Kinda looks like an eye on middle right side of boulder...maybe a directional thing.

Hi — Just my opinion
I think your missing the Sun and Shadow Markings
Most likely due to the time of day - Stand back and look for the Vista Point where this Marker is to be Viewed at.
Not sure if this Stone was ever Moved or Rolled over to one side

Looks like a Trail Marker that mite go to a mining area - Due to the Open Mouth symbol

83120 107.webp 002.webp 003.webp 004.webp

Lost Horse

The other boulder I marked is actually probably meant to be a pig. You can see it's snout. It's even pinkish. The eye on the side is not part of the pig. Pig looks left. Eye looks right. Perpendiculars are used alot.

I'll post another half dozen or so tomorrow when I get on my other computer just for the heck of it, since someone will likely say it's all natural.

In your fotos i see a treasure sign (or more) with the traps.
Be careful !!!

SS the answer to your question is on post #2669

Yes some of the long distance markers point you in certain directions, such as trail markers.

However the Markers (within 100 feet) Don't lead you to the cache even though they do mark the treasure or an invisible spot close to the treasure, but you would need information that is Not available in the field to use from the markers/invisible spot in order to get to the cache.

Here is a good Example: lets say there is a treasure buried in the middle of a Triangle, first you have to know that you are looking for a triangle (also you would need to know that there are specific carvings on each point of the triangle or each point is lit up so as not to confuse each point with any random boulders that may not be one of the real points of the treasure triangle) then you have to know that the treasure is in the middle of the triangle.

So to sum it up, There is absolutely no information in the field to show or verify that your looking for a triangle or that your looking for the middle of the triangle, this is what I meant by the original recovery team having Understood information that they used in conjunction with the markers in order to get back to the treasures.
Some excellent info you have shared with us right here Sandy.

Awesome pics, I will post some of mine later.
I just wanted to say that I witnessed the destruction of at least 4 important trail markers this weekend. 2 of them I believe were alignment markers. An owl. This was done to put up a fence. These people dont have a clue what they are destroying and think you're crazy when you explain it to them.
I do have pictures of them I'll post later. One had an alignment notch I couldn't figure out, but I believe quinoa explained how to use it in a previous post.

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Several of the best locations I know of to date, earlier on I had no idea they existed in that specific area until I set up cameras and got an aura. I only suspected a general area or canyon or monument.

In response to Cyzak's deleted post, dont worry friend, I'll never give up on that area, but I give up on that area. Its sold now. I hope that makes sense.
Lots of good real information on here.
Thanks to everyone who has shared their hard earned information, quinoa and sandy1 have helped me learn alot. This is hard work, physically and mentally emotionally.

In response to Cyzak's deleted post, dont worry friend, I'll never give up on that area, but I give up on that area. Its sold now. I hope that makes sense.
Lots of good real information on here.
Thanks to everyone who has shared their hard earned information, quinoa and sandy1 have helped me learn alot. This is hard work, physically and mentally emotionally.
Perfectly understand if one place closes another will open up the important thing is is just to keep looking like Sandy has told us there’s plenty out there.

Here is what I meant about being stuck on the writings/graffiti on the rocks.

Many of the markers that you find in the field are used at multiple sites and will be in the same type of locations such as a base of a hill or in a wash, this was due to the fact that there were rules that were followed and therefore the people that came back for these caches knew what to do when they found a certain marker in a certain spot, in otherwords it was understood what to do once they found a Owl or Duck etc. in a specific area and there was no need for any explanations on the rocks/boulders themselves as too what to do next, this also prevents anybody outside the recovery people from figuring out what to do with the markers.

Now back to the picture.

The purpose of this boulder is simple, it is there to stop you as you are going along the base of the mountain and tells you to look up the mountain behind it, you might be wondering how I know what direction to look since there is nothing on the boulder that would indicate a direction to look, it was understood that the boulder is directly below/downhill from the Important cache that is up the hill from it and to ad to this info the closest 15 degrees on a compass that is going up this mountain from the boulder to the cache is 75 Degrees.

