Has there been much written about wrecks of the period of the looting of the treasures of the Aztecs in 1521 (fall of Tenochtitlan) and subsequently Inca in 1533 (execution of Atahualpa) and the immediate years following?
My main interest is gold ornaments and jewelry hence my past posts re...
Who goes out of the way to be the most helpful? Who in your experience is the most knowledgeable? What fields are they specialized in? Have any cool stories to share?
Are there any threads you'd recommend for users who love a good rabbit hole on mystery/information?
For those that don't know - the HMS Edinburgh was sank in 1942 by the Germans. 58 British lives were lost, and also 465 bars of Russian gold. Reports on the weight of each bar have differed, some indicating 7 pounds, some say 13 pounds, but most sources agree that each bar was 23 pounds. That's...
We are looking for a used Marine Magnetics explorer Magnetometer or a SeaSpy, SeaSpy2 (no altimeter).
It's to pair with and tow behind our CM2 CMax Sidescan Sonar.
What have you got, must be working...
Thanks in advance.....
I came to this site after finding a treasure that I was trying to find information on. I found this in southern Arkansas on the surface just lying there. I believe it is from a sunken vessel because it was found on the edge of a water source. Any information on this would be appreciated. I am in...
I recently ordered $500 in shipwreck silver coins from the famous SS Central America and I wanted to share their history with everyone. These 1853 and 1855 Chilean 50 Centavos are pretty unusual due to the fact historians and marine archaeologists were able to piece together clues to find the...
Hey guys. I work in documentary development and am wondering if any drilling/boring companies out there are also searching for treasure (other than the Oak Island guys). Let me know if you have a lead!
I recovered these three portholes from the site of an old forgotten shipwreck on April 6th 2024. They consist of two seven-inch portholes and one five-inch porthole. All found resting in alignment with eachother from where the wreck disintegrated in place around them. They are all still operational.
Got a tip from an old man that there was once an old wooden yacht sunk in the area. Found the rough location on the map and went out at low tide to investigate.
Found two seven-inch brass portholes still aligned with where the vessel must have been resting on its side. Then found a third...
Hello, I found this on Coin Beach in Delaware, it rolled up to me in a wave, and I'm wondering if it's something or how to find out?
I don't want to damage it anymore than I possibly already have and it's so encrusted. A chunk came off and it looks like it removed the top a bit in travel...
“The repeal came after eight years of litigation and is apparently triggered by the State’s realization that it had no legitimate defense to at least one of the federal court claims: that Blackbeard’s Law was a constitutionally prohibited ‘Bill of Attainder’ — a bill that targets and harms an...
Hi friends, I’m new to treasure hunting so while I’ve been in the Abacos, I’ve been putting my Beach Hunter ID to good use! The past couple of days, I’ve come across a couple different types of nails or spikes, not sure what they are and I could use your help in trying to figure out how old they...
A few months back at low tide, as the sun was setting, I discovered a red bronze
boat rudder that had been broken off at the shaft. I excavated it from the mud and carried it 1/4 of a mile through rough watery terrain. Then at home I cleaned it up.
Initially believing it to be fairly old I...
Any idea how old this might be? We found it completely encrusted except for the jagged end. It's hard to tell whether this broke off or this is the entire spike. Pictures include multiple sides and size. The "chunk" is where the head was encrusted.
The plaintiff - Intersal, Inc. argues that, after it spend a decade locating the wreck of the Queen Anne’s Revenge (QAR), the parties entered into a contract (the 2013 Agreement) to govern the treatment of the digital media and other matters related to the QAR but that the North Carolina...
Hello,We have this old anchor pulled up in a fishing net off the south coast of England. Is there any way of telling how old it is or what type of boat it was used on? Thanks!
We have this old anchor pulled up in a fishing net off the south coast of England. Is there any way of telling how old it is or what type of boat it was used on? Thanks!
The infamous pirate Blackbeard was once the scourge of the Atlantic but over 300 years later a different kind of pirate sails North Carolina’s waters. And a case heard at the United States Supreme Court has returned to Raleigh. On February 8th, 2023, filmmaker Frederick Allen of Nautilus...
Hello TreasureNet, I am a relative newbie to this forum although have been interested in lost valuables for many years. I've been lurking on this site for a few months reading up on details of various shipwrecks which I find so fascinating but only recently created an account. I appreciate the...
