
  1. strange metal-please help to identify it

    Hello I found this metal after the storm in Scotland. What do you think this might be? it soes not react to magnet and its quite heavy Thanks a lot 1bear
  2. ✅ SOLVED Three Metal Mysteries

    Hello! I have dug up these three metal objects near the remains of an old farmhouse, and I'm curious to know more about what they are. If you look at the photos, you can see that there are notches placed alternately on the funnel-shaped object. When digging, I found many of these funnels...

    Hi everyone, My euro ace started doing this a few weeks ago.It gives off loads of false signals,even in the air.Ive tried tightening the cable,lowering the sensitivity,changing the batteries,everything! I even sent it back to Regton metal detectors(where I bought it from),and they replaced the...
  4. Places to MD around Petersburg,VA???

    I'm looking for somewhere to metal detect around Petersburg, VA. I'm going to be here for a few months working at Fort Lee and I need somewhere to start. I know that getting permission from private land owners outside of city limits will probably be my best bet, but I was just wondering if...

    FOUR sets --IN STOCK--READY TO SHIP! First come first served! CONTACT ME BEFORE PAYING! PAYPAL ONLY! Make payment to Here are the options FOR SHIPPING: (1) $64.00 for set of headphones shipped First Class with tracking (I will not be responsible for loss) (2) $66.00 for...
  6. Interesting object

    Hi, I found this yesterday in a field beside a celtic fort in Ireland. It looks like a model boat or canoe,with one end missing.The end seems to be iron,and i assume the rest is bronze.Could this be a votive offering,or is it celtic? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    ???Hi,I found this axe head near to an iron age fort site today.I found another one(my last post) a few weeks ago but this is different.The hole in it seems to be narrow at one end,then gets a bit thicker.It is 16 cm long and 11 cm high(at the tip of the blade). If anyone could id this it would...
  8. ❎ SOLD One used set of WIRELESS HEADPHONES: 36.99 shipped

    Please see pics.Foldable adustable headphones with USB charging cords and wireless transmitter. First to contact me and pay gets it.
  9. 💵 FOR SALE WIRELESS HEADPHONES for sale PRE-ORDER...reserve yours now.

    I can't seem to get enough of these at one time to fill everyone's requests for them.SO I am taking pre-orders to guarantee anyone who wants a set that they will get one (limit 2 sets, PM me if you need more) I will have these together in the mail to you in 5 to 10 days or sooner if I already...
  10. Which is deeper?

    I am having trouble deciding whether to get the Garrett at pro, Teknetics omega 8000, or the Fisher f70. I want something that can get 8-10" + inches on coins and still be able to ID somewhat good. It has to be around the 600$ price range. I do not plan on buying any extra coils, but I am open...
  11. Metal Detecting in Ireland

    Hi all, I would like to share a new web forum all about Metal Detecting in Irealand, all are welcome to join and post. Irish Metal Detector Net
  12. Testing a new detector

    I cleaned a creek today, what did you do? lol
  13. Making something - Expanded metals Plus - Bonanza

    Found an old brochure from these guys. Pretty cool McNichols Co. Product Catalogs ? Sweets johnnysau
  14. Unknown cap badge

    Hi,i found what looks like a military cap badge today in Ireland.In the middle it has the coat of arms (england,scotland,wales and ireland)i think.Around the coat of arms it has the Order of the garter.Can anyone identify this for me please? I do not think its a royal engineers or marines badge...
  15. Ploughed land question

    Hi,I know a field that was ploughed in 2009,there is grass sown on it now but will the old stuff still be near the top like it was in '09 Thanks :)
  16. ❎ SOLD Wireless headphones 2 more sets for sale...

    My fiance models a set Wireless headphones (2 sets) First person to contact me gets it/them. Buy one or both. I currently have 2 sets made up for sale . These have a volume control which is essential for detectorists without a volume control on their detectors. Each comes with (1) Very...

    Hi, I found this buckle earlier in a pasture field that im almost sure was ploughed once or twice,(because i found a 1600s coin only about 4'' deep,and a victorian coin slightly deeper). Anyway,could this be a medeival buckle,as it sure looks like one! It was found approx 6'' down with the...
  18. ❎ SOLD Wireless headphones

    First person to contact me gets them. I currently have ONE set made up for sale . Comes with (1) Very light Adjustable Bluetooth over the ear headphones with VOLUME control (1)3.5 to 6.35 jack adapter. (1) Bluetooth transmitter (2) USB cables for recharging headphones and transmitter...
  19. Knife info please

    Hi I found this detecting a few days ago .It has something written on it but I cant make it out.Can anyone tell me what kind of knife this is,etc?
  20. Please ID this button?

    Hi,this was found in Ireland yesterday.As far as I know,it says something like P&S Fermin,Strand,London.I avent found this button anywhere on the net.It looks like it was gold plated.The picture on the button looks like a dragon or something,some animal with what looks like an arrow beside it...
  21. My Best Find Yet!!!!!

