The Land of Ophir and the Ancients Ones....


Bronze Member
Jul 12, 2004
The Land Of The Free Because Of The Brave!
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for solutions to the jesuit code -email pics to: [email protected]

;[email protected] locations needed! oro bro!
Primary Interest:
Greetings Fellow Argonauts, Treasure Hunters...

It just will not go that persistent mosquito, that keeps buzzing your ear..
it nags at you ... pesters you , until you have had enough and take a swat at it..
hoping to squish it like the pest that it is... well the theme of the Ancient ones is like
that. All of us serious Treasure Hunters run in to their marks and monuments, when
we spend enough time in the field. Older than Spanish and the Jesuits for sure, way older.
We are going to take a swat at that pesky presence....
The amount of wind blown erosion, the layers of lichens and desert varnish, speaks to
eons of time standing there, in place as their creators cut, hammered and chiseled the
marks and symbols in various configurations.. chisel marks long polished off by the winds
of time, they beckon us, call us, confound us, who are these people, and just what the
h*ll are they trying to tell us? How did they get here, How did they move those giant
boulders into place, What for and When?

What type of code are these Ancients using, where did it come from,What does it mean?
Who sent them?, and Why are they here?, Where did the go? What did they find here?
Did they then bury that stuff? Did they take it with them? Where are the mines that they left?
What century did they come here. Why did they disappear? Did they go back their mother land?

The questions roll of the brain quite easily, the answers not so much! But in framing the question
we might know more about the enigma, and spark a debate to help learn more about this
very large gray area of our history here in the United States of America.

What do we know and how do we know it? We only have hints and suggestions, as far as I
believe. We can take the Bible for instance and consider what I and others, mainly Roger
Snow and others have stated, i.e. that this is the Land of Ophir[a] from the days of King Solomon
well, I for one think this is the best guess for what is 'written' down.

[a] in December, 1989, it was reported that an American explorer in Peru's highland jungle had found evidence that indicated King Salomon's legendary gold mines may have been in that region. King Solomon is figure described in the Middle Eastern scriptures as a wise ruler of an empire centered on the united Kingdom of Israel. He was born in Jerusalem about 1000BC and reigned over Israel form about 970 to 928BC. He is also considered a p prophet by Islam. The explorer, Gene Savoy, declared that he had found three stone tablets containing the first writing found from the ancient civilizations of the Andes. The inscriptions, he reported, are similar to Phoenician and Hebrew hieroglyphs!
There are statements that say that the amounts of gold brought back from the Land of Ophir
are about the same as what it would take to sail to the new world, mine, smelt, and transport
the gold back to ships and sail back to the Old World. Ok fair enough, but is that enough to
'prove' that it happened..for the prudent man , I think not..for the skeptic their is never enough
proof, even if a ton of golden proof was lowered on their chest..they still would doubt that the
proof is real such is the closed mind of the we are not to "prove" beyond a shadow
hehe of doubt..only to OPEN the discussion.

The reign of Solomon was enveloping the entire world. Israel's close neighbor, Phonecia, and their expert navigators were working with the servants of Solomon from both countries ports. The ships of Tarshish sailed extremely long voyages to bring back all kinds of raw materials and items (copper & other ores, flora & fauna samples, "exotic" animals, etc.). ( Reference note:2Ch 9:21 For the king's ships went to Tarshish with the servants of Huram: every three years once came the ships of Tarshish bringing gold, and silver, ivory, and apes, and peacocks.) It would help explain the need of three year journeys if the seamen had to cross the ocean to come to these far off isles in America. The fact that the trading ships of Phoenicia did have docks in ancient America can be proved from inscriptions they left behind. ( See Dr. Barry Fell's book America B.C. and also reading Steven M. Collins The "Lost" Ten Tribes of Israel...Found! is highly recommended) The Los Lunas site is located along the Puerco River which is tributary of the Rio Grande River. The Rio Grande is definitely in the Atlantic drainage. It would have been entirely possible for the Hebrew-Phonecian sailors to access the area of the stone.

I submit that the instances of the Phoenicians being in North American in Roman times as the first
salvo fired across the bow of the unbeliever. Reports in the National Geographic, I think it was have
shown that the copper used in the tools and instruments of the Roman era, a very valuable commodity then and been tested and proven to have come from the copper ore found to this day in Upper Michigan! , We are talking AD here folks...early AD.. Now these traders and sailors were the sea faring
entrepreneurs of the day.. they sailed beyond the Pillars of Hercules , across the Atlantic and ends of the Earth as it was known, to the New World, and mounted expeditions to find and exploit valuable ores and commodities that could be trades for huge riches back in the old world.[1][4]
[c]Did they reach the North Atlantic?
From elsewhere they got many other materials, perhaps the most important being tin and silver from Spain and possibly even from Cornwall on Great Britain, which together with copper (from Cyprus) was used to make bronze. Trade routes from Asia converged on the Phoenician coast as well, enabling the Phoenicians to govern trade between Mesopotamia on the one side, and Egypt and Arabia on the other.
The fact that they found the copper ore deposits in Michigan, shows the level of penetration that they were able to achieve, this supposes that other expeditions in to the interior and the American Southwest was easy to conceive. We have evidence of Phoenician writing on stone found here, The Los Lunas site
we have evidence of Archaic Hebrew, the Ten Commandments writing in stone, found the the Southwest.