I do not know what is going on here or what it has been through but this was a few rocks up and it had weird cuts and carvings , is obviously old and I think where I found it is where kids go hide to chug the beers they stole from the cooler.
I saw this floating in at low tide with a bunch of sea weed so I chased it down. It stunk and the little barnacles poked me but that’s what I get for being grabby. There was a lot of moss on it. It’s a really rich color.
Hi all,
I recently found out about the wreck of the SS Clara Nevada in Alaska in 1898. It's a really interesting and confounding mystery. Supposedly there was gold in the ship when it sunk.
Has anyone here tried to find the wreck? Had any successes? Anyone have opinions about the wreck?
The store was a couple miles from Lewes, Delaware. They are in a shadowbox sort-of frame. Think there's any chance these are legitimate? How would this family have gathered them?
Found this in the sand beaches of North Carolina today. It to me looks like a skull at the top in Black and then a bronze possibly claw or tooth attached. The gold like metal sparkles in the black seem different than the bronze part. I'm very new to this so any suggestions or guidance would be...
Hello everyone. Curious to find out about salvage rights. Hypothetical question. If a ship breaks up into small parts as it goes down and is scattered on the ocean floor, and the exploration team discover only part of the wreck. Do they still get to claim salvage rights over the entire...
Hi all! My name is Justin. I am a novice at all of this. I make custom pens in my little shop and have been trying to craft more meaningful, beautiful and unique custom pens. I've attached an example.
I am trying to find salvaged shipwreck wood from older wrecks, documented if possible. I...
Sooooo.... for you folks who would like to know more about treasure diving, from
1) choosing and outfitting a boat, to
2) Piloting, anchoring, setting up and doing a good excavation, to
3) Metal detecting underwater - the real difference between finding and NOT finding, to
4)Where to look...
The justices will decide whether an underwater videographer can sue North Carolina for posting his images of the wreckage of a sunken pirate ship. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/02/us/politics/supreme-court-blackbeard-piracy.html
Off the coast of Bulgaria, more than a mile beneath the surface of the Black Sea, a team of maritime archaeologists, scientists and surveyors has discovered what could be the world’s oldest intact shipwreck – a 75-foot-long Greek trading vessel carbon-dated to more than 2,400 years ago...
North Carolina claims shipwreck images and video in its custody are N.C. property in intellectual property rights grab. The law passed in 2015 is still on the books. https://nautilusproductions.com/blog/1384-2
The videographer accusing the N.C. Department of Natural and Cultural Resources and the State of North Carolina of copyright infringement regarding images related to the Queen Anne’s Revenge has filed an appeal with the U.S. Supreme Court to reverse a lower court’s July 2018 decision that...
My name is Casey and I'm a development coordinator for an LA-based television production company.
We're in the process of conducting research for a new show whose development was requested by a major TV network. We're on the lookout for any currently operating treasure hunters, shipwreck...
Hello TN Community,
Have you ever had a lead on a potential shipwreck site but needed the financial backing in order to pursue the endeavor?
A new television series is being developed about investigating claimed shipwreck sites to determine whether or not the sites are legitimate. This series...
Hey guys I have a quick question.
I am trying to research and find out what model ship, or ships, would best depict the ships of the 1715 fleet, Jupiter wreck, or even 1733 fleet. .
I’m asking because I’m trying to find a prebuilt model ship closest to the ship that would’ve been in 1715 fleet...
Alright guys I’m new to this forum and have been doing my own research with not much luck on online stores-
I’m looking for Atocha, 1715 fleet, and or Jupiter wreck artifacts, coins, and set coins.
Mostly Atocha and Jupiter wreck- as they are the more desirable atleast for me.
I am looking to...
Alright guys I’m new to this forum and have been doing my own research with not much luck on online stores-
I’m looking for Atocha, 1715 fleet, and or Jupiter wreck artifacts, coins, and set coins.
Mostly Atocha and Jupiter wreck- as they are the more desirable atleast for me.
I am looking to...
Alright guys I’m new to this forum and have been doing my own research with not much luck on online stores-
I’m looking for Atocha, 1715 fleet, and or Jupiter wreck artifacts, coins, and set coins.
Mostly Atocha and Jupiter wreck- as they are the more desirable atleast for me.
I am looking to...