Treasure Marks/Signs - Diagnosed Here


Bronze Member
Jul 12, 2004
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Golden Thread
The Land Of The Free Because Of The Brave!
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for solutions to the jesuit code -email pics to:

; locations needed! oro bro!
Primary Interest:
This thread is for the newbie and the pro to find out what their treasure sign or symbols means, or whether it even is a true sign. In light of the some posters on this forum and others who see fit to discourage treasure hunters, to deny treasure signs and symbols.

We are not accepting posts here from people who have nothing but negative comments. These negative comments are not useful in any sense but to discourage people from perusing their objectives. The world at large is enough negative forces against the success of the individual treasure hunter..from private property, to federal property, to IRS to State and local laws..there are plenty of negativity out there without having it intrude on a treasure hunting forum!
Being straight and to the point..if you can't help in some way, or post something positive, then do yourself and us a favor DO NOT POST here, you can start your own negative anti-treasure hunting post, and be right out in the open..instead of hiding and lurking and sniping earnest and sincere treasure hunters here who are looking for help

To find out if your sign is real your pics sure to give close up shots only.we don't care or want any landmarks that could identify your site, We don't care what state that your site is in..Spanish Treasure Signs for the most part are universal... for the best analysis
we need a shot of the Alpha..enough to see all the boulders in the grouping. If there is a hoyo in the monument...face that hoyo square on and click the pic..on Alpha's you will see mostly blue sky thru the hoyo.. if it is an Omega, smaller and any hoyo here will be so that the ground or other rocks will be seen..

For the best chance to get your site looked at and certified as a genuine Spanish monument take your photos between 11am - 1pm..with your back to the sun..facing the monument.
Try to have at least 5 mega pixel digital cam..for best clarity. Don't ignore the shadows., the most information sometimes is in the shadows.

There is a lot of mother nature produced boulders and rocks out there that resemble animals, letters,numbers, and could make you think you have found a treasure mark or sign..remember that the Spanish used this natural background camouflage to hide their own it does take some skill, experience and training to confirm these marks or signs.

Skeptics always tell you 'no' that is just natural or whatever, but remember they have NO experience, anyone who is a skeptic has No training, No education, No basis in fact to tell you anything about any treasure sign or mark..they just want to discourage people in general from treasure hunting at all..

They are the 'tree hugger' brigade of posters who have some sort of hidden agenda,,that keeping you from finding something suits their purpose. We don't claim to know all there agendas..what do know is that the Jesuits, the Masons, the Mormons,The Mother Church, various secret organizations to include the Illuminati, and others not yet identified, and don't forget Spain herself, and many others,do not want you to dig any treasure out of the ground.

Add to that the government types from the Forestry Circus, to the BLM, to the Parks and Recs, who ALL are in competition with you to recover treasures!!

So you never know who is reading this public board and who is posting all the negative comments..Finally add to the mix the few old school treasure hunters that have paid their dues and it has taken them a life time to dig out little by little the answers and the solutions to the codes, the signs and the symbols do NOT want this true and correct information out there..they will come on and pooh-pooh anything they think is getting to close to the truth.

They even have ganged up on learned folks also have paid the dues, but were benevolent enough to share some of this hard earned information on line! They have driven those people off this site and others! That is wrong, very wrong..the greed of some people is unimaginable, there are thousands and thousands of treasure caches all over the country and the no one needs to be greedy.

So a clue for you folks is to watch and learn by their posts..when they rant to hard,deny too much..then you know the truth is coming out..they will whine,stomp their feet, call their buddies, gang up on posters who distribute the solutions all cost they will attempt to stifle this information. I have no fear..they can't touch me or rattle me or run me off. I will help anyone I can with what ever I know about treasure signs and symbols..that I have learned in my 20+years of experience!

