
  1. Pirate Coin

  2. Old Token ID

    I found this token while metal detecting near a store's parking lot. There was an old farm from the 1800's there before the store was built. Anone out there able to tell me what it is for sure and how old it might be?
  3. can you identify this coin/token

    i have clue what this coin is, it was a quarter signal at a site that ranges from late 1700s to 1900s. It appears to be a person standing upright looking to the left on one side and all i can make on the back is seaweed?? any help would b great!!
  4. Where did all the SILVER GO?!

    Hi. I have found the following coins at various parks around my neighborhood: 1941 ×2, 1953, 1952 ×2, 1957 ×2, 1960, 1961 ×2, 1963, 1964 ×5, 1965 ×5, 1966 ×2, 1967 ×4, 1968 ×5. Excluding these I found a silver 1958 dime and a silver 1919 dime at a park that had quite a few 1950's and higher...
  5. What is it? - unknown coin

    This coin was found in a wall of a house in America. The coin is about the same size as an Australian 50c coin. Around 30mm diameter. I have no other information about it. Please help.....
  6. coins from the 1700's

    I found 2 coins from the 1700's... they appear to maybe be Swedish? Anyone have an idea what they are their value? Thanks.
  7. 1853 Temperance token

    I purchased this for a dollar and I was wondering the value and any info on it I had a hard time finding info on the English Temperance tokens.
  8. 1814 imperial spanish coin

    I purchased this with just the knowledge of it being a Spanish coin but I cant figure out the mint.
  9. My Oldest Whole Bottle Yet and Much More

    Went out for a few hours to the old farm site with my son and had some decent finds. The first find was the Philadelphia Magneto button. From what I could find out this is a uniform button showing the symbol for the City of Philadelphia. The back was iron and was corroded very badly so It was...
  10. Quick Draw Pro - Probing for coins

  11. Cold and Snowing but I Had To Get Out

    I went out to one of my favorite parks to get out of the house and detected in the snow until my hands were stiff. I started in the dump and wasn't finding much good stuff so I moved to another area in the woods where I found a 1934 Buffalo with really good detail, probably dropped during the...
  12. Rio Caliente treasure?

    Recently started thinking (again) about getting into metal detecting. I have a couple of cheap detectors, but want to get into it with something decent. Watching the guy on Oak Island finding tidbits of history gets me all excited :-) Anyway, wanted to pass along something that may be of...
  13. Got a 1969 S in my pocket change today!!!

    Is it double die as well?? I hope the picture is clear enough!
  14. Coin or token identification?

    I was looking through my old coin collection and came across this coin, or token. It looks to be Masonic. Very warm and completely blank and smooth on the back side. I googled “masonic coin” and couldn’t find anything that looks like this. So , anyone have any ideas?
  15. Help with these Maravedis

    So guys, I bought these coins a few time ago, I've been trying to identify and confirm its autenticity without success, wwould u mind helping me with this? thank you in advance :notworthy::notworthy: 1# 2# 3# 4# 5#
  16. Hello from AL-BR

    Hello guys, I'm a engineer, that loves old stuffs haha, I've started collecting old treasures like fossils, coins and arrow heads, I'd like to share all the things I have with you, learn and teach a lot. Nice to meet u all.
  17. 1 cent 1956 mexican coin or button?

    I had found this little coin a few months back, but had thought it was a button. After some research I realized it’s actually a 1 cent 1956 coin from Mexico, it says ‘Estados Unidos Mexicanos’. Except on the back it appears to look like a button loop. So I thought maybe someone made the coin...
  18. I found gold amd silver metal detecting!!!!

  19. 1953 S Wheat Penny!

    just got it in my pocket change today!! 2018
  20. Presidential Campaign Token

    I've found this "presidential campaign token", or at least that's what I've been calling it. Not sure who is pictured on it or the time period. The 50 cent piece is shown for size comparison. Any ideas?
  21. $600 Draped Bust Silver Dollar purchased for $11

    Hey everyone, Earlier this year I purchased a 1799 Draped Bust Silver Dollar for only $11. I purchased it as scrap not realizing its true value until I got home! The seller had a bunch of silver out, most of it silverplate but some sterling cutlery and coins. I gave him my best offer for the...
  22. Dug up some antique bicycle parts, a large cent, and some other awesome relics!

    Thought bout posting my most recent video on here. Hoped you guys enjoyed. :)
  23. Extremely worn out Queen Victoria Silver coin.