Here is the Boulder with the cache location, I am marking the cache location with a pentagon, this is how simple this stuff really is (until you get within 100 feet then it gets complicated), if you get hung up in all the writing/graffiti you will be completely lost and not even get close to where you should be.
View attachment 1609114

Trip 3 011.webpThank you for sharing this information my friend this is the what it takes to do a recovery thank you very much for helping me and others with this.

(JK) Cyzak, looks like you may have snuck a pic of the Hide & Seek world champion there on the right third of your image.

I'm going to throw this out, not because it will help you get closer to a cache, but just because it should be known and something you expand your mind and take a few minutes to look at and possibly further study a bit.

If you are into ancient stuff, Dec 21 2020 and the great conjunction is worth looking in to. So Jupiter and Saturn will combine to make a twin star on that date at zero degrees on the ecliptic, which is the rotational equator, and you will see it if you look towrds the south west after dark. Some will call it the Christmas star, and the conjunction of it has always been part of ritual type things and stories in the past as a time of change.

These two planets were highly spoken of in ancient literature as well as in any witchcraft, religious, ancient circles , etc. Anyways, it would possibly mark the age of Aquarius, as the ages were marked off by the sphinx in egypt as to what constellation was in view of the sphinx at dawn. It's a 25,800 year cycle of the precession of the constellations, they move 1 degree every 72 years on the horizon, relative to the sphinx and other methods of measuring.

12 zodiacs, each a constellation located front of the sphinx in about 2150 years span for each constellation/zodiac, the last was Pisces the fish , Christianity...Anyways if you made the solar system a time clock , and counted down, this would be the zero hour. A new cycle of 25,800 years on the zodiac starts. End of the world? No probably not. But a new beginning, as Dec 21 has always been the day of rebirth according to the ancient cultures. The age of Aquarius was thought to be the age of illumination or knowledge. I suppose we will see (or rather our children), but not likely in our lifetime.

goto about 45 seconds in.

Re-birth is always what these treasure sites general themes have been. Wanted to post it somewhere, this place looked pretty good.

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Is this where the #23 comes into play? Seems logical to me.

This is for Sandy1, referring to Page 1, # 34, 35, 36 .....Treasure Auras are REAL.........101_8878.webp101_8882.webp101_8883.webp101_8885.webp101_8884.webp101_8886.webp

View attachment 1884657
Is this where the #23 comes into play? Seems logical to me.

Not that I know of, but 72 angels of God are likely from the 72 years for 1 degree of travel. But numbers are all over the place, I suppose you can cherry pick from any list.
The interesting thing is how much the ancient cultures really knew relative to time and the planets, constellations, and solar system (which seems mathematically impossible given the crude methods they supposedly had for discovery), and how much we seem to have suppressed or lost through re-naming/making holidays and changing beliefs without any background of why. It just means there's a lot of things out there we still are naive about. Treasure sites appear only one aspect of it all, and perhaps sometime there will be a bigger picture of the whys and hows that they exist.

Oh , and nothing to see here...during a large solar flare.IMGP1994ha1.webp

Look closer on the buggy looking one, you can see the background right thru it. Most of the big ones you have to walk away from when you see they are marked out with boulders as big as my jeep.
Here's a better one auraIMGP4112big aura.webp

Yeah, I have about 10,000 pictures with birds/bugs in them. I know it looks wings , but that ones a bit different, and the so called "wings" are very irregular and 'see thru'. The over exposed portion near the center is the spot. The sun isn't reflecting correct for a bug either. It also makes sense for where it should be on the hillside.
My deduction was , along with the solar flare timing that day, it's huge aura. But it wouldn't matter that spot would take a small army to get into. I was trying to get a smaller location to pop off to the side of there.

The 2nd picture of a better aura, I have followed up some on, it's tunneled from the side about 40 feet from the aura where the canyon opening is. I'm not crawling thru that atm.

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Makes sense. Guess I need to go back through my pictures and see what I can find.

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