gold ring

  1. 14-18k Gold wedding ring

    Want to start this post with a huge shoutout to Neil from Low and Slow metal detecting on YouTube with his Free style program for the Manticore. I’m now a believer. Been hunting this ring for several years since I started in 2015. The lady who lost it visited the house 10 years ago or so and...

    : amazing story is this ring I found in a big bag of garbage laying on the side of the road , I had it checked out turns out it's a real diamond in the center and the accents are something else it's 14 karat gold size 7 and I'd guess maybe about 1 or 1 1\2 karat diamond I forgot to ask whats...
  3. What does the H.O. mean on this gold ring?


    Went detecting today in a late 1800's park where the city had recently tore out an old tennis court. Have found several relics, 4 indian head pennies, 10 wheat pennies, a merc dime, and this ring. There is a maker mark inside and what appears to be a sapphire stone. Any help identifying if it is...
  5. Need help finding Gold ring in field

    Hi everyone! Are there any treasure hunters that want to make a little money off their find? I lost a gold ring in a park while my wife and I were taking pictures. It wasn’t my wedding ring, per se, but still a very special ring that my wife gave me after our wedding. Lots of sentimental value...
  6. Gold Ring trying to track down any information

    Hi ! I’m new here and I’m just trying to track down the history or any information at all about this ring I have .
  7. Lucky Finds, Silver and Collectables!

    Hello! So last year and this year I've gotten into yard sales. Las year I was only looking for coins and silver and gold. I found a few things. But this year i found out that facebook marketplace is an awesome place to make money fast!!! So I've been hitting those yards sales quite a bit to look...
  8. First Gold in a While

    I started the day in the woods along a few old trails. Didn't really have a plan as both other spots I wanted to go to were either overgrown or crowded with people but through my aimless wandering I did manage to luck out with a nice 8ct gold ring. Other than that I found a few euros in...
  9. Gold Ring!!

    Finally some gold! After hunting a lawn I’ve hunted numerous of times I dig up this 18k gold ring! Turns out it’s a Swedish female wedding ring from 1965. I hunted the high ferrous area really slowly to get down to the signals buried beneath the iron. After getting a semi-clear 70’s signal I...
  10. Testing My Ring to see it is gold, am no way am I an expert

  11. I eyeballed a GOLD RING!!!

    Hello folks! Hope you found some treasure today. I sure did! I was/am homeschooled (graduated today!!!) and was at my homeschool group soccer when I looked down randomly and found a squished piece of jewelry. I picked it up and it was all covered in white paint from them spraying the lines. But...

    Hello TreasureNet: OMG! WE FOUND A HUGE GOLD VINTAGE MOTHER'S RING Laying beneath the ground with a 1900 Barber dime and a 1905 indian head penny. SO amazing! The ring is marked 10K and contained one diamond (tested) a sapphire and two rubies. :heart::heart::heart: This EPIC episode has both...

    Hello TreasureNet: OMG! WE FOUND A HUGE GOLD VINTAGE MOTHER'S RING Laying beneath the ground with a 1900 Barber dime and a 1905 indian head penny. SO amazing! The ring is marked 10K and contained one diamond (tested) a sapphire and two rubies. :heart::heart::heart: This EPIC episode has both...
  14. WEEKEND REPORT: Detecting an Old Washington Public Execution Site for Silver & GOLD!

    WEEKEND REPORT: Detecting an Old Washington Public Execution Site for Silver & GOLD! Hello TreasureNet friends! In this weeks hunt we continue our epic search for lost silver and gold in the Pacific Northwest. Several old homesteads are detected along with the location of a early 1800's...
  15. First Gold Ring of 2018

    Had an unexpected day off work so I had no research or location in mind for today's outing. So I decided to hit up a local park and see about finding some coins. Off I go, loaded up the CTX I ended up filling my pouch with an assortment of Aussie pre-decimal coins and modern spendables but the...
  16. 2nd Gold Ring This Week!!!

    Ok I must be dreaming, a couple days ago I posted a big 8.1 gram 14k Artcarved ring that I found. Well today after taking my son to his doctor appointment and having lunch with my wife, my 4yo boy said he wanted to metal detect with Dad. I had an extra hour to kill before having to head home to...
  17. Oh Ya! Another good day!

    I started back where I left off my last hunt that had produced a Barber dime and two Indians. Considering how quickly I had found those that day, I thought for sure I'd find a few more laying around, but after digging a bunch of junk lamp parts and a broken harmonica I left with a War Nickel so...
  18. 🥇 BANNER Gold Ring With Eagle On It

    Had a great metal detecting adventure yesterday! I found civil war bullets, colonial buckles and buttons but the main find was a gold ring with an eagle on it! I have not been able to find a similar ring anywhere. I believe it is a military ring since it has the eagle with what appears to be an...
  19. WEEKEND REPORT: We Hit the Coin Trifecta THREE times in TWO Days OLD SILVER and GOLD!