    Today I found my first old coin. It is extremely worn out, you can barely make out the feature of queen Victoria, can't make out the exact date but anywhere from 1837-1901 as I did my research on the net.
  24. Unexpected Silver Coin

    So today I was doing a very short hunt in the woods. The founds I was hoping to find was 1700's to mid 1800's relics and all I was founding was bottle cap after tin after bottle cap and so on, until I dug another bottle cap signal but deeper this time under a root. I got a silver coin! I would...
  25. Sestertius - Faustina II SALVTI AVGVSTAE Coin from: 170-175

    Features Country Rome (ancient) Type Common coin Years 170-175 Value Sestertius (0.01) Metal Copper Weight 25 g Diameter 33 mm Shape Round Demonetized yes Obverse Lettering: FAVSTINA AVGVSTA Reverse Lettering: SALVTI AVGVSTAE S C Edge Smooth Having trouble loading the pictures! This is my...
  26. 1910 Edward VII One Penny and 1943 Double Headed Battleaxe 2 Francs

    Found a 1910 Edward VII One Penny and 1943 Double Headed Battleaxe 2 Francs. What are they worth, if anything. thanks!
  27. Few Bits And Pieces Of Oldness

    Today I went out on a spot I usually go to to metal detect. It's a bit difficult to get to the spot by boat and some walking. The spot is an early 1900's hunting spot and an abandoned field. So first of by some Stone Walls I found my first ever Lead Back Seal: Then I walked along some kind of...
  28. Hammered Coin I found

    While out searching with my friend I found this hammered coin. It's in pretty good condition and would like to know it's exact date. Was pretty happy when I found it :)
  29. Old Worn Copper Coin?

    Hey guys. I'm having real trouble IDing this coin that I found. It is extremely worn and seems to be quite old, perhaps my oldest( I hope). Do you guys know what kind of coin this is? You can sort-of see a monarch in the pictures. The other side of the coin is complete corroded. :( Thanks!
  30. Anyone have any idea what this could be?

    I was detecting in chester erlier today and came across this find in a feild and on first thoughts i thought it could be silver because of the weight, im not sure what metal it is or if it is even a coin, if anyone has any idea of what it could be please could you help me out? Thanyou
  31. Can Anyone Help Me With This One?

    Earlyer today i was detecting on a permission in Chester and came across this, i was hoping it was siver at first because of the weight of it but i am not to sure what it is, weather it is a coin or not? If anyone can help me it would be intresting to find out :) thankyou and happy hunting!
  32. ✅ SOLVED What is a "first strike" penny?

    So this will come across as a stupid and dumb question, but i'm still learning the ropes and terms for coin hunting. Sorry! I see from time to time listings on ebay that claim the said coin is "first strike". What does this term mean????
  33. Wife's CoinStar find

    My wife used to tease me about checking the Coinstar machines whenever we went out shopping and today i come in from work and she runs in and says "look what I got", hands me a 1936 mercury and a 1951 and 1965 Rosie dimes. Needless to say, I think she's hooked now.
  34. ✅ SOLVED 1817 large cent 13 stars, what is its worth?

    So I recently acquired this 1817 13 stars large cent coin (my oldest coin in my modest collection:headbang::headbang:). So I was wondering what its worth is, I bought it for 13.50$. Thank you so much!
  35. Dug One Of My Best Finds Ever!!! Antique Silver Heart Ring And Canadian Silver Coin!

    Hello! In a span of 15 minutes I dug up two silver relics: An 1905 Canadian 5 cent piece and an antique silver child's heart ring!! WhooHooo! What a day! :hello2: :metaldetector: :icon_thumleft: The ring appears to have a Yorkshire terrior hallmark?, the name "iris" and "AL"
  36. Metal detecting with my pinpointer at the park

    Today I detected the park with only my pinpointer. Pennies: 1972, 1979, 2016, 2016 Quarter: 1995 Nickel: 1964 (oldest so far) Dime: 2013 Chuck e cheese token: 2003 Junk ring
  37. Coin Found - Dominican Republic - Need ID Help

    Hello, I have this coin from Dominican Republic, I am trying to identify it and find out if it is valuable. Does anyone know the wreck it came from, if it actually looks real and what move should I make next? I know it's stamped with 1733, I believe it is a Mexican coin. Thanks so much and...
  38. Coin display cases

    Could anyone recommend a good display case to keep old coins in?
  39. Left-Facing Bust Coin, 1683 Property, Mass

    Good evening, friends. Found this coin today. We can't make out the date on this one, but we *think* we see the word "liberty" on the right. Just not sure. Any ideas? Had lovely weather here today--hope you did, too! Thanks for looking. -Lisa & John
  40. 1796-99?? Draped Bust Large Cent -- Happy Spring TNet!

    Hello friends, hope you all had a safe winter. We had our first hunt of the year a couple of days ago here in Massachusetts at John's 1683 property. Found this coin, but can't quite make out the date's last digit! Definitely a draped bust large cent though. Enjoy and happy hunting! ~Lisa & John
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