xp deus metal detector

  1. Sunday’s Finds xx

    A chilly foggy start to the day, but as ever we were undeterred 😆 xx I had a cracking morning in the other field, so after a morning digging muskets, himself saw sense and joined me in my field! 😆 xx He went to the area I found the fibula yesterday and found this first item… seems to have a...
  2. Today’s Finds xx

    Ahh Saturday at last, had some lovely sunny days this week, but the forecast for today was dull with the chance of thunder storms 😳 xx We went back to the Race Course field, I left him to dig muskets and I ventured off into another field, this field has an old well and a Bronze Age Round...
  3. Saturday’s Finds xx

    After another busy week, could not wait to get out in the fresh air!!! A lovely sunny day, but cold!! We headed back off to the race course! My first signal was a Roman coin, which is very exciting as its the first from this field… ! xx Day of the loop today tho, i found this first one which...
  4. Sunday’s Finds xx

    Another cracking day in the race course field today….himself reckons it’s about 90 acres….the last pic shows you the grass track round the edge. Which is still used as a training gallop by a local racing stable. Got so warm today a Bumble bee joined us in the truck at lunchtime 🥰 xx Tap key...
  5. Saturday’s Finds xx

    Wow what a perfect spring day! Positively warm, no mud, I fairly sailed about the field today, even shedded my outer layer of clothing 😎 xx We went back to the race course field as we just love it here! First off I found this amazing octagonal lead weights! What a cracker, then we have a...
  6. Sunday’s Finds xx 😎

    After a day of chores yesterday was champing at the bit to get out today, it was the perfect Spring day, sunshine and blue skies, so we headed off to a previously undetected field, next to the race course. I spent ages following the lead and iron signals, and was eventually rewarded with my...
  7. Sunday’s Finds xx

    Well the weather was awful today, winds of 49mph and showers! So out we went! 😎 Tried a new field today, it’s a beautiful grass field that has the old carriage way from Croxton Park to the castle running thru it. It also has a stream running along the bottom. I found a few coins and a button...
  8. Saturday’s Finds xx

    A beautiful spring like day today, so we went back to the fields we were in last week, I wanted to do the banks of the stream, so himself headed off to dig all the pre dec coins! xx This lovely button was in the bank by the stream, then a weight, himself was excited to find a girl guide badge...
  9. Sunday’s finds! xx

    After a rain soaked Saturday, we finally got out today. Went to the grass fields near the lynchets (opposite the hill we were on a few weeks ago). It’s a ridge and furrow field and very wet! First off a pretty little buckle, lead role and bullet and 3 buttons…. But… 18 pre dec coins, 3...
  10. Sunday’s Finds xx

    More rain overnight … so back into the mud we went! xx 😅 First off a selection of buckles… a little lead weight and lead token, a teeny tiny bit front and back 🤔 then the buttons… got some pretty ones today! Some kind of bullet, a trade token couple of Pre dec coins, and another slick Willy...
  11. Saturday’s Finds xx

    A damp and dreary day here, but undaunted we headed back into the mud! Nice little Fibula to start you off, then the bottom bit from another one, gorgeous spur, lead bead, decorative bit, lovely button, then the most complete buttons I think we have ever found (I mean with the loops still on)...
  12. Today’s Finds xx 🥶

    Blimey it was chilly out in the fields today, no frost so back to the slimy mud…still the constant scrapping of the boots and shovel does keep you warm! Well last week I said I’d never found a Silver thimble… so today the field gave me one! Bit squashed but hey! So I’m going to say now, I have...
  13. First Hammered of 2025! 😎 xx

    Ahh the joy of winter digging …. Hard frost over night means digging the signals is a challenge in the morning, but by the afternoon the defrosting mud makes for slippery going and slimy mud everywhere! Not sure what this first one is, it looks like it had 4 prongs off it originally, same for...
  14. Today’s Finds xx

