
  1. Needing Information about glass bottles found on my farm this weekend

    Please see Attached pictures of the One Quart Glass Bottles that I found while cleaning our farm. 1. What is the history of the Ball company? 2. Is this circa 1923 (assumed based on the top line of the bottom of the bottle)? 3. Can anyone give me a value, even an estimated one for these? 4...
  2. Colorado Bottles 6-21-12

    Went huntin bottles yesterday, hot,dry,extremely dusty,wild fires burning,we even have an arsonist running around the county,who has set over 10 fires in the last 2 days,Hope they catch him SOON !!!!! $#@. Anyway it was a hard day of lookin for bottles,very dusty,our eyes were full,but we did...
  3. Check those gopher holes !!!!!!!

    Last weekend took the girlfriend out walking this little creekside dump. I noticed alot of new gopher holes,I told her to remmeber to check the gopher mounds for coins and tokens,.Well no sooner than I said it,,she reaches down and picks up this SWEET little Denver bottle :headbang:,,,, Can't...
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