
  1. Bird point!!

    A small beautiful Avonlea-Carmichael point found in Douglas, WY its placed by a penny for size reference.
  2. Day maker and heart breaker points today

    A broken Fredrick point and a nice Samantha dart point that I found near Bill Wyoming
  3. Please seeking information on this piece of history. Can't find anything like it!

    Hi I am new to this site but I am looking for any type of information on this piece that I found while walking on our hunting lease. I have showed it to several people no one can relatively give me any type of information or seen one like this I had someone offer me wanting to buy it but I'm not...
  4. Awesome variety of Native American artifacts from central Virginia!

    Hey guys Here are some of the finds from, what we believe, was a Native American campsite situated along a travel route in Amelia Virginia. You can see a quick video of them here: Forgot to include this one in the original pic: All of these finds...
  5. Need help identifying arrowheads and minie balls

    My dad recently gave me some arrowheads and mini balls hes found over the years. Im a newbie so i have no idea how to identify the type or what they're made of but they still fascinate me. Would love to hear the opinion of others more experienced. He also gave me some mini balls. One has...
  6. Finally!

    I found this one today when I was planting a mum for my mom. It kind of rough looking, especially on one side. It's perfect to me though. I looked but I can't find which type it is. Can anyone tell me? Yea! Finally.:hello2:
  7. Help with arrowhead

    Found in south east New Mexico. What information, if any, can you tell me about them?
  8. Kentucky & Southern Indiana Artifact hunting

    Does anyone hunt for artifacts in Jefferson county, other bordering counties, or southern Indiana. If so, what in particular do you look for?
  9. Topography Maps Help

    I have heard of people using topography maps to find potential places to look for arrowheads and other artifacts. What should you be looking for on these maps that would be indicators of a place a camp could've been?
  10. Get Permission

    How do you'll go about getting permission to search a farm? I ask because most of the farms in my area do not have a house on them where a land owner would live. How do you contact the land owner or do you just not search a farm if the property owner doesn't live there?
  11. Louisville Arrowheads?

    I live near Louisville and have seen some posts on Tnet and other places from people who claim to have found arrowheads in Louisville. I have only found one just outside of Louisville near a construction site by the river which I credit to me being lucky. Have any of You'll actually found...
  12. Need Identification Help

    Any info is appreciated!
  13. Indian Artifact Identification

    Can anybody tell me anything about this? Identification? Time period? All I know is it's an arrowhead... I think.
  14. Arrowhead info please?

    Hey everyone! I have some arrowheads I recently received from a friend. I don't know too much about them so I wanted to see if someone could help me out a little bit. Any guesses on type of stone? I know a bunch of them are chipped but I still wanted see if any were valuable. Thank you to...
  15. North GA artifacts?

    I fount these on our property. Obviously the one is an arrowhead but I'm not sure of the type or era. The other looks like a hand axe and then a possilbe grinder, both of these fit perfectly in the palm of my hand. Any help or ideas?
  16. This weekend's finds

    Had a chance to hunt on Saturday and Sunday with the wife. Had some good luck - a few quartz points, a scraper, old bottle, and a lot of pottery.
  17. What is this?

    I found this thing on my way home from work. I really don't know if it's a genuine arrowhead or if it's just a stone? What do you guys think? I found this in sealand, Denmark. The widest part is 2 cm, and the longest part is about 4 cm. The two first pictures are taken from the front and the...
  18. Missouri drill

    Went to see the grand kids in Lowry City Missouri and while there went arrowhead hunting on the father-in-laws property where my son found his first artifact. Nice piece of a drill. Couldn't find the other half but I'm sure he will be back. Don't know what age maybe someone can tell from the...
  19. Hello from Middle TN

    Just wanted to say "Hello" to everyone! :hello: I am a married mother of 4.... I love going to the creek and looking for Indian Artifacts, and anything else that catches my eye. I love odd I enjoy photography, reading about history from all sides, fishing, poetry and what we call...
  20. Arrowhead or tool

    FouND in carlisle ky along licking river Creek 5 miles from Blue licks state battlefield park
  21. Arrowhead Hunting Question..

    Have y'all ever found a point that was broken and then found the other half nearby? I ask because a lot of what I find (especially in plowed fields) have been broken and I'm wondering if it's even worth looking around in the same area for the other piece?
  22. B

    Not an Arrowhead?

    Ok this little rock makes me nuts. I would love to get some opinions... Usually an arrowhead is so obvious. If this is not hand carved, then to me, it's naturally awesome anyway.
  23. Point Found!