Pay attention.Use your brain.Look closely.They will use 'political correctness' that socialist control mechanism and claim you are bashing them with personal's just a form of manipulation and attempt to set the agenda and stay in make you feel meek, weak and not in control-ignore this crap..speak out - exercise your First Amendment polite and confront them with facts and personal experiences. Fight for your Right to hunt Treasure in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.
A word about the treasure in the Philippines-this category of treasure signs, is unique in that the signs were laid down by the Japanese during and before World War 2. This army had at their disposal all the labor and work force and equipment to lay down some complex deep and dangerous treasure caches. Some of the caches laid down by battalion strength were up to 80 feet deep and more. Water table traps, explosive ordinance, gas, poison were used,individual people should not try to recover these deep caches.

The company sized caches were buried at around 20 feet more or less and are still dangerous..but mostly to your budget,they are all designed to flood at the water table level, and you will spend all your money on pumps and fuel..pumping endless amout of water out of your hard dug hole.
The bright side of these Japanese treasure sites..mostly from General Yamashiita era is that the signs they used were from the Jesuits Code Book, While you will run into Ancient Japanese Script,the signs are exactly the same as the Spanish Jesuits Signs..
For the skeptic..
Buy and read the book by Seagrave called 'Golden Warriors' Over 15,000 metric tonnes of Gold and treasure were buried under the Occupying Forces of the Japanese, mind boggling amounts, the largest plunder in the history of the world. But alas the Republic of the Philippines is one of the poorest countries in the world. Their honorable citizens ave yearly incomes is only $1000. Please show the honorable ones some respect. I believe that this treasure belongs to the Philippines and its people..and will do what ever I can to help them solve the signs and symbols. Beware of those that want to just scam - as you would all people - all over the world who don't have your best interest at heart.

The Jesuits were in every country in the known world over their 300 year reign- from China
to Africa, to Australia to Greece and beyond..they mined gold and buried the Kings Fifth in all these countries,as well as the Mines. The symbols are universal because of the way they were designed in the beginning.

Lastly a wise treasure hunter on this site has warned repeatedly about Death Traps. Read his post..(We are hoping that Marc will Pin this Post to the top of the page as MUST READING..

This is not some comic book or Indiana Jones type joke or fantasy. The Spaniards/Jesuits/Masons were smart, greedy,adamant,dedicated and brutal, plus they had a contract with the King of Spain that meant if they failed to get the Kings Fifth to him safely, they would die. So to protect their caches and mines..the set very dangerous, very insidious, boulder and death traps that stay triggered for over 300 years!

Every single cache of the Kings Fifth is Death Trapped.. They were not against killing a few of the Slaves and toss them into the hole to have the tortured souls of the dead protect their sites..evoking the Devil himself if necessary to protect the Kings Gold.
:stop:Caution Caution Caution. :stop: Do Not Attempt To Dig without recognizing the Trap, how to defuse, disarm,and render harmless these Traps. If you are unsure..send pics to this forum..their are several savvy professional treasure hunters on this site that will be happy and glad to keep you from getting killed or worse. :stop:Caution Caution Caution. :stop:
"you know the story about the mouse who was crossing the rail road tracks and was too slow.. the train run over his tail ... he went back while the train was still rolling ...and the train ran over his ass ... moral to the story ... don't lose your ass over a piece of tail"

Moral to the mouse story.."don't lose your tail over a piece of cache"


Nice story telling and I agree from what you says...

Everybody should contribute their knowlege on how to get our own individual sites.. It is a big help if somebody in this forum can provide those information that can identify those several marking & sign that are shown here..


Good evening, rangler. In the text that you wrote, you said the following, in part: "....from General Yamashiita era is that the signs they used were from the Jesuits Code Book." This is highly interesting to me. Where can I obtain a copy of the Jesuits Code Book. I have been searching high and low for the very book, but I have not been able to locate it. And I must say, alas, I have yet to find a Spanish Code Book. I would like to obtain a copy of the Spanish Code Book. A question comes to my mind as to why the Jesuits would have their own Code Book, saying that the Spanish already had one? Because the Jesuits were religious people, what is the purpose of a presumably secret code book.

