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- for solutions to the jesuit code -email pics to: randy_ferringer@yahoo.com
;rangler8@gmail.no locations needed! oro bro!
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This thread is for the newbie and the pro to find out what their treasure sign or symbols means, or whether it even is a true sign. In light of the some posters on this forum and others who see fit to discourage treasure hunters, to deny treasure signs and symbols.
We are not accepting posts here from people who have nothing but negative comments. These negative comments are not useful in any sense but to discourage people from perusing their objectives. The world at large is enough negative forces against the success of the individual treasure hunter..from private property, to federal property, to IRS to State and local laws..there are plenty of negativity out there without having it intrude on a treasure hunting forum!
Being straight and to the point..if you can't help in some way, or post something positive, then do yourself and us a favor DO NOT POST here, you can start your own negative anti-treasure hunting post, and be right out in the open..instead of hiding and lurking and sniping earnest and sincere treasure hunters here who are looking for help
To find out if your sign is real ..post your pics here..be sure to give close up shots only.we don't care or want any landmarks that could identify your site, We don't care what state that your site is in..Spanish Treasure Signs for the most part are universal... for the best analysis
we need a shot of the Alpha..enough to see all the boulders in the grouping. If there is a hoyo in the monument...face that hoyo square on and click the pic..on Alpha's you will see mostly blue sky thru the hoyo.. if it is an Omega, smaller and any hoyo here will be so that the ground or other rocks will be seen..
For the best chance to get your site looked at and certified as a genuine Spanish monument take your photos between 11am - 1pm..with your back to the sun..facing the monument.
Try to have at least 5 mega pixel digital cam..for best clarity. Don't ignore the shadows., the most information sometimes is in the shadows.
There is a lot of mother nature produced boulders and rocks out there that resemble animals, letters,numbers, and could make you think you have found a treasure mark or sign..remember that the Spanish used this natural background camouflage to hide their own marks..so it does take some skill, experience and training to confirm these marks or signs.
Skeptics always tell you 'no' that is just natural or whatever, but remember they have NO experience, anyone who is a skeptic has No training, No education, No basis in fact to tell you anything about any treasure sign or mark..they just want to discourage people in general from treasure hunting at all..
They are the 'tree hugger' brigade of posters who have some sort of hidden agenda,,that keeping you from finding something suits their purpose. We don't claim to know all there agendas..what do know is that the Jesuits, the Masons, the Mormons,The Mother Church, various secret organizations to include the Illuminati, and others not yet identified, and don't forget Spain herself, and many others,do not want you to dig any treasure out of the ground.
Add to that the government types from the Forestry Circus, to the BLM, to the Parks and Recs, who ALL are in competition with you to recover treasures!!
So you never know who is reading this public board and who is posting all the negative comments..Finally add to the mix the few old school treasure hunters that have paid their dues and it has taken them a life time to dig out little by little the answers and the solutions to the codes, the signs and the symbols do NOT want this true and correct information out there..they will come on and pooh-pooh anything they think is getting to close to the truth.
They even have ganged up on learned folks also have paid the dues, but were benevolent enough to share some of this hard earned information on line! They have driven those people off this site and others! That is wrong, very wrong..the greed of some people is unimaginable, there are thousands and thousands of treasure caches all over the country and the world..so no one needs to be greedy.
So a clue for you folks is to watch and learn by their posts..when they rant to hard,deny too much..then you know the truth is coming out..they will whine,stomp their feet, call their buddies, gang up on posters who distribute the solutions freely..at all cost they will attempt to stifle this information. I have no fear..they can't touch me or rattle me or run me off. I will help anyone I can with what ever I know about treasure signs and symbols..that I have learned in my 20+years of experience!
Pay attention.Use your brain.Look closely.They will use 'political correctness' that socialist control mechanism and claim you are bashing them with personal attacks..it's just a form of manipulation and attempt to set the agenda and stay in control..to make you feel meek, weak and not in control-ignore this crap..speak out - exercise your First Amendment Rights..be polite and confront them with facts and personal experiences. Fight for your Right to hunt Treasure in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.
A word about the treasure in the Philippines-this category of treasure signs, is unique in that the signs were laid down by the Japanese during and before World War 2. This army had at their disposal all the labor and work force and equipment to lay down some complex deep and dangerous treasure caches. Some of the caches laid down by battalion strength were up to 80 feet deep and more. Water table traps, explosive ordinance, gas, poison were used,individual people should not try to recover these deep caches.
