
  1. Crevicing for Gold another day another Crevice

    Tag along as Jeff and Gary (Two Toes ) head to the Hills in search of Crevice's filled with Gold !!!!! Thanks for watching
  2. Crevicing for Gold

    Watch as Jeff and Gary ( Two Toes ) head to the Hills in search of Gold !!! On this adventure they will be Crevicing the Bedrock cracks in search of Hidden Gold !!!! Thanks for watching Jeff
  3. My Youtube Channel " Smithsgold " My Youtube Channel, Hope you enjoy the video's I have more on the way !!!! Thanks, Jeff
  4. Mystery Creek Gold

    Mystery Creek Gold Join Jeff as he goes on a hike to a small Creek to check and see if there's any Gold in it !!! Thanks for watching, Jeff
  5. Mystery Creek Gold

    Mystery Creek Gold Join Jeff as he goes on a hike to a small Creek to check and see if there's any Gold in it !!! Thanks for watching, Jeff
  6. New video on Equinox 800 at the beach released

    My friend Tony and I just made a video at Wildwood NJ testing the new Minelab Equinox 800.
  7. Best coin spill of the year for me!! - Video

    Hi all, I forgot to publish this hunt from a couple weeks ago.. an even BETTER coin spill. My best coin spill of the year! Take a look! I've shown some decent relics in the wrap-up at the end if you can help identify anything please feel free to contribute in the comments on the Youtube page...
  8. Dug up some antique bicycle parts, a large cent, and some other awesome relics!

    Thought bout posting my most recent video on here. Hoped you guys enjoyed. :)
  9. Found a 1900's beer bottle and a nice tea cup in a pond! VIDEO

    In this video, my intentions was to find the site where a old saw mill was, turns out I found more than just lumber scraps under the waters of the pond. Your subscription to my channel will be highly appreciated! Thanks fellow detectorist.
  10. Glorious Newfoundland large Cents Found At Old House Property/ Field

    Hey guys check out this video I made from when I dirt fishing a hidden house site and field in the woods. I love finding largies; I find them everywhere here in Newfoundland! :blackbeard::icon_thumright:
  11. Complete Pocket Watch, Silver 5 cent piece, and large cent! The Video!

    Hey guys. So I posted some pictures of the relics and coins on found on a new field on Todays Finds and it became my most liked and commented post so far. I happened to bring my camera that day and I filmed the good finds as soon as they came out of the ground. So here's the video. You may find...
  12. Weekly Metal Detecting Uploads - BC ~ Canada

    Hey y'all. New to the forum here, started filming and uploading my outings to Youtube a few months back. If anyone is interested I do find a decent amount of neat stuff including Gold and Silver. I spend a fair amount of time editing the videos to cut out the blah for a good flow and easy...
  13. Music for your Videos and Projects - Thank you.

    A big Thank You for your continued custom and support. Now with well over 500 Royalty-Free Audio files ready for your media projects available through Pond5. With styles of music ranging from Horror Film Scores to Children's Music, Theatre to Dance.
  14. First Silver of The Year! Plus some relics and coppers! Video!

    Hey guys, its been over a year since I posted anything on the site mainly because of the lack of finding stuff and well...winter. Haha. But the last week or two I've been finding things in and around old potato/veggie gardens in good ol' Newfoundland. Here's a video I made because I decided to...
  15. My first video - Seasoning your gold pan

    Hey everyone. I recently posted my first video on Youtube. I will be adding more as soon as the Michigan weather allows me to do some panning without my hands freezing solid. If you have some time, stop by and check it out. I look forward to hearing any comments you have. Thanks everyone!
  16. Down and Dirty with Debbie! Zach Byrd Adventure Hour Interview!

    Relic News and Beyond Sight and Sound interview Zach Byrd Adventure Hour from Georgia USA. A creative YouTuber with different types of video’s, from metal detecting, hunting, fishing, Herping and mushroom foraging. Zach talks about how he got involved in metal detecting, his first detector and...

    13 METAL DETECTING TIPS AND TRICKS! Here are some more great tips and tricks! 1. Eric from Relic Dirtyhands says "First time exploring a new site, focus on the high traffic and entertainment area's" 2. Allison Walker says "Be patient, cover your holes, show respect and always ask for...
  18. ??? - YouTube Videographers aka People Posting Metal Detecting Videos - ???

    1st off THANKS to all of you who take the time to make video's of your hunts, edit them, & then post them, they make for some great entertainment. Here's my request though, would some of you create videos that actually show your detectors screen and that allow us to hear your detectors audio so...
  19. Anyone else have feral kids?

