
  1. RANDOM CHAT THREAD - Chat about anything or just hang out - ALL are welcome.

    The Random Chat Thread is for anyone and everyone... To talk or just hang out. ARC And yes you can still post a find to talk about or a find that needs a solve. :)
  2. New England Treasure

    Hey all, Recently have become enamored with the lost history of New England. With much of our countries beginnings happening here, there has to be a number of war relics and lost coins to be found. I am a beginner and am looking at purchasing my first detector. Does anyone have any good solid...
  3. Rio Caliente treasure?

    Recently started thinking (again) about getting into metal detecting. I have a couple of cheap detectors, but want to get into it with something decent. Watching the guy on Oak Island finding tidbits of history gets me all excited :-) Anyway, wanted to pass along something that may be of...
  4. 𝐇𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐂𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐚 &

    𝐇𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐂𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐚 & Centrailia is a ghost town in Pennsylvania, it used to be a working coal mine until sink holes started opening from the ground. The government forced everyone to leave. Silent hill the movie was based off of Centrailia and even filmed there. It is now a ghost...
  5. Hello from AL-BR

    Hello guys, I'm a engineer, that loves old stuffs haha, I've started collecting old treasures like fossils, coins and arrow heads, I'd like to share all the things I have with you, learn and teach a lot. Nice to meet u all.
  6. Jose Gaspar Treasure is REAL!!!!

    We have located the actual real treasure map of Juan Gomez. The treasure is real!!!!!!! Yes it does exist> Sincerely Michael Gattuso
  7. Looking to Interview Treasure Hunters - The Beale Ciphers

    Hello, everyone! I'm currently working on a long-term project for my 11th-grade research paper. I'm studying the Beale ciphers and trying to get points of view from BOTH skeptics and believers. I am also looking to interview cryptographers (no matter the experience level). Please send me a...
  8. wanted gold scanner + financier

    good morning guys im newbie here :) anyway anyone who has a scanner & want to finance at the same time please do contact me at my no. 09051308213 we have a lot here in zamboanga city who have an unconfirmed gold beneath it. according to my uncle, a specific bank representative went to their...
  9. Jesse James & Cole Younger Treasure near Dallas, Texas

    From: Chickashaw Daily Express newspaper, Dec. 18, 1915 ~Texas Jay
  10. Quantrill's & Other Treasure Caches in Jackson County, Missouri

    This newspaper article from 1908 tells of some suspected buried treasures in Jackson County, Missouri...
  11. $3 Million Treasure (1892 estimated value) Near Wyandotte, Kansas

    If you live in Kansas or Missouri, you may want to check into this big treasure that's reported to have been scattered over a 40-acre area at Wyandotte, Kansas. The "Millions in the Ground" article is in the 4th column of this page...
  12. Quantrill/James/Younger Treasures Near Red River in North Texas

    While researching some treasure leads a few nights ago, I ran across this article about some treasure that was said to have been buried by members of Quantrill's Guerrillas, including the James and Younger Brothers, near the Red River. Since that is a little out of my area of operation, I...
  13. Quantrill Treasure in Nevada?

    Here's an interesting article about buried treasure and a mysterious carving in Nevada. Local News: Monumental mystery: Man says he has information on Church Hollow carving, treasure (2/24/11) | Nevada Daily Mail ~Texas Jay
  14. Quantrill's Buried Treasure near Oronogo, Missouri

    While waiting out this messy, rainy weather in central Texas, I've gone into all-out research mode. I came across this article about one of Quantrill's buried treasures while following up on another treasure that I read about in the September, 1972 issue of Long John Latham's Treasure World...
  15. Hoot Owl Trees & Pointer Rocks of the KGC

    While researching a treasure lead tonight, I came across this interesting article. The author is in the process of writing a book about some Colorado history and he gives some very good information about and photos of KGC treasure signs and symbols in the article...
  16. Dr. Oren Swearingen on Victorio Peak

    In this video, Dr. Oren Swearingen told of his many years of experience at Victorio Peak in search of the gold that was hidden there. ~Texas Jay
  17. Errol Flynn - Treasure Hunter

    I was researching the actor Errol Flynn's treasure hunting ventures when I came across this from 2012. I had never heard anything about it and don't know whether or not the Whitehead Expedition recovered the treasure they were searching for. If you know, please comment...
  18. Three Ancient Treasure-Laden Shipwrecks Discovered in Egypt

    "The Egyptian government announced Tuesday that archaeologists have uncovered three sunken, millennia-old shipwrecks off the country's north coast. The wrecks, filled with ancient artifacts, are Roman and date back when the empire spread over Europe and North...
  19. what does it mean snake standing pointing towards cross

    standing up snake and head pointing 120 feet towards a cross on left and right with a c in middle and the c is open towards the cross on the right.
  20. what does snake mean left buy pirates

    standing up snake head pointing towards a cross on left and right with a c in middle
  21. new member

    hi everyone have some questions hope people can answer
  22. Two Brown County, Texas Treasure Stories

    I found this excerpt that I saved to my hard copy files several years ago and had forgotten about. If the $17,000 was all gold, the treasure would be valued today at over $1 million in gold melt value alone, not to mention the numismatic value of the coins if the gold was in coin form. I don't...

