musket ball

  1. Bang...bang! Stockpile of bullets about a foot deep? 1683 Mass Property

    Good evening, friends, John found a whole bunch of bullets in a hole about 16 inches wide and about a foot down. They are 1-5/16 inches long and 3/8 inches wide. Would anyone know an approximate date for these? I wonder why they were all together like that. He also found a cute sheep or lamb...
  2. Blog: Metal Detecting Maryland

    Here is my shameless plug for a blog I started. "Metal Detecting Maryland" Be easy on me I rather new to the blog thing but i found it extremely easy to update as I find something new and want to share it with anyone who cares. There is a photo gallery...
  3. King George III? and a fired musket?

    Hi folks, I went back to my favorite farm field and pull out these 2 items. I think the coin is either an 1805 or 06 King George half. Can anyone confirm? You can barely make out the crown in the photo. The other side is gone. I also pulled up what I believe to be a "fired" musket ball. This is...
  4. First musket ball

    I was in a old school built in the '40s and the field had been hit by metal detectors hard. In the field I got no good signals. I normally do not dig zinc signals but I really had really good feeling about this one. I figured "What the heck, i'll dig it" Then at 6" the object was out of the...
  5. mold for musket balls!

  6. Colonial Musket Balls?

    Found these 2 musket balls in my backyard in very close proximity. They are about the width of a dime, maybe slightly more. One of the pics below shows them with my other finds to provide some scale. Is there any way to approximate the date on these? I know the British camped overnight and...
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