    Hey y'all! Found this awesome quartzite point in the NC foothills yesterday. I believe it to be an Appalachian Point. Can anyone confirm that?
  24. :boots: Looking for new hunting grounds

    Hello everybody! I just moved from Vancouver Island to the mainland of Vancouver and I am just dying to find some new grounds. Preferably creeks or anything.. I dont know anybody who hunts in Canada for indian artifacts let alone in British Columbia.. Thought id just give a shout out...
  25. I wanted it too much

    I typically dont hunt in creek beds but this weekend I did. A lot of you seem to have some good luck with it and this area has produced a wide range of artifacts before. I found possibly the most eroded sherd of pottery in my collection so far and flake waste which is all fine and dandy but its...
  26. Wisconsin Copper Complex Native Spear Point Found Today!

    Hi Guys and Gals! Exciting find today on my first official 2015 dig near Green Bay, Wisconsin... I found a few cool things today enjoying the spring-like weather, but here is my favorite. It's a Old Copper Complex Archaic Indian Spear Point. It dates from 4,000 to 6,000 years old (2,000-4,000...
  27. N.E. Arkansas Artifact Show

    N.E. Arkansas Native American Indian Artifact show in honor of Bill Rowlett. Saturday April 4 2015, Paragould Community Center 3404 Linwood Dr. (Hwy. 49) Paragould, Arkansas 72450 Next to Holiday Inn. Over 100 tables, Free admission. Display, Buy, Sell or trade. For more info contacted Dan...
  28. Jasper Arrowhead (found in the Rocky Mountains, Idaho)

    Hi Fellow Treasure Hunters, I've been following this thread for years, and your determination and resultant finds are truly inspiring. I thought I'd share the following find with you, as you're some of he only folks I know that would appreciate it. I went fishing with my Dad one the Little...
  29. My First and Only Native American Artifact

    Found this about ten years ago in a mole hill, a couple miles away from where the Cowlitz River spills into the Columbia River. It's extremely small, and as you can see it is an agate. I imagine it was probably used to hunt small game due to its small size. I don't have any idea on the age, and...
  30. 8 1/4" x 2 1/8" INDIAN SPEARPOINT

    Bought this at a Garage Sale out in the country about 15 years ago for $75. I would like to know if the story the guy told me is true about finding them all during the building of Del Webb's Sun City in Georgetown, TX. The centerpiece SPEARPOINT is 8 1/4" x 2 1/8" and no chips or impefections...

    I bought this wooden case of Arrowheads at a Garage Sale out in the country almost 15 years ago. It has a centerpiece SPEARPOINT that is 8 1/4" x 2 1/8" and in perfect condition; no chips and symetry are great. I have no clue what "type" it is, or how old it is, or if the story he...
  32. I purchased 2 Collections of Indian Arrowheads today

    I wanted to keep some and put some up for sale. Would any be museum-worthy? How would I go about sorting and pricing them accordingly. Can someone refer to a local place in Washington? Thanks in advance for any assistance.
  33. Good condition flint arrowhead

    Hello all, I have recently inherited my grandfathers collection of things he had found in the fields over the years (he was a farmer). Among many things, this arrowhead caught my particular attention because of how good condition it was in compared to the others. I would really appreciate any...
  34. ✅ SOLVED Are these arrowheads authentic or reproductions?

    I got these two arrowheads when I was younger and I am trying to sell them. Does anyone know if they are authentic or reproductions? If they are authentic do you have any information on them? (Age, region, tribe?)
  35. I know they are arrowheads

    I posted this in another place also but it fits here. I do not know much more then general info about them. I do not know what tribe would have made them though I can find out more and narrow that down. They are from Pennsylvania and found in the mountains.
  36. Point ID help

    I've been trying to find out what I have here on the bottom left, and the bottom right. The latter looks like it could have been some type of knife? Any suggestions? Also found this small arrowhead (about the size of a quarter) last week.. :happy3: All found in NC...
  37. ✅ SOLVED translucent pointed stone object

    Found this in south central Iowa near Lamoni on a dirt trail. It is translucent, seems to be stone, and has a "tiger eye" fracture from top to bottom that refracts light shined through it. The quarter is for size comparison. Any thoughts as to what this is would be greatly appreciated.
  38. New to collecting,..but hooked! Spear head found ..possibly??

    Hi and thanks for looking. I snagged a good treasure I think, here in Fort Walton Beach, Fl. Roughly 7 inches or so long, and roughly 2 1/4 or so inches wide. Bought it from a flea market here, just curious now as to what it may be made of, the age, worth, etc.. I'm fascinated by it! Thanks...
  39. A few artifacts

    Hi, in the last 5 years I found these artifacts in southwest Minnesota near the Des Moins River. I was wondering if anyone could give a rough date on them. 2 arrowheads and a possible piece of pipe stone jewelery.The quarter is just to compare size.. Also could they be worth anything? (just curious)
  40. Few South carolina arrowheads

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