
  1. Prehistoric artifacts or broken rocks?

    Are these artifacts or broken rocks? I’m trying to learn to identify artifacts, and I’m not sure what I’m seeing. Thanks.
  2. Found this stone on Hawaiian beach

    Went shell searching on the north shore of Oahu with my girlfriend and her mother who have lived on the island all their lives and we found a stone which neither of them can identify.
  3. What is this rock?

    I got this rock today at one of those places in stores where you can fill a little bag with rocks. I could identify most of the rocks I got but this one is completely eluding me. I've been doing searches for it all evening and I still can't figure it out. It's about the size of a quarter, dark...
  4. Found this rock in the desert in texas has odd properties

    Did streak test silver matalic part streaks dark grey,black Rock part streaked red. They are not mixed together but hooked to each other. I though hematite and magnatite, but their attractions to a magnet is backwards for those. It is heavy and acclamates to hot or cold in less than a minute
  5. Odd rock

    Most of the metallic part is square granular and will flake,trying to identify. Streak test seamed like it was hematite and magnatite,but magnetic fields are opposite of those minerals. Also only a small part of what streaks like hematite is magnetic.any ideas what it is? a coworker found a...
  6. Trying to identify

    Found in desert in central texas
  7. Metal looking with rock attached to it

    The rock part is magnetic, wondering what it is
  8. Odd rock

    Found this in the desert in texas, what could it be. Half metal half rock,metal part is not magnetic
  9. New here. What do you make of these stone items I have found?

    Hello everybody. I just found out about this forum and it's like a dream come true. I just spent a a couple hours browsing and thought I'd post some items I've found. I'm a long time collector but am relatively new to searching for treasures in the woods and riverbeds. Here's an album with...
  10. What in some other world

    found a bunch of these neat green, red,orange,and dark blue stones and noticed what looks like two little bird like people tucked together with the smaller one wrapped at the waist of the larger of the kin i would presume. Any ideas about what on gods green earth can explain this not so far...
  11. Peculiar stone

    I found this stone today near a small steam in the smoky hill river region of Kansas. It's extremely heavy and has a slight magnetic pull. It seemed very out of place amongst the seemingly stoneless stretches of farmland. Any ideas or answers to what this is or may be will be appreciated!
  12. Dark blackish blue transparent stone

    I found this while digging a creek bed in Central Kansas Today. There is no way it is obsidian or flint by its color and transparency but I'm not too sure what forms the cubical fracture patterns. When I first discovered these pieces it was a single pane of cubical glass like dark gray stone. it...
  13. What kind of rock, metal, or mineral is this?

    I live in minnesota. I was digging a hole to plant a tree in some relatively sandy and clay mixed soil. The shovel created a sort of cross section in the side of the hole when I noticed this rock about 2 feet down from the surface with a rust colored streak in the sand, verticly above it that...
  14. Very strange Stone .. FOUND

    Very strange stone .. FOUND! Colors: Brown, Yellow, Grey, White. Found in Germany.
  15. ✅ SOLVED Possible stone tool?

    I found this in my back yard on the Eastern End of Long Island in NY. Can anyone tell me what it might be?
  16. Strange meteorite lookign rocks

    Hello! I`ve recently been on a island trip and found these rocks. If anybody knows about these rocks and about their composition then let me know. The rocks were found from Hiiumaa, Estonia. There is a meteorite crater there.
  17. what is it ? help

    help identify these stones smaller stone with 2 grams approx 12 ct green, largest stone 25 grams, color chcolate black cape. collected directly from nature and clean with only water, some completely trasparente against the light. smaller stone with 2 grams approx 12 ct green, largest stone 25...
  18. help me ? stones ID

    What are these? help identify help me ? stones ID , help me identify these stones smaller stone with 2 grams approx 12 ct green, largest stone 25 grams, color chcolate black cape. collected directly from nature and clean with only water, some completely trasparente against the light.
  19. 3/4 groove stone maul head

    I inherited this beautiful 3/4-Grooved Stone Maul Head from my father, who found it while working on the family farm (in central Minnesota) half a century ago. I would also like to glean some insight into what you guys might know about such artifacts. There are more pictures available at...
  20. A type of Jasper...

    Hello, I cannot identify the stone circled in red. All I (think) I know is that it is Jasper but I would like to know what type. Thanks for your help!
  21. unknown indian tool! please help

    Found this little guy today in cedar creek, but im having issues figuring it out. There are multiple finger grooved spots worn down from alot of use. One end pointed, the other v shaped, with a well rounded belly. Any knowledge would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  22. Indian artifact or natural formation?