    Hello Everyone! Well we had a temporary hold off on the rain here in the Pacific Northwest, and boy did we take advantage of it. We hunted all weekend and hit the coin trifecta THREE times! :headbang: We also located three bucket list items in this hunt. A vintage gold baby ring, lots of old...
  20. First Gold of the Year for me!

    It been months, I was so puzzle with beach detecting. Getting my hands on Minelab 705, White Surfmaster Pro, Garrett Seahunter, and Garrett AT Pro. Most of these detectors I sold with the small profit from buying secondhand cheap and reselling it. I did not like the fact PI machine have dig much...
  21. 2nd Time Out and Struck Gold!

    Well Folks, I have done it! On my second time detecting the beach I have struck gold. It has been a long road (insert sarcasm here) to get to this point. I figured on being about 20+ hours until I hit a big score like a gold wedding ring, but only too about 3.5 hours of detecting. I am beyond...
  22. First Gold Ring! This video is my best hunt in a long while and I wanna thank everyone that has seen the video it means a lot to me if you like the video please like comment subscribe to my channel I try to make a video a week. Have a good day and HH!!
  23. Lost Meteorite Ring Sacramento Area

    On my website someone contacted me to see if I could help them find a lost ring. It was lost by someone cutting grass in the Sacramento, Ca. area. I am in Pennsylvania so I can not be of any help other than maybe find someone in the Sacramento area that may wish to try for some reward money...
  24. Tesoro Vaquero snags a vintage gold ring with a garnet!

    I was trying out my new 5 3/4" coil on the vaquero in a trashy spot of a local park today. After pulling 2 junk rings and a bunch of can slaw, I got this. I intend to have it repaired!
  25. ✅ SOLVED Very small gold ring with BJ18K on the inside

    Hello all. I am new to the hobby and to this forum. I have been detecting for the past 3 months with my AT Pro. Yesterday I found this very small gold ring in my parents back yard which was built in the 1950's they have been there for 20 yrs. It looks like a babies ring. It has BJ18K stamped...
  26. Gold Ring from an 1869 Australian Shipwreck - info on style/hall marks requested

    Hi, I posted this query on Reddit and was advised to come here as you guys are so knowledgeable. I am a writer and am trying to solve a mystery relating to the owner of a gold ring lost in a shipwreck (or perhaps murdered for the ring). As this material will be used in a book that is yet to be...
  27. 2 golds in one hole!

    I was at a local park (the same park that produced 3 golds in one day last year!) and I got a 48-50 on the Garrett AT Pro. I dug a plug and stuck in the bottom of the plug was a very smashed, ornate 10k ring. It was thin but I could tell that it was real. I flipped the plug back over and...
  28. Another 10k gold ring!

    Out at the same elementary school as last time, I found a very small 10k ring. It is missing the stone but I'm having a fake one put in it so I can add the ring to mmmy display. This ring was like a 41-44 on the Garrett AT Pro. Pretty much a foil signal.
  29. Gold is where you find it !!!

    At the edge of where some de-construction work had occurred I was a hunting today. An area I had not searched much till today. Glad that I did and was willing to dig on that pull-tab signal. So without further adieu here it is ...
  30. First big gold with the new etrac! Mineslob strikes again.

    Out with my boy Chestdiesel a.k.a. "Choad-Plug" smashin some private land. Small house, weekday dig, ya know somethin light. Couple other cool finds. Choad-Plug ripped a sweet barbor dime. check out his post later. whats cool is my name begins with J !
  31. First gold of the year and its a pretty one !

    Evey once in a while you get a "Sign" some sort of event or happening that means that todays hunt will be extra special out of the blue ! For today that sign occurred while trying to find a signal, suddenly there was no signal response in the dig, I noticed there was a clump of dirt on the...
  32. Video of me finding a 14k and diamond ring with my Tesoro Vaquero

    skip to about 8:05 to see the start of the gold dig :)
  33. 14k gold ring with real diamonds!

    I was out at alocal park/football field today and I got a nickle signal on the Tesoro Vaquero. I dug it up and found a cheesy looking, but real gold and diamond ring. I was pretty stoked :) it weighs 7.1 grams!
  34. See the Detectors of Days Gone By

    See the Detector's of Days Gone By There's a lot of you out there who might be interested to see what was around in treasure land back in the 1970 t0 2000's. Some of you might see your favorite detector and relive a bit of the past. Visit my website Going to be doing some...
  35. My new toy grabs me a gold ring!

    The gold ring find is at the end if you don't wanna see the other stuff I found.
  36. I found a gold ring with my new detector (garrett at pro)

    It's 3.7 grams of 10k gold with a diamond chip in it. I find it at the end of this video:
  37. Me finding a very small gold ring :)

  38. Childs gold ring found today!

    Child's gold ring found today! I was out at an old elementary school and I found a small gold ring today. I haven't hit gold in a few weeks so this was a welcome surprise! Here's a vid of the find:
  39. 14k star sapphire ring found today! 4th of July GOLD!

  40. 14k star sapphire ring found today! 4th of July GOLD!

    Great find for the 4th :occasion16: Not much to say but show the pics :) I also found the 18k gold electroplate ring today. video of the hunt where I found both:
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