
  1. DUG UP A SNAKE, Flat Buttons, Colonial 2-tine Forks, and GOLD gilt decoration!

    Got out and detected in NC and dug up a SNAKE, that's a first, here is the video: Along with the snake dig, a GREAT day of discovery digging flat buttons with backmarks, 2 colonial 2 tine forks, and an excellent representative piece to a cast iron cooking pot...
  2. Newbie to detecting and learning the craft

    Retired and a member of the Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Assoc. located in Southwestern Virginia. Live within 1 mi of Kane Gap which was the pass that led Boone and some 250, 000 pioneers into the Powell's Valley and on to Cumberland Gap into Kentucky, and from there the rest of America! The...
  3. Abandoned Mentone Installation

    Just north of Highway 38 in Mentone, east of an orange grove, there's what appears to be an old abandoned facility, possibly military given there are what appear to be bunkers on-site. And this is also inside part of the San Bernardino wash, along the Santa Ana River. This area could yield a...
  4. Native American artifacts from Oklahoma, but what are they?

    Estate sale finds. The largest is 7 3/4" long and extremely heavy. Second picture is possibly a hammer stone? It is 6 1/2" long. Any help is greatly appreciated!
  5. Just a bunch of garbage

    Well here are some interesting specimens that were found near an old colonial road. The road has long been gone and trees and bushes have since filled in. One day they cleared the land and this was found while metal detecting. First beep from what I hear?
  6. help please

    I was hoping someone could help me identify these. The only thing I have found even close to them are boiling stone . But these are not shaped correctly and larger. I found them in a creek bed within approx 5 feet from each other below a shelter. And feed back or ideas would be greatly...
  7. Ancient sandstone artifact

    Wondering what you guys think about this artifact. I've been told it's a plowtip. It's made of sandstone, and everyone I've took it too gives me a different estimate on it's age. One man said it's most possibly from the paleo stage. I don't really get to far with it down in the boonies where I'm...
  8. Latest creek find.

    Found in creek near my home. My normal find in this creek is ammonites. This was quite the surprise. Type is any ones guess. Snap base. It appears to have been used and re-sharpened. Tip repointed with bevel. Just over 4". Bone2stone
  9. Roman Detector Artifacts?

    As I live in the US, I can't really detect for Roman/Byzantine artifacts on a daily basis. I'm just curious, what do you guys look for in a seller that specializes in selling artifacts, especially ancient ones? I already bought these online earlier today: Thank you guys for your time, I...
  10. A few nice ones !

    Headed out to Mathews Co., in good old Va. tomorrow, hope for some greatness out there!
  11. Native American Cave, Umpqua N.F. Somewhere up logging road from Swiftwater park?

    When I was hiking the Umpqua trail last year I met a couple who were camping near the Swiftwater park a few miles from Glide Oregon. The girl told me that her father was a lumber jack in these woods 50yrs ago. She gave me the directions for one ancient Indian Village in great detail. The other...
  12. At what point does garbage become a relic?

    When metal detecting I always take any trash I find with me. Trash in our countries wild places is an ugly contamination of the natural beauty that other come to these places to experience. The areas I have detected in do not allow the removal of (artifacts) from the ground. So at what point...
  13. Forts, Camps and Emplacements Galore

    OK, Relic Hunters, are you tired of searching the same old ground that everybody has been searching since the first detectorist used a Korean War surplus mine detector in the 1950's to present and the finds are scarce as hen's teeth? It's winter time and it's too damn cold to be swinging a...
  14. Slave artifacts found at Georgia highway project site

    SAVANNAH, Ga. (AP) — A Mexican coin punctured with a small hole, nails from long-decayed wooden dwellings, and broken bits of plates and bottles are among thousands of artifacts unearthed from what archaeologists suspect were once slave quarters at the site of a planned highway project in...
  15. Please help identify some finds in the UK

    Hi there, I am very new to the forums, so I'm a little unsure whether this post should go here. I'm hoping that somebody can help identify this hammered silver coin, I know that the coin is Edward, but I cannot narrow it down to the exact coin. Secondly I am hoping that somebody will recognize...
  16. Help

    Im new to this site and have a few photos of what i THNK are artifacts and would like to see if someone could help me determine if they do i upload the photos??
  17. ✅ SOLVED Native American Indian Stone Tool Artifacts

    Here are a couple of artifacts, both found in Franklin county Ohio. The one on the left fits my hand any way I can hold it, and was obviously manufactured. The one on the right could be a fossilized bone for what I know, but it was used as a hammer by someone at some point judging by the worn...
  18. Black stone from Tablet of the Slaves Chac Zutz identification help needed

    I purchased these 2 detail pieces today at a yard sale. They are some sort of stone . What I found interesting is when I removed tape from information taped to the back it came of black. Kind of like a charcoal type thing. They are abput 4" each. They were purchased by an older couple in...
  19. Native American stone tools or just interesting rocks?

    Hello all! I found these on the Russian River in northern California near a documented Pomo Indian village in the 1800's. I believe they may be stone tools but my husband thinks they are just interesting rocks. Can anyone confirm if it is a good possibility that some of them may be...
  20. Oregon Finds-Can you help ID these?

    Attached are 2 items I found on the Oregon coast. The pitted item is not fossil imprints-appear to be ground into the stone with a circular manner. There are also several chip marks-as if someone/thing pecked away at it with a tool of some sort. They are also not made by pebbles that ate...
  21. Artifact Hunting

    Hello I am new to this forum and new to treasure hunting. I live in Hamilton, Ohio and was wondering if anybody had an idea of where I might be able to find Native American artifacts around here.
  22. One Whole, Two Brokes and a Pestle

    My new field is turning up some colorful pieces. We're in desperate need of plowed fields around here have received a single rain this season. This spot should be killer once it gets wet. As for the piece I'm calling a pestle: I realize it shows zero signs of being worked. However, the...
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