next time I went in, same teller and she remembered me, I told her about it. I said I wasnt worried about the money, but wanted to inform her that someone was shorting the rolls and potentially costing the bank money. She was very apologetic about it and INSISTED that I take $2 to cover my losses. I tried not to take it - that wasn't the reason I told her - but she insisted and told me that the Banks have "leeway" when it comes to that.
Poppycock. There's no such thing as a bank slush fund. If she gave you $2 to cover a loss, it was not the bank's money.

What gets me you can also weigh a bag of the same coins and see if there is a descrepancy.

John-K, I think the bigger lesson for your son is that life isn't always far. He should learn this early on, at a young age. The 2 dollar loss may save him a lifetime of even bigger losses and disappointment if you instill it correctly.
Just my 2 cents.


Big Fat

Poppycock. There's no such thing as a bank slush fund. If she gave you $2 to cover a loss, it was not the bank's money.

You are right - I just made it all up. I get my kicks from making up bogus claims and posting them on the internet. I have been exposed.

She didn't take the money out of her purse, bucko.

When it comes down to it, all a man has in life is his word. I take my integrity very seriously and don't expect to have it questioned again.

You are right - I just made it all up. I get my kicks from making up bogus claims and posting them on the internet. I have been exposed.

She didn't take the money out of her purse, bucko.

When it comes down to it, all a man has in life is his word. I take my integrity very seriously and don't expect to have it questioned again.
Never said you made anything up. Sorry if you read that into my reply.

You are right - I just made it all up. I get my kicks from making up bogus claims and posting them on the internet. I have been exposed.

She didn't take the money out of her purse, bucko.

When it comes down to it, all a man has in life is his word. I take my integrity very seriously and don't expect to have it questioned again.


Well, I guess when my son and I get rolls & rolls of pennies, and constantly get dimes in penny rolls, we are doing ok.... just in a small $50 worth of pennies, we gobbled up more copper than junk and added $2.70 in dimes..... PAY DAY:tongue3:

if your 2 cents are copper cents, then your statement is even more valuable than you think :hello2::icon_thumleft:

i get shorted both in boxes of coin and and from the coin counters.they are machines and they have computers and yes they do make mistakes.what frosts my cupcakes is the banks are the one making all the money on my money in their bank.it all adds up to millions of dollars in profit to them.so when i lost 3 dollars of coin in their coin machine and i tell them about it and they look at me like i'm a martian from some other planet thats what irks me.what? that bank is'nt making enough money off of me and all thier other customers.i just lost $3 last week.how long will it take me to recover that from interest from my bank?guess what "NOT" we're supposed to trust the banks with our money that they hold.but tell them that thier machine just made a mistake and its like OH SORRY ABOUT THAT!!!! that money goes somewhere and not back in my pocket thats for sure.i think if we all started sqauking instead of walking away with our tail between your legs thay might make it right.i myself dont make enough back to cover my time and gas.yes i do it for the form of fun and it is fun to find an old coin just once in a awhile but then have to accept the loss from a machine thats just insulting.i know some people are real lucky at this game but not me.if anyone out there has an xtra real good luck charm i could sure use one!!so all of you that are making the biiiiiiiiiiig bucks at this when you get shorted just move on and accept it.remember you shortage is going in the corporatiions pockets.they love you for it.but as for me i'm going to start squauking.just venting

So couldn't find any rolls of 1/2 dollars but a US Bank had a bag that was sealed and marked $100. This being my first chance to try this out I bought it and my son and I went through this weekend. It is short 4 pieces, only $98 in there so now my son and I are already down $2 with nothing of value found. Is this common? I have read of people missing a coin out of a box, but this 4 coins out of a small bag. :-(

Bummer :(

Nomad - id raise hell if I were you! Then when your dump bank closes your account, all over $3, there will be one less competitor for all of us.

One bad apple spoils the bunch, the way I see it crh costs these banks money. People start complaining onstead of being gracious, next you know it they will charge 3-5% for the coin counters and put all of us out on our arses.

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