
  1. Are these stone markings? Can someone decipher the same?

  2. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Is this Chert?

    Hey guys, I’ve been trying to learn different rock types because I believe it’ll help me identify Native American artifacts out in the field. Is this a piece of chert? It looks like some examples I’ve seen online. It is really hard and I can’t scratch it with a steel nail.
  3. Rocks,Pottery?Backyard Pt2

    Thank you for your input on my first batch this morn,Here’s another batch ,I flipped most of ‘em over ,(there looks to me,an etched snake on the brown one ,mid first row down?Thanks again,if these are all rocks,I’m going back to metal detecting ha!
  4. Rocks?pottery?Backyard,Frontyard

    I’m new here,been diggin’up these items as well as odd rocks,I’m categorizing and these are my brownish colored ones
  5. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Need Help Identifying: 3 rocks smoothed into spheres

    Hello Treasure Hunters and Rockhounds, I'm hoping you can help me identify these three rocks that used to belong to my late father. He was an avid rock and gem hunter and had these three rocks in his collection when he passed away. They are purple, green and brown rocks and all 3-4 inches in...
  6. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Need help to identify. Found in a creek looking for garnets.

  7. I need help with identifying these rocks

    Few days ago I posted a question about some different looking rocks (, when you click on the link you'll see a yellow rock (I think it is yellow jasper). And here is another rock I need to identify...
  8. Rock Collection

    Can anyone help identify these. 3, 4, and 5 are the same.
  9. Help!!

    So I took rocks from this lake (I think lake Mohave) and later found out I think it might be a state park and I?m not sure what to do with the rocks now.. also is their Native American history there? I don?t think I can go and put them back but I?m worried about taking rocks I shouldn?t have...
  10. What are these?

    All these items were found on private property in or around Conasauga river.
  11. Looking for info

    I found a few interesting things in Indiana around the Bloomington area and I was wondering if I could get information on them. It's sort of a random lot, but I figure someone may have a better idea than me. Any guesses would be much appreciated!
  12. Help with an unusual rock

    Found this rock in river, was astonished to see some bubble like texture on it. Need help in identifying it
  13. What is this?

    I have a few rocks I picked up from Indian Creek near Bloomington, Indiana and I am looking for identification. I was thinking perhaps a jasper, but they are rather heavy for their size. The red on them is very dark and smooth and the yellowish brown is more gritty. They have interesting shape...
  14. Effigies?

    So I have a large collection of cool rocks. Some are from Indiana and some are from Ohio, I was just recently getting a closer look at some of them and I have a handful that appear to be possible artifacts. I don't know if they would fall under the category of effigies or not, but I'll post the...
  15. Possibly nephrite jade?

    Is this Possibly nephrite jade? Anytime i see green stones something jumps for joy inside of me lol. could this be nephrite? Any information would be appreciated.
  16. Garnet find!

    I found this loose nugget of garnet in nor-cal. light can penetrate it but not to the center. I am unsure if its pyrope or almandine but it weighs 40.69 grams 203.60 carats I've never found something so awesome to me not only that, but its my birthstone lol
  17. Found this at a river

    I was at the river looking at stones and came across this blue rock that was shimmering from tiny orange-ish gems around it. any information would be most delightful as ive look all over the net with no luck.
  18. Western NC-- Looking for Advice!

    Howdy! My folks recently bought property in Western NC (Bevard/Hendersonville area) and I was wondering how I can trek out into the mountains and find myself some gems/minerals. I've done a good bit of Google-ing, but it seems to me that the only options available are commercial mines, which I...
  19. What in the ringy dingy is this

    Feels like a blob of clay
  20. Softball sized rocks setting off the detectors here in North Georgia

    Hello, I am detecting a heavily wooded area near Cleveland, Georgia, in White County. There are no Civil War fields or camps in the area, but a lot of old logging roads. Found a spot that was promising, but I just kept pulling up stones about the size of your hand. There is a a lot of quartz in...
  21. The Geological World Will Be Turned Upside Down...

