
  1. unknown indian tool! please help

    Found this little guy today in cedar creek, but im having issues figuring it out. There are multiple finger grooved spots worn down from alot of use. One end pointed, the other v shaped, with a well rounded belly. Any knowledge would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  2. Elkhart County to South Bend

    Looking for hunters to start an informal group to hunt sledding hills after the blizzard snow melts.
  3. Newbie need some help where to hunt in lake county Indiana

    Any experienced detectors in the merrillville crown point area can help with some advice where I can go and hunt......any info would be greatly appreciated..... Thanks in advance!! Anyone interested in a partner for detecting in lake county let me know
  4. Father son from indiana

    My father and I are helping each other out. Im 27 he is 58 and the doc says he needs more time outdoors! I own 10 acres in indiana with and old creek running threw it that is dry and all sand. We are going to hit his old handouts, camping site along the river, and places he loved being. I am...
  5. NW Indiana guy looking to find a Fossil hunting partner..

    :hello: Hello, I have been interested in fossils for a long time but I can look at a pile of them and have no idea that is what they are...I NEED HELP, I have read most of all threads, but.... its not doing it, hands on... so if there is anyone in Northern Indiana willing to hold my hand and...
  6. NW Indiana guy looking to find a Metal detecting partner..

    :hello: Hello...... I'm just wondering if anyone from Northern Indiana wants a detecting partner, I have an ACE 250 with a DD & Sniper coil...not the best at ALL but its better than all my Bounty I am willing to drive a few miles , but I need to make a day of it, since gas prices...
  7. Looking for a place to dig for gold in NW to Central Indiana

    Hello, Im in NW Indiana, Lowell area.....and needing some dirt to dig in, if any one wants to let a guy tag can even use my stuff. I have a Trommel, Dredge/Highbanker, Bluebowl and a few other things. If anyone wants help or has a spot but doesnt have the gear to use hit me up...I...
  8. Questions from an absolute newbie.

    First off, what a great community this is. I've been browsing for the past several hours and I know I'll learn a lot from here! Alright, I've never panned for gold before. I've never operated a metal detector. I don't even know where to begin. All I know is that I want to learn a fun new...
  9. Another Indiana Hoosier here.

    Not for sure if there are many (or any) active members here from the Hoosier state (Well, the name 'Hoosier' was taken, so that is a sign), but here is another one! I'm located in southern Indiana, right on the Ohio river. I'm also completely new to all the topics discussed here! I came looking...
  10. Gold prospecting

    I am scouting the white river near Indianapolis and I have a sluice box that can pick up some good gold but I am wondering if I will even find gold at all?
  11. Indiana gold

    Anyone ever try panning on the White pRiver near Indianapolis. I've found a spot and it reminds me of Colorado. It's a fast current and contains ALOT of boulders and rocks. Anyone ever pan the river??
  12. Ideas for recovering flour gold?

    I have a homemade sluice box but where I prospect, there is a lot of flour gold and I was wondering if anyone has any ideas on how to make a flour gold recoverer?
  13. Panning in Indiana

    I was wondering if anyone has tried panning in the white river, Indiana. If you have, have you had success?
  14. Help with Wooden Artifact?

    Hi all. A Newbie jumping right in here with a question. I'm not having much luck identifying an item, nor even where to look for help. This Wooden Stick has got me baffled. But I'm not a Historian either. Wooden items don't seem to survive long periods of time. So here we go with my first post...
  15. Radiation zone near the border of Indiana and Michigan - Nukes?

    Palisade Nuke Plant - S.Bend Ind Meltdown Nuclear Cover-Up: Explosions, Military Helicopters Filmed Near Blacked Out Radiation Zone | Pakalert Press Update 06/09/2012 4:52 PM. PALISADE NUCLEAR POWER PLANT EXPLOSION South Bend Indiana. Eyewitness reports are not allowed so far. But worldwide...
  16. 1920 House and a shootout??

    Hi all. I'm new here and have been reading a lot and learning a lot from all of you. I recently purchased a property in DeKalb County, Indiana that has a house on it that was built in 1920. I took a break from renovations on the property and took my MD out to see what I might find. The dang...
  17. Early Indiana Site 1800 - 1850

    Some recent finds from an early site I've been hunting for nearly a year. HH, ~Indiana Digger~
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