    My Finds Today Pretty exited I didn't think I would find much and all I was digging up was trash and square nails. I went over to this huge oak tree and found a metal button which i simply threw since it was modern. Then I get a Strong hit in the same hole. I Pull out a Sterling Silver ring(My...
  22. ❎ SOLD Vibra-probe 580 PINPOINTER Waterproof to 100 feet PULSE INDUCTION

    SOLD SOLD SOLDI just bought a new pinpointer and do not need two. NEW these cost around $150. $99 SHIPPED Paypal only Pulse Induction (PI) Tilt on & off Communicates with vibration Automatic Calibration Low battery alert Waterproof - Submersible to 100 feet (30 meters) The unique sealed...
  23. Tortuga Island!

    Hello everyone. im new in the web. ive been metal detecting from a few months now. I live in dominican republic Im planning a trip to tortuga island. ( thats an island in north haiti, where pirates used tu hide and live back in the 16th and 17th century) the island in totally virgin, there...
  24. Northern Refineries "Northern Refineries is a full service refiner of all precious metals. We buy, refine and assay all forms of gold, silver, platinum and palladium.Gold buyers, gold refineries, platinum buyers, platinum refineries, platinum refiners" Stuart Avig...
  25. Platinum and other precious metal refinery "Platinum Refineries is a full service refiner, assayer, smelter and broker of all precious metals." Stuart Avig "29509 Sierra Point Circle Farmington Hills, MI 48331" 800-882-7729
  26. Beginner needs advice!

    Hey everybody! I need some advice. So I'm pretty well aquainted with gold prospecting, and that is my primary interest when t comes to treasure hunting. I just recently decided that I wanted to pick up metal detecting. I went to my local harbor freight and bought a 50 dollar detector. Fired it...
  27. Cool Find Junior Ranger Badge

    Found this metal Junior Ranger badge today in my backyard about 4 inches deep. Used ACE 250.
  28. Whites Surfmaster Modification

    White's Surfmaster Modification :hello2: Finally I finished my metal detector Surf. Very, very pleased with him. I want to thank you and everyone who helped me to finish it. I put on youtube to see. Thank you very,very much ! Denis! :wave:
  29. Going to the Arkansas Diamond Mines - anywhere to Metal detect?

    My mom and I are going to Arkansas to dig for diamonds, but thought we would check out any sites to metal detect. Coming from Houston up US59/69 to Murfreesboro. Any suggestions appreciated!
  30. Minelab Eureka Gold - Questions, should I buy it?

    Heya everyone; A local guy with the Shasta Miners Club is selling his Minelab Eureka Gold, it comes with a couple extra's like a set of black widow headphones, the bag and a Coiltek All Terrain Coil. We settled on about 15 grams of gold and a small specimen for it, spot is about $852 today and...
  31. Civil War Shirt Metal ? Name and Infantry - Help Identify Please

    Today was an interesting day to say the least. I'm helping my mom clean out her house and we come across this beauty (see picture please). We don't know anything about this person - we aren't related to them either. This was found under a cabinet folded around a very old obituary. It is so...
  32. Alabama

    Treasure hunters in Alabama are welcome to join the group "Alabama" for general discussion of everything. Only two members as of 7/29/2012 so lets get the ball rolling with some new recruits!
  33. Need Advice

    All of the videos and reports of beach hunting I have seen have shown people finding all of their jewelry in the water. My Fisher's display box isn't waterproof but the coil is. Should I take the risk and go out in the water for the goods? If so, how deep should my limit be? Remember, my display...
  34. Metal and Wood Piece Found in Lake County, OH - Lake Erie

    I was walking the beach yesterday and found a lot of metal showing up. (Strong NE winds and big waves.) We found this piece and it looked intriguing because it is metal and wood. My husband and father-in-law (a carpenter) looked at it. They thought it was part of a hinge. Someone suggested...
  35. MD Facebook site for Michiganders...

    Log In | Facebook Dedicated to metal detecting in the Kalamazoo, MI area. Feel free to join and participate regardless of where you live!
  36. ✅ SOLVED Part, old wagon wheel or automobile part.

    We found this piece in a corn field this year while metal detecting. The corn field has been in use for over 200 years for crops. The information related to the piece is. Width is 5 inches outside to outside. Depth is 2 1/4 inches. Weight is 3 lbs. 3 ozs. Markings n/a. Location in corn field...
  37. ✅ SOLVED What in the world is this?

    I don't know if this is a coin or a token in the first photo, you can see the back in the third photograph. The item in the fourth and fifth photo, I have no idea what it may be from. If you have any info on any of the items I sure would appreciate it! Thanks! Cindy
  38. Looking to buy a metal detector

    Hey everybody! I'm new to these forums, but I was researching things like this and I want to give it a go myself. I am thinking of purchasing a metal detector with some friends, in the $80 range. I know this probably won't be the best I could get, but I'm only 13, so money doesn't flow from my...
  39. Full Metal Jacket Metal Detecting Parody

    This is a Treasurebone parody film of Full Metal Jacket with a metal detecting twist. There are no hunts in this video...It is hoped that the comedic value of the parody film will stand on its own. Take a break, relax, and enjoy.
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