north carolina

  1. Carhartts Heart Button and copper wreath pin - Rolesville, NC

    Carhartt's Heart Button and copper wreath pin - Rolesville, NC Got out for a few sweeps and came up with this heart shaped overall button - Carrhart's with trolley on the bottom, dating to the early 1900's. The other pin/token is an odd one? What appears to be a dollar sign is actually the...
  2. Newbie from NC

    Hello all , I'm new to the awesome hobby of metal detecting and would like to find someone or a group to hunt with in the goldsboro/kinston nc area. Im 23 i work currently as a security officer with a police department and will be going through basic law enforcement training soon to become a...
  3. Anyone in Lenoir county , Wayne County area?

    Is there anyone in the Kinston / Goldsboro area? Im relatively new to Metal Detecting and looking for good places to go in my area , and would also love to go with others if theres anyone in my area.
  4. GOLD! NC swim hole yields 34" GOLD CHAIN !!!

    SCUBA Diving and underwater metal detecting at a swim hole in the eastern part of NC, led to the discovery of a 0.80 oz gold chain. 14KT and 34" in length. The GOLD CHAIN was found diving in 12 feet of water. Great viz, and appeared as a "PILE OF GOLD" underwater. When diving with...
  5. WNC folks! Lets meet.

    Hey guys im looking for some people on here from Western North Carolina to detect with primarily in the Waynesville, Canton, Asheville areas maybe a little further out. I know a few good spots and old house places. If you ever want to head to Waynesville I need a teacher as im just getting back...
  6. annrichduncan

    Hello. From Vermont, I've spent most of my "treasure hunting" time following my brother, who has a gold mine in Alaska and travels around the country looking for artifacts, semi-precious gem stones and, of course, gold. I recently had a great time at Doc's Rocks in North Carolina, where I found...
  7. Metal Detecting as a Public Service - Exhibit A

    Hi Everyone, For anyone who says we are just "treasure hunters" out to steal stuff that other people left behind, I present: Exhibit A: Large knife found in 2 inches of sand at the beach, with blade stuck open. I found this yesterday on Topsail Island Beach in North Carolina (one of the few...
  8. ✅ SOLVED First MD Find - Farm Equipment or Grenade?

    Hi Guys, Just got a Fisher F2 on Friday, and found this yesterday in my backyard. I live in the Piedmont of NC (just southwest of Raleigh) so I'm guessing this is some kind of farm equipment, but the thought crossed my mind that it could be something else (almost reminded me of a mini...
  9. Cary, NC area - new to MD

    Hi Guys, Gotta admit I love this site. I have been lurking on it for several years on and off - some amazing stories here. I finally took the plunge and ordered a Fisher F2 with the 8" and also the 4" sniper coil. They should arrive later in the week. I'm interested in hunting sites in...
  10. Hey from Rutherfordton, NC

    Hey everyone. Im Karl and im from Western NC. I got into metal detecting a couple of months ago when I got a mpx digital metal detector. I upgraded a couple of weeks ago to a Garrett AT Pro because i have fallen in love with metal detecting. I have found alot of clad coins but I have yet to find...
  11. Nautilus DMC IIb Guy

    Hey folks, just joined up. A while back I found some type of buckle I couldn't id, and in my searching for what it was on the web, this site popped up and sure enough someone else had found one just like it. Just when I thought there was no way anyone had seen one of these, there were probably...
  12. New NC Club Website!!!!!

    Hello All, I just wanted to give all of you in NC area a chance to check our new club website. :icon_thumright::icon_thumright::icon_thumright: We would love to have any of you in our area come and join our group. We have monthly meetings as well as group hunts. Home Page HH
  13. New NC Club Website!!!!

    Hello All, I just wanted to give all of you in NC area a chance to check our new club website. :icon_thumright::icon_thumright::icon_thumright: We would love to have any of you in our area come and join our group. We have monthly meetings as well as group hunts. Home Page HH
  14. New to Treasure Hunting

    New to Treasure Hunting - NYC Hello, I am new to this forum and treasure hunting. Hope to learn some tips and ideas as I am on a pursuit in search of gold or other valuables. For some reason, I was excited to discover gold mines in NC are still active. I am in search of a club or group in...
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