treasure map


Jr. Member
Mar 30, 2012
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
is there anybody to comment about this stone map? Photo-0190.jpgPhoto-0189.jpgPhoto-0188.jpg

unless u took compass reading and marked where rock was laying
its worthless now it is layout of area it was in

here you can see where the map was buried and the compass reading by google earth view;look at the sun carving on the stone map which looks like the compass pointer.a.jpg

which points should be landmarks?which point is the starting point to measure distance?
please comment about it.

can the point where the map was buried be the starting point?

Should have never moved the map, but since you know the area it was in it shouldn't be too bad. The Map uses landmarks and reference points. Figure out what reference points are around and how they relate to the map. Answer the question "Why did they place this map at this location?". What is unique about the location? What does the particular vantage point offer in regards to landmarks? What is the "obvious answer" and how could they aviod from someone knowing and how can they lead them astray? Really, those signs could be used multiple ways. What they can't change or most likely would not change is the landscape.

This area is well known famous point of the ancient caravan road.its name means "the intersection point of five roads".there is a little area on this intersection point known as "stopover area",but there is not any building ruin around it.the landscape is still well protected since hundreds of years passed.i have just the information about this stone map's buried date,that was almost 90 years ago.

I believe near a "paraje" is a exellent area to drop something off. So what you are looking for will not be in the "stopover area" Those lines could be a river, a road, a landscape feature, etc. Try to think in their terms. Water sources, salt, good vantage points were very valueable to them.

i just know that those forks are vault sign.

zallpall,was the stone buried with the sun symbol facing east,maybe look ,to see if any landmarks match
the symbols on the stone in that dir
why is the fork a vault sign

the map was buried in 30 inches was cemented by lime plaster under a 25inch X 25inch square stone.and the figures were at the side where it was cemented to that stone.

the map was buried in 30 inches was cemented by lime plaster under a 25inch X 25inch square stone.and the figures were at the side where it was cemented to that stone.

A Caliche burial, nice. That means you are in a mineral rich area for them to use it. Try to locate the old fresh water sources in the area and look for caliche white spot on the hills and mountains in the area. If you locate one. Walk a straight line to it and look for more caliche on rocks. I'm not sure if I posted it but the window I posted has a caliche spot on it. You can see it for miles. The caliche might include mudpack making it a orange/brown.

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Fred Flintstones home work, why don't you call the siek-eck hot line,for the answer... lol

dear " usernotfound ",thanks for these precious advises.

Fred Flintstones home work, why don't you call the siek-eck hot line,for the answer... lol

Your "signature" makes more sense now. :evil5:

you need to post much higher quality photos. the images pixilates at 300% zoom. use Macro on your digital camera and take photos of different sections of the rock. pick lighting that will highlight the area being photographed (typically side lighting). the Google map photo is also way too small.... the images should be at least 400 to 600 pixels on one side.

1. looks like a sunset or sun rise at the bottom left. perhaps it may mean west or east in that direction.
2. The IV could be the roman numerals for 4
3. the other V could be simply 5

What part of the world is this?

Also, who says its a treasure map? perhaps its something else.

If that "V" does not actually MEET at the point, it's value is "2". ( I + I=2)

"Indiana$Dirk ",this is a treasure map;just because an old bandit's son told about it and helped me to find and dig it out.

It is interesting that it was found near the intersection of 5 trails, and the stone is 5 sided. Is there a hill or valley shaped like the figure in the middle?

OK. it is a treasure map. I have further questions.

it is important to know the common language of the time. is this Spanish? Turkish? or what? What country is this in? You don't need to give away precise location, but just general area.

I'd want to examine the stone with a magnifying glass to see all the details close up.

The line that goes around the center could be a trail that leads from where you found the stone to the cache site. Or it may outline something/s visible from the where the stone was buried. You need to know much about the area -- rivers, streams, mountains, hills, lakes, trails, roads, etc. Today, much valuable research can be done with Google Earth. You can become extremely familiar with the area using the virtual reality of google earth.

Also, you need to see if such symbols have been used in pictographs found elsewhere in the region and see what they are thought to mean in those places. In our case, there were books available which had lists of Spanish symbols and what they meant. That made our search easier.

Also, Who were these bandits? Were they educated? or simple peasants? What did they rob or steal and why? Why would they hide the loot in this area?

One of the most important questions to ask is: What would you do if you were them? Where you you hide it? How would you hide it and why? How would you mark up a treasure map given the circumstances?

You need to know these bandits like they were your best friends. You have an extremely valuable source-- the bandits son! Go over the story hundreds of times. You may be surprised when some little seemingly unimportant point may be the key to the whole thing. And don't be surprised when you suddenly see something you had seen, but overlooked, before. That happened to us several times.

These are some of the questions you need to ask yourself.

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