    ... I'm here to tell ya. The Tree. The Tree is on just about every rock/crystal matrix specimen... The image is either on the face of the rock texture-wise (as in appearing to be carved), in the crystal pattern, or when light is shown through it and photographed with no light and...
  22. Massive Find - Storage Auction Buyer

    Recently got in contact with a guy that buys storage units and ended up picking up a set of over 100 rocks wrapped in newspaper from the 80s. My wife and I are amateur rock collectors, and we couldn't pass this up. The really cool thing about this collection is it seems to have belonged to a...
  23. Mysterious Gem Rocks Need Identifying

    These rocks were found in Greece just off spinalogka. On the top of the mountain. Had the ten years and never knew what they are! Please please please help! Thanks in advance Please see link
  24. Help identify

    Found this here in Kentucky while looking for arrowheads. Really heavy and very smooth. Found just like this just cleaned it up. Any ideas? Thanks for the help!
  25. I need help identifying these rocks to further my landscaping project. Thanks.

    You can use for faster loading of enlarging the pictures :). I am making a gravel pit and I wanted to extend my flower bed rock wall and so I wanted to identify the rock type so I could buy more of the same rock as the rock wall that I currently...
  26. Help with Maryland Rock IDs

    I'm super new to rock identifications so a little direction and help would be appreciated! I found this rock in Maryland along a stream. I haven't done an official hardness test, but it appears very soft. Speaking of which, does anyone have a good rock kit recommendation? Or what should be...
  27. New to Rock Hounding

    Hello! I decided to create an account here in order to help myself identify rocks I have found. I am very new to rock hounding so I know nothing about the accurate identification of the most basic rocks (like quartz... or is it quartz?). It is my goal to become more proficient in rock...
  28. Grandfather had a rock collection. Need help with ID of these 20 rocks

    My grandfather died before I was born so not sure how or where these were obtained. At one point they were labeled. This is only a fraction of the collection, but what I am most curious about. Thought maybe 14 was Rose quartz, and 19 was tumbled Amethyst but I'm not sure. Thank you, any IDs much...
  29. Can someone tell me what these rocks are that I've found?

    Hello, I'm new here. I just found this website last night and was hoping someone could help me identify these rocks that I found on my property in southern Nevada. Are those real gold spots? Etc. Thanks in advance.
  30. "meteorite" / jaguar agates from WY

    Hey y'all, I was wondering if anyone has ever seen anything like these "meteorite" agates before. I have my own theories as to how they could be formed like that, but I'm curious what other people think. They certainly are unique! What do you think they are and what kind of processes made them...
  31. Need help identifying

    Looking for some knowledge behind these two rocks. Maybe nothing super cool, but a new type for me to find! Not sure what either are. Thanks for looking!!
  32. Please help me sparkling rock

    I found this rock in Washington,DC in the NW area. It is sparkling all over with cooper looking flakes on the side view.
  33. Green Metal flake

    Decided to cut open this cool rock. Inside is a darker area with specks throughout. Under the light those specks look green. Almost like metal flake paint.
  34. Is this Dolomite

    I believe this is pink Dolomite.Im still learning. I was told pink is rare?
  35. Can you hel me identify this?

    Can you help me identify this?
  36. Help with unidentified objects

    My mother in law recently passed at 96 years old. As a child of the depression she never three anything away . I found these in a little baggie. Any idea on what they are?
  37. Perfectly round white rocks

    Hi, So we began finding hundreds of these round smooth white rocks. They were in the dirt that was removed from the digging of our new houses foundation. Some are odd shaped like a marshmallow and are all different sizes. Some the size of a billiard ball some the size of a penny. I live in...
  38. River Rock Finds - Identification Help?

    Found these two rocks today! This first one is just a normale quartz rock but I thought the way to quartz looked was really neat. It reminds me of a black & white tree frond. And on the other side is a swirl pattern. But the coolest find was this one! It looks to have an extremely clear white...
  39. Please help me identify my larg rock

    Hi I'm Ciceli and I was given this beautiful big rock.I have no idea where it originated from and all I can tell you is I am located in Washington state.Its approximately 12×11 in in size and very heavy
  40. Help identifying a rock ?

    Hello! I am hoping someone here can help me identify a rock? that I have. It belongs to a friend who believes it to be agate. To me, it looks like someone had playdough and crumpled it up in their hand and left it to get hard. It has the perfect shape and placement of where fingers would be...
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