    I'm telling you folks, my kids are wild as buck rabbits. We take them detecting with us all the time and by the time we get them home they look like mud people. I made the horrible decision to buy my wife a new car last year. It stays smudged up, tracked up and rusted up from our find pouches...
  20. Diggin Britt

    Deleted Sorry folks. Things got real.
  21. Yard Sale Haul Videos

    Hey fellow treasure hunters!! I'm loving what I'm seeing on this site, and I'm all about reselling. I just wanted to pop in and drop a link to my Youtube channel and website for fellow resellers to check out. Check them out if you want. I appreciate any feedback or criticism you can provide...
  22. Cartouche Knife, Un Sous, Sports Button, Crotal Bell and more

    Hello everyone, It's been a while since I have posted. Eric and I have been having an epic year! This one site has provided some incredible finds. We found a cartouche knife with a markers mark KENT, I haven't been able to ID it yet. I also found my first sporting button and what a beauty...
  23. I just dug my first Confederate...

    Before I post the pictures :occasion14: and the video, I wanted to share a little history about the location where I've been finding these Confederate relics. Cassville Georgia is a small town in my home county. During the Civil War it was not only the County Seat but it was one of the largest...
  24. Gear Video | Metal Detecting America I have had a lot of questions about the gear i use and what detector i swing, well i hope this answers everyone questions. If i missed anything please leave a comment and let me know. Thank you and HH Everyone!
  25. Metal Detecting in Ukraine

    Hello everyone! I'm from Ukraine, search for the treasure involved the fifth year, it is very fascinating and interesting hobby. Now my metal detectors is XP Deus and XP GMaxx2. favorite theme for searches is the coin of the Roman Empire. Currently my channel on the Ukrainian and Russian...
  26. Detecting with the Cortes - Video

    Here is a video I made using my new Cortes. I'm still learning it but I must say it's not a steep learning curve. I have a Tesoro Tejon and the Cortes isn't much different from it in the sound signature. Of course, the Cortes provides much more information that helps in making the decision to...
  27. Last weeks hunt and more

    Eric and I had a great hunt last weekend. We located an old road that lead to the mills, train station and cellars. We hunted all along the road on both sides. We managed a cool holed large cent that was converted into a whizzer toy for a child. I threaded it and tested it out and it worked! I...
  28. Video - Adventures in the Superstition Wilderness

    In the 3rd episode of my Superstition Mountain series, I take you on a 3 day adventure that ends up at one of the most controversial places in the range. I look forward to the comments and discussion that will follow. You can watch the video on my YouTube page, located here...
  29. Posting youtube videos?

    I tried using the embed and the url, but only the link to the video posted on TNet. I did a search but didn't find solution. How to embed video?
  30. Short videos under 2 minutes

    Short video's under 2 minutes Hi everyone, the snow is finally melting Whohoooo! I created a few small video's to pass the time during the deep freeze. Hope you enjoy! Buttons Buttons and more buttons ;) Victorian Signets and other spoils of the era. Old Holed Coins We can't wait to get...
  31. Uploading complete works to YouTube & FaceBook

    Hi All, Slowly sharing the majority of my works on YouTube and FaceBook. Looking forward to hearing from you: Subscribe on YouTube Like page on FaceBook All the best. David.
  32. Video at the cellar

    Hi everyone here is our video at the cellar. We took the family and they had a blast sifting. Hope you enjoy the video and finds. HH!
  33. Finds Video, lots of clad, and an 1890 Indian Head (end of video)

    Well, after three straight weeks of searching, I finally found something worth posting! Detecting around an old house yesterday at my college, found an 1890 Indian Head penny. I almost fainted I was so excited She's not the prettiest, but she made me smile. I'll take it! Below is a intro/finds...
  34. YouTube Videos on Metal Detecting

    YouTube Video's on Metal Detecting Check out videos On metal Detecting YouTube/stoneymeagher This is a good one
  35. First Hunt of 2014! Off to a good start...with video

    Hello all, It was 60 degrees and rainy all day yesterday which sort of softened the was 40 degrees and partly sunny so I decided to go swing the coil at a park real close to my house where I've had some luck and I'm glad I did. It was a great first hunt of the year, if you have...
  36. December Heat Wave Silver, in CT with VIDEO

    Hello All! It was 60+ degrees here yesterday in CT!! We had 6+ inches of snow on the ground 3 days ago, and its almost all gone.8-) I took this oppurtunity to get in another hunt and decided to stay close to home. I have pulled over 130 silvers this year and only 10 or so have come from the...
  37. Interesting day at the beach

    2 videos of my beach finds::hello2::hello2::hello2: What do you guys think?
  38. Two Barber halves in the same hole! Got it on film too!

    Best day in a while!:headbang: Dirt Fishin America Episode 1: CTX 3030 Finds BIG SILVER. Two Barber halves in one hole! - YouTube
  39. Whites Coinmaster metal detector and treasure hunting

  40. Whites Coinmaster air test video

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