
  1. Oregon Miners clubs sponsoring rally THIS THUSDAY, 2/28/2013

    Oregon Miner's clubs sponsoring rally THIS THUSDAY, 2/28/2013 Please join the miner's clubs and other anti-govt regulation groups this Thursday at the Oregon state capitol building, north side steps, 1-4 (or 5) pm. The goal is to educate and show the Senate Environment and Natural Resource...
  2. >> Minelab establishes division to support small scale gold miners <<

    Minelab establishes division to support small scale gold miners | Mining Australia Minelab has established a Gold Mining division to support artisanal small scale gold miners and prospectors around the world. The announcement was made at the Mining Indaba conference in Cape Town, South...
  3. Newbie - Looking to buy personal Mining Equipment

    I live in a area that has a decent amount of dry washes with specks of gold in the wash. I am looking to purchase equipment that allows me to pan for the gold in the washes (I will be bringing my own water in large containers with my ATV). I found this lot of gold mining equipment on a...
  4. Arthur Lakes Library - Colorado School of Mines

    The Colo School Of Mines map library is available to the public, where large maps can be unrolled on their large map tables. Paper copies can be purchased. My friend gave me some wall sized maps of Leadville. You won't find better maps anywhere. At least maps you can actually read. The school...
  5. New Gold Cleaning Sluice in Seconds

    Hi All, I am new to gold prospecting but new that I have seen "Bering Sea Gold" and after seeing this guys new sluice design in this video on youtube...I am seriously thinking of getting into gold mining! Any feedback please??? thank you On youtube video by xgrumpyprospector he has a home...
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