
  1. Great day for SILVER

    Detected for a full day which involved digging through lots of gravel. Most of the coppers were in awful condition-corrosion and oxidation. Ended the day with a walker. GI
  2. Can anyone identify this?

    Hi, I just found this site and joined. I was hoping someone could help me with identifying this rock and future finds. I found this in Northern MT. My guess would be some kind of Indian hammer, but for a little kid since its so small. It obviously used to have a strap or something tied around...
  3. Arabic Brass Vase?

    Hello, This vase came from a garage sale, and I am wondering if someone can help me ID it. I've found some similar pieces, but nothing quite like this. It has a sticker on the bottom in what looks like Persian. I would appreciate any help with identification or translation with the label. It...
  4. Quick hunt today a few keepers and 21st silver for 2013

    21st silver coin today: 1953-S Roosevelt. Also 1946 Dog Tax Tag, heavily encrusted Indian cent 190?, 2 wheats and a thimble. Really quick hunt today. I think I am easily going to break my goal of 25 silvers for 2013 set a week ago, as I have found about 7 since then.
  5. Nickel and Penny roll hunting since February 2013

    Nickel and Penny roll hunting finds since February 2013 OK guys here are my finds for nickel and penny coin roll hunting since February 2013. I have only hunted about 15 nickel roll and only got one good one which half of the nickels were bu 1938 and about the rest were from the '40s '50s and...
  6. Nice finds with Etrac today.

    :weather_rain::weather_rain::weather_rain::weather_rain::weather_rain::weather_rain: Trudged on through the rain with the Etrac and found my 19th and 20th silver for 2013. 39-S and 45 Mercury dime, 1901 Indian cent, 1910 Wheat (+6 more wheats) silver ring, gold filled antique ring, Crystal...
  7. Mini silver spill, Indian cent, Dog tax tag, Palmolive good for token, silver ring!

    Trudged on through the rain with the Etrac and found my 19th and 20th silver for 2013. 39-S and 45 Mercury dime, 1901 Indian cent, 1910 Wheat (+6 more wheats) silver ring, gold filled antique ring, Crystal White laundry soap good for token/check and old button. Pretty good hunt. Previously on...

    I try not to dig any zinc signals, but today I found something out. I was testing different coins to see what the show up with on my metal detector and discovered that all small cents that are from before 1943 will show up as zinc pennys. It all depends on where you are, so if you are at a 1980s...
  9. Lots of silver!!!

    Spent a day and a half detecting and ended up with a large amount of old coins. GI
  10. Sante Fe Trail Dragoon Hall Rifle Lead Ball

    I have been searching the SanteFe Trail in Southwest Kansas. I have found several items but wanted to post this first. It is a lead Ball shot with a diameter of .526 in. or caliber. It appears to be never fired. I have researched the size of this Ball and most information describes it to be a...
  11. ✅ SOLVED Native American Indian Stone Tool Artifacts

    Here are a couple of artifacts, both found in Franklin county Ohio. The one on the left fits my hand any way I can hold it, and was obviously manufactured. The one on the right could be a fossilized bone for what I know, but it was used as a hammer by someone at some point judging by the worn...
  12. Lots of Old Coins! Silvers & Indians!

    Here are coins from the last metal detecting trip. Looking forward to posting again. Dates and pictures of coins are posted. I'll clean them up this weekend. G.I.
  13. Indian Prehistoric? Stone tool found in SC

    Here is a pic of a stone tool found in Union County SC. I work for a Museum and someone brought it in...its covered with holes as if sticks or something was ground into it. I assume it is paleo-Indian, but it is not my specialty. Union has had Cherokee, Catawba and prehistoric(Mississippian)...
  14. Cabin Fever: Coin Fest

    UPDATE: Cabin Fever-Coin Fest Got out for a couple days while the weather was warm. Here are the finds. Several indians, silvers, wheats, and two lcs. Posted new pictures of the coins and tokens/misc. No rare dates. However, found 3 1909 wheats.
  15. Is this an authentic Indian Stone Maul/Hammer?

    Found this in South Texas. Was wondering if anyone could tell me what it actually is... (hopefully not just a rock!)
  16. artifact looks like a shoe

    Any ideas of what this could be? It was found at an indian camp.alongside other stone artifacts.
  17. 1904 "S" Indian Head Penny!!!

    Found this Indian at 5 inches. After cleaning the coin, I noticed several errors on the front face of the coin. Several spots on the coin differ from normal Indians. The S is noticeable on the cheek of the Indian. Let me know your thoughts/ideas! G.I.
  18. Two weekend trips: lots of old coins/relics

    Last two weekend trips of the year. Looking forward to next year.
  19. need help identifying indian artifacts origin

    This artifact was found outside of Belleville, IL in 1934 while my great grandfather was tilling a garden with a push cultivator outside of his house. Along with the rock were arrow tips and a broken spear with these items. After contacting the Cahokia Museum about these items they replied back...
  20. Native American stone tools or just interesting rocks?

    Hello all! I found these on the Russian River in northern California near a documented Pomo Indian village in the 1800's. I believe they may be stone tools but my husband thinks they are just interesting rocks. Can anyone confirm if it is a good possibility that some of them may be...
  21. Catch Up Post: Lots Of Old Coins

    I finally have had time to post coins from the past month. Cleaning took forever... Dates of the coins are in the pictures. Four of the seated dimes were found in one park. Enjoy
  22. Indian Talwar swords

    I was clearing out my parents attic and came across these three Talwar swords. Not much of a sword expert and would really appreciate some tips as to whether they r authentic or 1960's / 1970's reproductions mainly used for ceremonies or souvenirs. The silver scabbard Talwar has a 48cm blade...
  23. Great day with the CTX 17" coil. 22 Weak D?

    Found several coins, tokens, tags, and rings. Have a look. No rare date wheats. 2x1909 (no s or vdb) 1890 seated dime. 1886, 1897, and 1899 Indians. 1922 weak D!
  24. Artifact Hunting

    Hello I am new to this forum and new to treasure hunting. I live in Hamilton, Ohio and was wondering if anybody had an idea of where I might be able to find Native American artifacts around here.
  25. Has Anyone Seen This Rock?

    I found this stone as part of a foundation of an old home site in South Central Virginia. I believe it may be some type of Indian carving. Does anyone know what it might be?
  26. Always Practice Safe Detecting

    Always Practice Safe Detecting, You Never Know What You'll Find Went out today with my buddies, Hi-Ho-Silver and the Tone Ranger. We had a great time despite the near 100 degree weather. Found several good coins throughout the day. The dig included several interesting stories. A previous...
  27. Hawk Pipe .... mid-ohio valley .... real or fake .... Help Please

    Hi, I'm Richard Anderson from Huntington West Virginia. I'm a professional firefighter by trade but my day off job is conducting estate sales in and around the kentucky, ohio, and west virginia tri-state area. I ran across this piece yesterday while setting up an old house in Ironton Ohio for...
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