The company sized caches were buried at around 20 feet more or less and are still dangerous..but mostly to your budget,they are all designed to flood at the water table level, and you will spend all your money on pumps and fuel..pumping endless amout of water out of your hard dug hole.
The bright side of these Japanese treasure sites..mostly from General Yamashiita era is that the signs they used were from the Jesuits Code Book, While you will run into Ancient Japanese Script,the signs are exactly the same as the Spanish Jesuits Signs..
For the skeptic..
Buy and read the book by Seagrave called 'Golden Warriors' Over 15,000 metric tonnes of Gold and treasure were buried under the Occupying Forces of the Japanese, mind boggling amounts, the largest plunder in the history of the world. But alas the Republic of the Philippines is one of the poorest countries in the world. Their honorable citizens ave yearly incomes is only $1000. Please show the honorable ones some respect. I believe that this treasure belongs to the Philippines and its people..and will do what ever I can to help them solve the signs and symbols. Beware of those that want to just scam - as you would all people - all over the world who don't have your best interest at heart.
The Jesuits were in every country in the known world over their 300 year reign- from China
to Africa, to Australia to Greece and beyond..they mined gold and buried the Kings Fifth in all these countries,as well as the Mines. The symbols are universal because of the way they were designed in the beginning.
Lastly a wise treasure hunter on this site has warned repeatedly about Death Traps. Read his post..(We are hoping that Marc will Pin this Post to the top of the page as MUST READING..
This is not some comic book or Indiana Jones type joke or fantasy. The Spaniards/Jesuits/Masons were smart, greedy,adamant,dedicated and brutal, plus they had a contract with the King of Spain that meant if they failed to get the Kings Fifth to him safely, they would die. So to protect their caches and mines..the set very dangerous, very insidious, boulder and death traps that stay triggered for over 300 years!
Every single cache of the Kings Fifth is Death Trapped.. They were not against killing a few of the Slaves and toss them into the hole to have the tortured souls of the dead protect their sites..evoking the Devil himself if necessary to protect the Kings Gold.
Caution Caution Caution.
Do Not Attempt To Dig without recognizing the Trap, how to defuse, disarm,and render harmless these Traps. If you are unsure..send pics to this forum..their are several savvy professional treasure hunters on this site that will be happy and glad to keep you from getting killed or worse.
Caution Caution Caution. 
"you know the story about the mouse who was crossing the rail road tracks and was too slow.. the train run over his tail ... he went back while the train was still rolling ...and the train ran over his ass ... moral to the story ... don't lose your ass over a piece of tail"
Moral to the mouse story.."don't lose your tail over a piece of cache"
We are not accepting posts here from people who have nothing but negative comments. These negative comments are not useful in any sense but to discourage people from perusing their objectives. The world at large is enough negative forces against the success of the individual treasure hunter..from private property, to federal property, to IRS to State and local laws..there are plenty of negativity out there without having it intrude on a treasure hunting forum!
Being straight and to the point..if you can't help in some way, or post something positive, then do yourself and us a favor DO NOT POST here, you can start your own negative anti-treasure hunting post, and be right out in the open..instead of hiding and lurking and sniping earnest and sincere treasure hunters here who are looking for help
To find out if your sign is real ..post your pics here..be sure to give close up shots only.we don't care or want any landmarks that could identify your site, We don't care what state that your site is in..Spanish Treasure Signs for the most part are universal... for the best analysis
we need a shot of the Alpha..enough to see all the boulders in the grouping. If there is a hoyo in the monument...face that hoyo square on and click the pic..on Alpha's you will see mostly blue sky thru the hoyo.. if it is an Omega, smaller and any hoyo here will be so that the ground or other rocks will be seen..
For the best chance to get your site looked at and certified as a genuine Spanish monument take your photos between 11am - 1pm..with your back to the sun..facing the monument.
Try to have at least 5 mega pixel digital cam..for best clarity. Don't ignore the shadows., the most information sometimes is in the shadows.
There is a lot of mother nature produced boulders and rocks out there that resemble animals, letters,numbers, and could make you think you have found a treasure mark or sign..remember that the Spanish used this natural background camouflage to hide their own marks..so it does take some skill, experience and training to confirm these marks or signs.
Skeptics always tell you 'no' that is just natural or whatever, but remember they have NO experience, anyone who is a skeptic has No training, No education, No basis in fact to tell you anything about any treasure sign or mark..they just want to discourage people in general from treasure hunting at all..