    A cold morning here, frosty first thing, but as sleet and rain forecast tomoz we felt we had to be brave today! With shooting season in full swing and a lot of our fields flooded we went to the old Courthouse field not much except lead here now, so we went through into the next field which is...
  15. Update from FLO part 2 of 2 xx

    Part 2…
  16. Update from FLO part 1 of 2 xx

    We collected a batch of finds from the FLO on Friday, so here they are with the correct descriptions! As ever am blown away with the things we find, and Love sharing them all with you and honestly always appreciate everyone’s comments each week xx 🤗
  17. Today’s finds xx

    Well it’s been a while but finally the rain stopped and the sun came out so went out to the old racecourse today! So good to be out in the fresh air again xx Found this lovely spindle whorl, belt loop, weird bit of lead that looks like a face.. pot mend, 3 bobbin shot, 15 musket balls, which...
  18. Todays Finds xx

    After missing last weekends due to high winds and heavy rain, was itching to get back out today, but Himself’s truck broke down yesterday… so we had to take my wheels, which meant no off roading, so a field with suitable parking had to be located! But we had a lovely day and even saw the sun...
  19. Awesome day in the fields today! Xx

    Ahh a dreary damp day here today, but we are out tomoz, so didn’t let the weather put us off! 😆 xx I found this strap fitting, now to my eyes it looks a bit like an animal…. but that may just be wishful thinking? The a little buckle, 2 little tack mounts, a little stud with a B on it, drawer...
  20. Today’s Finds xx

    Ahh how nice to be out in the field, rather than at my desk today! xx Mixed bag of finds today! First a tiny Fibula from Himself’s Roman patch, medieval belt loop, not sure what this next piece is, it’s chunky…. Back is slightly indented with sloping edges.. 🤔… 2 little tack pins, bits of...
  21. Sunday’s Finds xx

    Well after the excitement of yesterday.. we decided to go back to the field I found the Woad Grinder in.. still has stubble as being planted later with Sugar Beet… so had a gentle amble around enjoying the still quite warm day, this field is in the old Deer Park near the old Abbey, but finds...
  22. Fab Finds Today xx

    A damp misty morning this morning, but when your first signal is a hammered… you remember why you love the mud! 😆 xx But first an unusual triangle buckle.. then a square weight, gorgeous thimble, strap end, book clasp, then a little person (?) some cute buckles, massive lead weight and a musket...
  23. Sunday’s finds xx

    Today we went to the old race course, it’s so beautiful up here even if we don’t find much it’s still one of the best fields to roam about and dream in! A nice trio of Bobbin shot!, a pair of musket balls, a pair of broken crotal bells, belt loop, thimble top and watch winder, buttons, pre...
  24. Today’s Finds xx

    A beautiful Saturday here, sunny and surprisingly warm! So we headed off to some stubble fields we have done before, or sure why they haven’t been planted yet… 🤔 xx Found this pretty buckle, then part of a spur(?) 2 thimbles, 2 muskets, crotal bell, still has ringer but top loop missing...
  25. What a Fantastic Day! 😍 xx

    Well as predicted woke up to rain bucketing down… so waited a couple of hours before heading out, when we got to the field we had planned to do, the Shoot was lined up, so we did an about turn and went back to the fields we have spent many happy hours in! My first offering for you is why I love...
  26. Sunday’s Finds xx

    Ahh the joy of detecting on a glorious Autumnal day, much warmer today so we headed off to the village fields, we can’t do these fields on a Saturday as they are shooting the poor pheasants in them 😢 …. they have been planted but Farm Manger says we can still go in them 😆xx Well we had a...
  27. Saturday’s Finds xx

    A sunny day here yesterday so we headed out to a new field, as ever our hopes were high, this field is opposite the alleged Roman Villa field, next to the Barn fields where we found loads of coins and tesserae….. but hmm I found one Crusty Roman coin but field was surprisingly quiet? Never mind...
  28. Sunday’s Finds xx ☔️

