gold ring

  1. I found 14k gold :)

    It's beat to death but it's a 14k ring. I guess it's just more scrap for the end of the season. I also found some bling including a brass bracelet marked as 14k. :BangHead: Link to vid of this hunt:
  2. My moms 10k ring!

    My mom's 10k ring! My mom finds a 10k ring in this video :)
  3. My mom found a 10k gold ring today!

    Mom found gold and I got skunked. Mom found a 10k gold ring with fake diamonds! I got a Jesus pendant that was brass but marked 14k Italy :icon_scratch:. see the video of the hunt here:
  4. Finding a Coal Mining Town from 1865-1917 and We did!

    Coke ovens, snakes, a possible grave, axeheads, an old lock, horseshoes, clock parts, and a potential gold ring was just a few of the things we found. However, the best part was doing the research and finding the town! Here are the links to 2 days of probably the best detecting I've done this...
  5. First 2 golds of 2014 for me wahoo :)

    I got a childs 14k ring with a blue stone in it today, I also got a disney minnie/mickey mouse ring that has a hallmark of V.D.S.S. on the band which means Van Dell Sterling Silver but on the back of the mouse heads there is a 14k stamp. Also got a couple of junkers and some surface toy finds.
  6. another 10k gold ring! Along with more bling...

    Got some clad, a bit of bling and a bent/broken 10k ring today. It's nice to find gold but I kinda like straightening the rings out and wearing them just once... not gonna happen with this one hehe. :headbang:
  7. tot lot gold!

    Hunting a tot lot with scarce signals today, I got maybe 6 signals and 3 were gum wrappers :/ One of the foil signals turned out to be a tiny and I mean TINY 10k ring with a stone in it! I am not sure if the stone is real but it's a nice little find for slim pickins hunt :icon_thumleft:
  8. bling blingitty bling bling silver and gold :)

    Silver and gold today! Well I think... I got a bunch of hood bling and one animal face ring that seems to be gold. The animal face ring is so thin that it's barely thicker than the walls of an aluminum can. Whoever made it, made it super thin. In the places where it is broken the metal color is...
  9. Winter Sand Pile Pays Out Gold! Gordon was smiling!

    During the New England winters, anyone who lives up here will tell you that there is an abundance of traction sand dropped everywhere. Including the little school parking lot that I had detected. (It wasn't today) My late buddy Gordon and I use to detect a lot of places together, but my favorite...
  10. Location, Location, Location...Gold

    Winter is finally waning here so it's time to hit parks and get back into swing of things. I hit a few small ones earlier this week to get a feel for detecting in trashy areas again and reacquaint my ears and my machine. Today I went to a new park, but a favorite spot - a soccer field. This...
  11. unidentifiable symbols on victorian gold ring

    I found this ring at an antique store. The design and hallmark is still somewhat of a mystery. I've found searching google that the hallmark of the 3 x's means 3/4 gold or 18k but in fact the gold tester machine says its only 10k. Does anyone know what it means? Also the design, is it a design...
  12. First Gold in 2012, 10k Ring!

    Finally Gold in 2012 So I went to this park I have been wanting to hunt for a while. Shortly after I started my hunt an older man with a dog walked up and said "Do any good with that?" I replied I do OK. Then he said "last weekend there was about 20 of you guys hunting this park":BangHead...
  13. First Post, First Gold Ring, First day with a new tool....Sweet

    So first off, hello all, I've been lurking around like may others and detecting for the last 4 months with a Minelab X-Terra 705 and filling my pockets with clad coins, junk jewlery, literally 100's of bullets and BB's, and now finally a 14K Gold Ring with 3 canardly diamonds (so small you can...
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