They are the 'tree hugger' brigade of posters who have some sort of hidden agenda,,that keeping you from finding something suits their purpose. We don't claim to know all there agendas..what do know is that the Jesuits, the Masons, the Mormons,The Mother Church, various secret organizations to include the Illuminati, and others not yet identified, and don't forget Spain herself, and many others,do not want you to dig any treasure out of the ground.
Add to that the government types from the Forestry Circus, to the BLM, to the Parks and Recs, who ALL are in competition with you to recover treasures!!
So you never know who is reading this public board and who is posting all the negative comments..Finally add to the mix the few old school treasure hunters that have paid their dues and it has taken them a life time to dig out little by little the answers and the solutions to the codes, the signs and the symbols do NOT want this true and correct information out there..they will come on and pooh-pooh anything they think is getting to close to the truth.
They even have ganged up on learned folks also have paid the dues, but were benevolent enough to share some of this hard earned information on line! They have driven those people off this site and others! That is wrong, very wrong..the greed of some people is unimaginable, there are thousands and thousands of treasure caches all over the country and the world..so no one needs to be greedy.
So a clue for you folks is to watch and learn by their posts..when they rant to hard,deny too much..then you know the truth is coming out..they will whine,stomp their feet, call their buddies, gang up on posters who distribute the solutions freely..at all cost they will attempt to stifle this information. I have no fear..they can't touch me or rattle me or run me off. I will help anyone I can with what ever I know about treasure signs and symbols..that I have learned in my 20+years of experience!
Pay attention.Use your brain.Look closely.They will use 'political correctness' that socialist control mechanism and claim you are bashing them with personal attacks..it's just a form of manipulation and attempt to set the agenda and stay in control..to make you feel meek, weak and not in control-ignore this crap..speak out - exercise your First Amendment Rights..be polite and confront them with facts and personal experiences. Fight for your Right to hunt Treasure in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.
A word about the treasure in the Philippines-this category of treasure signs, is unique in that the signs were laid down by the Japanese during and before World War 2. This army had at their disposal all the labor and work force and equipment to lay down some complex deep and dangerous treasure caches. Some of the caches laid down by battalion strength were up to 80 feet deep and more. Water table traps, explosive ordinance, gas, poison were used,individual people should not try to recover these deep caches.
The company sized caches were buried at around 20 feet more or less and are still dangerous..but mostly to your budget,they are all designed to flood at the water table level, and you will spend all your money on pumps and fuel..pumping endless amout of water out of your hard dug hole.
The bright side of these Japanese treasure sites..mostly from General Yamashiita era is that the signs they used were from the Jesuits Code Book, While you will run into Ancient Japanese Script,the signs are exactly the same as the Spanish Jesuits Signs..
For the skeptic..
Buy and read the book by Seagrave called 'Golden Warriors' Over 15,000 metric tonnes of Gold and treasure were buried under the Occupying Forces of the Japanese, mind boggling amounts, the largest plunder in the history of the world. But alas the Republic of the Philippines is one of the poorest countries in the world. Their honorable citizens ave yearly incomes is only $1000. Please show the honorable ones some respect. I believe that this treasure belongs to the Philippines and its people..and will do what ever I can to help them solve the signs and symbols. Beware of those that want to just scam - as you would all people - all over the world who don't have your best interest at heart.
The Jesuits were in every country in the known world over their 300 year reign- from China
to Africa, to Australia to Greece and beyond..they mined gold and buried the Kings Fifth in all these countries,as well as the Mines. The symbols are universal because of the way they were designed in the beginning.
Lastly a wise treasure hunter on this site has warned repeatedly about Death Traps. Read his post..(We are hoping that Marc will Pin this Post to the top of the page as MUST READING..
This is not some comic book or Indiana Jones type joke or fantasy. The Spaniards/Jesuits/Masons were smart, greedy,adamant,dedicated and brutal, plus they had a contract with the King of Spain that meant if they failed to get the Kings Fifth to him safely, they would die. So to protect their caches and mines..the set very dangerous, very insidious, boulder and death traps that stay triggered for over 300 years!
Every single cache of the Kings Fifth is Death Trapped.. They were not against killing a few of the Slaves and toss them into the hole to have the tortured souls of the dead protect their sites..evoking the Devil himself if necessary to protect the Kings Gold.

"you know the story about the mouse who was crossing the rail road tracks and was too slow.. the train run over his tail ... he went back while the train was still rolling ...and the train ran over his ass ... moral to the story ... don't lose your ass over a piece of tail"
Moral to the mouse story.."don't lose your tail over a piece of cache"