    DOWSE MASTER products sets the precedent for Dowsing & LRL products with a limited FREE trial, and a Satisfaction Money Back Guarantee for two of their new, Low cost, Dowsing & LRL products, soon to be on the market. As far as I know, no manufacturer in the LRL industry has ever before...
  24. Wood boat covered in gold

    Hello. I have this golden ship that looks like an egyptian artifact, ceremonial boat from ancient egypt. Things missing tho but I would like to know if this is an orginal or a new made copy, looks old.
  25. Looking for apprenticeship

    Hello everyone, I’m here looking for someone with the knowledge and experience of finding lost treasure and lost mines, as well as the knowledge on how to do the right research to find these items. Preferably someone who’s a bit older and wants to pass down the knowledge they’ve gathered...
  26. possible cache markers found in Utahs great salt lake desert

    I was out wandering the desert of western utah when i came upon this ring of rocks. It was around 10 feet in diameter had no sign of fire use, and had 2 rocks not from the area stacked in the middle (pictured), the top rock seems to be arrow shaped. 100 yards from this circle hidden behind an...
  27. Potential Meteorite?

    Grey, brown, and iron colored red bubbles and veins and crosshatching. It has lots of thumbprints and pores. It has what appears to be a drip or melting run of some metal ore. It is magnetic and relatively porous and hollow.
  28. Been Lucky Lately

    My AT Pro has served me well lately. These are some of my better finds from my latest freshwater hunts 8-) Have been quite busy last two weeks, so haven't been out much. Kinda miss my beaches haha... 18K crest ring (stone missing), 18K gold chain and some nice silver rings 18K belt buckle...
  29. Very strange Stone .. FOUND

    Very strange stone .. FOUND! Colors: Brown, Yellow, Grey, White. Found in Germany.
  30. I want to develop a business model that revolves around treasure hunting

    Hi I'm planning to develop a business model for my startup that revolves around treasure hunting. Do let me know what all can you imagine when you hear this. Let me know your ideas and expectations. Also suggest me some platforms where i can check out some business models too :D
  31. Jeohunter 2D reviews

    I live in Morocco and have a jeohunter 2D. The detector isnt easy to work with, but after a few times i managed to get a proper ground balance. After solving this problem i got an other one, for the third time i detected something what should be gold (the detector gives me gold on the screen)...
  32. Glorious Newfoundland large Cents Found At Old House Property/ Field

    Hey guys check out this video I made from when I dirt fishing a hidden house site and field in the woods. I love finding largies; I find them everywhere here in Newfoundland! :blackbeard::icon_thumright:
  33. Agate? (part 2)

    This is a reply to the post: Long story short, I found some possible agates in a place in Michigan with is the geological equivalent of vanilla ice cream (quartz is a rare find). I also found them in a rather high volume, and returned to...
  34. Calling All Diggers, Treasure Hunters, Prospectors

    I am currently working on a project that will culminate in 2018 with an exhibition. I have been collecting soils and stories from locations I have discovered where there is said to be buried treasure. I would like to have a broader reach of contributors than just people I meet along my...
  35. Manmade trench in Limestone creek?

    What is this trench crossing in the middle of a limestone creek, and what was it used for? It's roughly 2-3 feet wide, and runs from one side of the creek to the other. It's a little over a foot deep. I've dug out parts of it a few times and found a handful of civil war bullets each time.
  36. Old Worn Copper Coin?

    Hey guys. I'm having real trouble IDing this coin that I found. It is extremely worn and seems to be quite old, perhaps my oldest( I hope). Do you guys know what kind of coin this is? You can sort-of see a monarch in the pictures. The other side of the coin is complete corroded. :( Thanks!
  37. who can explain this holes and this signs

    hello dear masters this place belong to Iran but there are multiple storeis about its history. there are many holes on the rock we call them joghan in some case (they are sign too for distance and directions) that used for oil and make the fire and people did their mourning traditions. i cant go...
  38. West Kentucky Treasure Preservation Society

    The 2017 WKTPS Club Hunt in Paducah Kentucky is coming up on October 7-8. 2 Days of hunting in seeded hunts with lots of prizes and if your traveling and have never been to Paducah area, lots to see an do beside metal detect. Western Kentucky is fairly rich in Civil War history and if you catch...
  39. Treasure Hunter Decal

    I make Decals to support my hobbies. Decal Measures 10.5" x 10.5" in size. I use Oracal 651 Vinyl which will last about five to seven years outside. I have Blue, Red, Green, Yellow, White and Pink available. Can be placed on glass, painted metal surfaces, plastic, etc. $12.00 shipped...
  40. The Jeanne-Elisabeth's treasure

    Hérault : ils redonnent vie au trésor de la Jeanne-Élisabeth :treasurechest:
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