I am all for sharing and cooperation. I do a lot of historical research and computer databasing of names, facts, dates, and so on. :icon_study: I would love to obtain a copies of both Jesuit and Spanish Code Books. Please inform me where and how I can obtain these books. Thanks a lot, in advance. Poncho33 :thumbsup:

There is no known copy that exists that we know about..I have conjectured that a book like this had to exist at one time during the 300 years that the Jesuits worked for the King of Spain, mining gold an silver..the hundreds of codes that they shared with the Kings men, who recovered these treasures would have had to a copy of the signs that were being laid down by the Jesuits and the other Spanish Conquistadors.. so I was a little flippant in mentioning this book.

Really what we are trying to do here to recreate that book, with contributions of all those serious treasure hunters out there..if you have sign you wanted it here..myself and others who are generous and want to help brother treasure hunters will try to get the answer..likewise if we help you solve one or more signs..then if you know some proven solutions then you can pay everyone back by sharing some of yours..we are not greedy people by nature, those of us that want to share out knowledge.

Welcome Pancho to our experiment in trust and truth. Your welcome to post pic..just kinda close ups if you want..What we like to see in the first shot is the Hoyo..the one place on the monument that you can see the sky thru,,this is the confirmation mark the perhaps your site is valid.

Whatever you want to share is fine with us..this is your posting do what you want.
We are here to help..there are quite a few very wise and experienced treasures hunters on here
who will pitch in and help once we get the ball rolling..

Sorry no Jesuit Code Book yet..but if you help us.. we can build one from scratch..and share everything a long the way. We want you to find what you are looking or no book
thanks again

"the difference between a skeptic and a treasure hunter is attitude "....rangler

(posters note: when posts are deleted it makes the response appear out of context, when posters
attack and then delete we know the motive was not pure or righteous,I will delete this reponse to
that attack for the information that is still useful)

Sorry g****m
I am not stilldign..what a one track brain you have..don't you think that more than you and your buddy have some experience, and knowledge and hard earned results.. that more than one poster that is not greedy and wants to share the truth about treasure hunting..can come on here and walk the walk and talk the talk without all being embodied in one persona ,

he sure has you guys snookered..don't get me wrong, I don't mind be compared to him, he is brilliant, savvy, and very articulate and most of all NOT greedy about treasure. I urge everyone who reads this to look up dign4it or still dign's post on this site -- his wisdom is awesome, it is original, not the same old hashed over stuff in most of the books you can buy..Dign is Right ON..I suggest that you copy and print out his stuff be4 it gets mysteriously "hacked" as what happened over at ALT ( look for dign4it or stilldigns post here to and read all the ridicule that those guys put him trough and you will learn much that you will never find in a book and be sure to copy and print what he has posted over have a resident hacker over there who like to wipe out lots of now you know..AND thanks again gollum for reminding me to tell all the good folks about one of our communities brilliant treasure hunters that you and your buddy's ran off that site..seems you are very useful today g****m


You should have read the intro to this post, ::)Listen UP- We don't need the skeptics here, neither the ones that know nothing or the ones that know a little. And you proved my point! Thanks for that anyway.
You have every single post on this massive site to post your negativity BUT this one.
I think that is fair. Don't you..
Hey why don't you and SMR and gang start a Critic's guys all get together in one place
and have a ball..hmmmmm denying treasure exists, discouraging new treasure hunters, ridiculing their posts. Injecting doubt, tell them a rock is just a rock, ah you know all the stuff youse guys have been doing all over the net on a lot of telling them that you have to be appointed or anointed or immaculate conceived or what ever..before you ever stand a chance of finding any treasure..THAT sir is really the most egotistical and elitist statement that I every heard!.. sounds like a confidence game to me..but hey if that is your thing then I am sure you will get what you deserve..... ok g****m.?
....I said in the opening post.........
So a clue for you folks is to watch and learn by their posts..when they rant to hard,deny too much..then you know the truth is coming out..they will whine,stomp their feet, call their buddies, gang up on posters who distribute the solutions all cost they will attempt to stiffle this information. I have no fear..they can't touch me or rattle me or run me off. I will help anyone I can with what ever I know about treasure signs and symbols..that I have learned in my 20+years of experience!