    I originally posted this in the "what is it" forum but it was suggested that I post here as well. My husband found this item several years ago in Kansas City, Missouri. Our original thought was that it was a large hook of some kind but we had a friend take it to someone they thought might know...
  23. Any thoughts on this item? Artifact or not?

    My husband found this several years ago in Kansas City, Missouri. He had a friend take it to someone they knew and that person deemed this a natural formation. Any opinions to the contrary here? Thanks in advance, LJP
  24. Rhodochrosite ?please help id.

    weight 4 oz orange red crystal two large clusters. Cubes of medals throught magnetic. strong. Cool Black Smooth black stone almmost like glass but rough not transparent. looks like melted and colledi believe that somone has cleand this piece for presentation and dug out and around the...
  25. ID help, please

    I found this interesting stone near the Sierra Ancha Wilderness in Arizona and would appreciate any help in identifying what it could be. In case ya'll didn't know, the Sierra Anchas are home to a ton of Indian ruins and although this wasn't found at any particular site, I had initially thought...
  26. would like help identifying, please :)

    I usually hang out in the "North American artifact forums" but I found this interesting rock near the Sierra Ancha Wilderness in Arizona and would appreciate any help in identifying it. My first thought was that the rock was painted but the red "pattern" (if I can call it that) looks like it...
  27. round stone with holes

    Hi, found the attached item on the river shore in somerset county md. It appears to be made of stone with a hole in the middle and four holes going from the outer part to the center. Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks!
  28. Roman tombstones

    Bilecik City / TURKEI
  29. Possibly Native American?

    Hey everyone! I'm new to this site but I think it's very fascinating. I'm hoping that some of you more experienced treasure hunters might be able to help me with this. I've found a small number of arrowheads and pottery shards in Arizona but a while back I found this stone. The grooves are in...
  30. ✅ SOLVED What kind of rock is it?

    I have looked in my rock and minerals book to see what it is and there are a few choices. Some pieces have small holes in them also. There is a much larger piece that is part of a stone wall in my backyard. The rocks can chip but they are rather hard. There is a nickel in the one photo for size...
  31. found a cross on the lake shore. Is it as old as it looks?

    While looking for arrowheads on a lake side in Alabama, my daughter found a muddy, odd shaped, "rock". after cleaning it with lake water, it reveled itself as this small cross. It appears to be hand carved due to the non-perfect patterns. It weighs about the same as dried clay. The back of the...
  32. Chalcedony or agate?

    I need help identifying these stones. They have a somewhat waxy luster and are translucent when held to the light. They do not scratch with quartz. The longer one I believe is agatized wood. There is distinct banding when wet, but the smaller pieces have no banding whatsoever. The larger nodual...

    Hello everybody!!! I found this odd figure today,It's approx.5in. high what it is made of stumps me...I'll try&get better pics,Anyway it's NOT resin/plastic, it pass the needle test.The face looks like ivory or bone.It was said that it was made of stone but on some chip mark's it look's to...
  34. Small stone statue found. What is it?

    My brother found an old stone carved statue in a field. Roughly 4" tall. It's a woman with with a cloak type garment carrying a basket with her left arm and her right hand is up to her mouth. It looks very old. Thanks in advance for any help identifying this item.
  35. What animals bone is this?

    What animal's bone is this? I found this bone today, i am not too sure what part of the body it might of been, i found it in England, Hunstanton on the beach sand. As seen in the pictures it is only 4-5 cm wide. As it was on the beach i think it might be a fish or a bird but please tell me what...
  36. Broken Native American artifact?

    I was metal detecting and thought, "It would cool to find a Native American artifact." Then I looked down and saw a strange stone that appeared to be worked on a while back. The place I was metal detecting had Native Americans living there, and is named after Native Americans. Anyway, do you...
  37. Need help with these treasure signs. (Photos included)

    sorry for the changes i have made in this post

  39. They Say Its Diamond (How say you?)

    Hello fellow Hunters, Attached are the pictures of the find of my friend. This stone easily cuts a glass in half and is not affected if submerged in acid or in any chemical brought here by a geologist from the city. The latter said it may be an unrefined diamond and told my friend to bring...
  40. So what is it? Native American Stone Grinding Tool?

    Anyone have any idea what this is? Found on the beach in Santa Cruz. Size is 8" x almost 3" x almost 2". It looks like something was attached to it at the top and broke off or something. Or did the stone form around it? Maybe a rail road spike? Made of stone. No identifying marks on it...
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