    Today started cool and sunny but then the showers started so we didn’t get a full day in, but still nice to be out wandering around with no where else to be. Not sure what this first item is, medical device or more domestic? Not sure it’s about 7cm long. Nice buckles, then 2 more of those loop...
  29. Saturday’s Treasures xx

    Well what a cracking day, sun shine and chilly, my fave detecting weather! Shooting season has started so we need to pick our fields carefully 😂 so back we went to his Roman Fields… I left him contemplating which direction to walk in up and down or side to side) 🥹… I lost interest and headed off...
  30. Sunday’s Finds xx

    After a very wet start the sun came out and it was a beautiful day 😎 xx Went back to the same fields as yesterday, no hammered today, but I did get a silver! First item I think is a book clasp, then a fancy dress hook, the a strap mount, back of the mount and a hobnail (?) it sure what the...
  31. Sunday’s Finds xx

    Headed out to an old favourite field today, this is the field that we found 70 plus Roman coins in last year along with some Tesserae…. To be fair, I did very little today as exhausted after The Basset Beach Invasion yesterday ..! But in total we found 7 Roman coins, which himself is diligently...
  32. Bank Holiday Finds xx

    Well after yesterday’s excitement it was good to wander about in the stubble in much nice weather today 😆 xx First off a very nice cow horn cover..pot leg, little lead weight, 2 Bobbin shots, buckle, musket balls, buttons, 3 pre dec coins, 1968, 1954 and a toasted one, when I dug this one I...
  33. Sundays finds xx

    Went out today in a new stubble field… it was freezing cold and very windy … where did summer go 🤔 .. Nevermind I found this first item… no idea what it is… 😂 then he found an annular brooch, first we have found that is decorated.. then a plain loop, clasp, a Roman brooch, buckle thingy, I...
  34. Friday’s Finds xx

    Well we had quite an exciting day today, handed 50 items into the FLO for logging on the database. They are still scratching their heads about my Gold Stater, even talking to the experts across the channel …! So far it is still the only one of its kind recorded and if that wasn’t exciting...
  35. Thursday Finds xx

    Today we decided to go back to the same field, and I’m very glad of that decision! 😎 I nearly died when I glimpsed this super size silver… alas it’s a button, but a huge one 1.5 inch across! Then a pretty decorative piece, tap key, ring attachment and spoon handle, big buckle and name plate, a...
  36. Wednesday’s Wonders… 😎 xx

    A much cooler day today saw us back in yesterdays field. Isn’t life good when the only decision to make in the morning is which field to wander about in! 😍 Well my first target was meters from the truck, and oh my days another Vesica Seal 😍… interestingly the first one I ever found was in this...
  37. Tuesday’s Treasures… 😎 xx

    Another glorious summer day here, not quite as hot as yesterday… so I didn’t have to stop for a nap! 😆 xx Today we did 2 fields… first one is a crop field in front of the castle adjacent to the grass ones we normally do… after lunch himself wanted to go back to field we have been in before on...
  38. Monday’s treasure 😎 xx

    Today was hot! Ur girl Blossom couldn’t deal … so we decided to try some new fields… I say we… I napped in the truck and himself did the trying… He did good and we have definitely found a field that needs to be investigated… it has been disked but it’s very rough on the ankles.. so hopefully we...
  39. Today’s Treasure! 😎😅 xx

    Didn’t get to go out yesterday… but today we did, super sunny day temp at 26 degrees… set to be 32 tomorrow 😅… So we went back to the village field, and had a marvellous day! 😎 First off I found this little silver bit… the some cool buttons, a complete crotal bell, then I think what maybe a...
  40. A smorgasbord of stuff today 😆 xx

    After yesterday we needed to dig, so we went back to the field in the village which has now been disked! Weird day weather wise, blazing sun, light drizzle, chilly wind 🤔 xx Now gotta say no idea what this first one is… looks like a chap in a box 🤔… can’t see anything on back.. then we have...
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