For you folks that just joined first salvo over the bow of the skeptics generated a post that HE
called my statements the most [prohibited word deleted ] he ever heard..didn't I tell you that I would smoke them out?
I deleted his post (actually I ignored his post) to keep the place clean and safe for the serious treasure hunter who wants to talk here in an open and honest forum, like this site was meant to do! ( the moderator deleted his post)

So welcome folks..we have the power of the pen and the power to ignore any let the fun begin..Post any pics here you want ,ask if you have questions ...if you don't want all your pics public right now, I understand..just send them thru the message board, I will give you complete security and will hold any and all communications and pics in strictest confidence! I am a man of my word.

Beware of others in the disinformation cartel calling me different names as an harrassment technique... to trying to discredit the truth about signs that I willingly give for free, these people don't want this info to come and want to control this info for just themselves and their friends.

I am bucking that and winning small victories all along the way, thanks to the moderators of this site. these people calling me names is the sort of flack you get, when you are right over the target, so use this to your advantage..when they protest to much , you know some truth has come out and they want to bury or discredit that information. they will not and cannot stop me, so listen up and take advantage of the info, they will signal you to pay attention, by their personal attacks and cheap shorts to discredit the data//
good 'enuff/ nuff said


" The pen is mightier than the sword"
" The keyboard is mightier that the critic"......rangler

Well, rangler, goldiver, dign4it, stilldign, et al: the name changes but the snake oil is still pouring from the same bottle I see (so far). Maybe with your new identity you'll also turn over a new leaf and back up your chatter with some sort of verification of the convoluted double-talk you've become well known for. It's not that we're negative, skeptical nay-sayers about this topic, it's just that we're negative, skeptical nay-sayers about your growing reputation of 'all hat, no cowboy'.

OK, OK, I'll be open-minded. Here - I'll be the first to allow you to apply your 'knowledge and hard earned results' to the photo below of a very well-known 'treasure map'. I'll be the first to admit that I don't know what the carvings are saying. Here's your chance to validate your boasting - what do these carvings tell you? Something specific please.


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Thank you for the reply, mr. rangler. I definitely was/am interested in what you had to say, principally because of your sentence: "The bright side of these Japanese treasure sites..mostly from General Yamashiita era is that the signs they used were from the Jesuits Code Book, While you will run into Ancient Japanese Script,the signs are exactly the same as the Spanish Jesuits Signs..". Hence, your wording suggested that the Japanese Army in World War-II possessed and used a copy of a Jesuit Code Book. Therefore I concluded that such a code book should be easily accessable today in the marketplace, and/or from the U.S. National Archives (where huge amounts of WW-II materials were deposited). I am sorry to learn that non such Jesuit Code Book exists. And it would seem that non such Spanish Code Book exists either. :( Poncho33


That is an awesome map.
Have you tried looking at it in a negative ?
It takes the part you want to see and emphasises it and pushes the graffiti right out of the picture.
I did it to your photo and here is what shows.


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There are several maps there, one over the other.
Pretty cool,
I think using the picture this way will help sort them out.


Thanks Old Dog
for the negative image you posted.. I worked on this for quite some time..and accidentally deleted the post..ouch..but I will work it all up again and post it soon.. I have a solution for both maps
Distance and Direction and Depth..and its a great demo for the new troops who want to see the logic and the way the Jesuits think and encode their maps.I think some pros will learn a little bit around the edges too...


"Gold there is, and rubies in abundance, but lips that speak knowledge are a rare jewel." P:20

Old Dog said:
There are several maps there, one over the other.
Pretty cool,
I think using the picture this way will help sort them out.


Thom, you're absolutely correct - there are messages upon messages here, spanning at least three general time periods. Yes, I've photo-shopped this and other pictures of these carvings using a variety of techniques, revealing some interesting results. One below.

Logically, many of the symbols seem to be topographically inspired, but that is not necessarily the case, IMO. The much older, fainter carvings at this site and others closeby are quite interesting to me - I wish there was a proven and reliable way of dating them. The archies I've talked to, once you wade through their dogma, obviously have no idea what's going on here. The newer, fresher looking carvings were added later with some duplication of the older ones - the 'mark of possession' symbol for one. This is the symbol associated with both the planet venus (Quetzalcoatl) and also displayed on the sails of Columbus' fleet (Templar cross). Also, surprisingly, some of the much more recent 'grafitti' is extremely interesting in itself due to the cryptic messages to be gleaned from them. Most of these are not visible in the posted photo. Even more intriguing is the location of this panel. It occupies a crucial point (King's Chamber if you will) in a precise geometric pyramid pattern that emcompasses about 54 square miles, marked by major landmarks and carvings at each node. Coincidence? Maybe, maybe not.


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From the looks of it (Native Americans were very literal)
You may have a reference to a giant or a race of giants.

There are a lot of Jesuit type signs here as well.
as well as Royal Spanish if Chuck's books are right.


Old Dog, you brought up something that is of interest to me, regarding a race of giants. I am in a continuing search for information about the race of giants. Some time ago I ran across some information about one or more very large human skeletons that were found buried in (I think ? ? ?) Antelope Canyon or Wash in Arizona. I meant to get back to that article but I never could find it again. From historical research that I have done, I know that of all the native American tribes that the early explorerers met, the Yuma tribe had very large people for that time. Both Father Kino (Jesuit) and Lt. Mateo Manje recorded their observations of the Yuma people, also known as "Yum-yum" by other tribes at that time. However, even though a unknown number of Yumas were somewhere in the 6-footer class, the giants that I have been working to identify were somewhere in the 7-footer class.

Does anyone have any info they can pass along to me? Poncho33

Hey, Poncho33!!

If you get on to, and Search Race of Giants or Giant Skeletons you will find something there. TD

Thom and Mike, I followed a map and found the Ark of the covenant in Central Utah. I went to lunch and couldn't find it again due to mystical sources. Do you want to buy my book on the subject? Actually the book is only rumored to exist, but I will gladly take paypal for you payment.

That is a cool map on here with a lot going on, I just am not convinced it leads to treasure(beyond maybe water?). Too many symbols that have come from different people and times and even a forensics expert would have a hard time figuring out time frames in their individual creations to truly "solve" it. Native Americans and spanish have similar symbols in many cases, and when they are together on the same rock it can be really confusing. It is still fun to ponder and dream about, isn't it???

Hey Doc, wots a hoyo???? max


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Tesoro Dog: Thanks a lot for the tip. I'll take a look at You Tube. I have personally spoken with serveral ritired University history professors here in Arizona, and they don't know anything about the subject. Which -- I find "interesting". Cheers, Poncho33


I have found that in a lot of cases, if the history you uncover goes against the "Columbus discovers the new world as written in the books" type history as you learned in school. the people who run the system,,, IE teachers and historians of note will do everything in their power to shut you down.They will call you names and do everything they can to discredit you. then they will make sure your notes, photos, and other info on the subject is lost or contraband. Including your research sites, these too will be off limits... to every one.


Well it's been 3 days since rangler was offered a challenge by Springfield regarding his map pic. I see rangler had it all worked out and "accidently deleted his post". Weird that..... but I suppose that could have happend.

For any creditability I'm waiting to see the results of his deciphering. As I believe Old Dog and Springfield know enough of this map to tell if rangler is even close or just BSing. If he had it figured out once it should take a few minutes to reconstruct his original post, no? I dunno, just assuming.

Personally, I have no clue what any of the jibberish means and that is my alterior motive for this post. Maybe I'll learn something here.....

Here is one for you to decipher for me. It is 50' by 50' on each side, situated on the east face of a rugged canyon wall, at the extreme northern edge of Sycamore Canyon in Arizona.


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