There are legends of caves along the Colorado of Egyptian or Mid Eastern sources, myths of the Navajo
being 'born' and leaving the middle earth along this same area. There are those who say that the Jesuits and the Spanish only FOUND the monuments that were all ready here, decoded them, followed them found the precious ores and exploited them for the various powers that be,. and kept the whole thing super secret because it was illegal for them to have anything to do with such activities.
Be that as it may, whatever the Spanish did here, they were not the first, by any means, whether they invented the Code or merely broke the code, we don't know to this is tantalizing to think that the Jesuits
only broke the code, because that gives us hope that we also can do the same thing.[2a]

The Ancients Ones who walking this continent , roamed it at will, terraformed it in places if you will, moved parts of mountains, and boulders, and dug deep pits in to mountains, learned the secrets of mining and of smelting, and transports huge tonnage of all types of metals, where did this knowledge come from, ??
from the days of Alchemy, where early professors of the Arcane worked tirelessly to transform lead into gold? Or was that merely the cover story, metaphor for conversion of Man to Christian Enlightenment, because of the Spanish Inquisition could have you burned alive if they knew of such endeavors?

Again more questions that answers, like most age old mysteries - but here on this forum we shall try
to shine some light on the subject and see what we can uncover, with the collective knowledge that we have learned first hand, from all our trudging in the wild outback of America.[3]

Oh lets not forget Rogers insightful comment of the construction of the very word Ophir ! Where the word Phi is inserted as a tantalizing clue in to the coded reference to higher knowledge and the aspect of Golden Mathematics!! [3a]

Please join us here, pose your questions, offer solutions, and facts,photographs, artifacts and theories, are all welcome here, lets just be light on the nay saying and the negative, because that only diverts our
energies to ground, where the idea is dissipated and not elevated - if you get my drift/


"knowledge is better than money, understanding better than mutual funds"...paraphrasing of course




[2a] -

A stone in a a dry creek bed in New Mexico discovered by the early settlers in the region, is one of the most amazing archaeological discoveries in the Western Hemisphere. It contains engraved on its flank the entire Ten commandants, written in ancient Phoenician script! Hebrew scholars, such as cyrus Gordon of Brandies University near Boston, , have vouched for its authenticity./ Who put it there? Who wrote the incredible inscription of the Ten Commandments?


The possibility that the Phoenician's may have made a pre-Columban voyage or voyages to the Americas has been explored by several scholars from as early as T. C Johnston's T. C 1892 book, Did the Phoenicians Discover America? Work on Phoenician coins carried out by Mark McMenamin suggests that gold coins minted in Carthage between 350 and 320 B.C.E. may depict a map of the Americas [4]. Some have speculated that the Phoenicians may even have colonized the Americas. Thor Heyerdahl's Ra I and Ra I expeditions were designed to prove that Egyptian ships could have crossed the Atlantic but could also be applied to the Phoenicians, who were renowned for their seamanship and who were often employed as sailors and explorers by the Egyptians. Some first century peruvian pottery resembles Phoenician pottery. Wreckage of Phoenician ships and an inscription on a rock in Brazil suggests phoenicians had visited there.

[4]Phoenicians in the Bible

In the Old Testament there is no reference to the Greek term Phoenicia; instead, the inhabitants of the coastal are identified by their city of origin, most often as Sidonians (Gen. x. 15; Judges iii. 3; x. 6, xviii. 7; I Kings v. 20, xvi. 31). Early relations between Israelites and the Canaanites were cordial: Hiram of Tyre, a Phoenician by modern assessment, furnished architects, workmen and cedar timbers for the temple of his ally Solomon at Jerusalem. The Phoenician language was largely mutually intelligible with the Hebrew language, and cultural similarities between the two peoples were significant, leading to the worship of Phoenician gods like Baal by some Jews during the time of Prophet Elijah.

Of course there is another Hiram (also spelled Huran) associated with the building of the temple.

" The son of a woman of the daughters of Dan, and his father [was] a man of Tyre, skilful to work in gold, and in silver, in brass, in iron, in stone, and in timber, in purple, in blue, and in fine linen, and in crimson; also to grave any manner of graving, and to find out every device which shall be put to him…" (2 Ch 2:14)

This is the architect of the Temple, Hiram Abiff of Masonic lore. They are vastly famous for their purple dye.

Later, reforming prophets railed against the practice of drawing royal wives from among foreigners: Elijah execrated Jezebel, the princess from Tyre who became a consort of King Ahab and introduced the worship of her gods.

In the Bible, King Hiram I of Tyre is mentioned as co-operating with Solomon in mounting an expedition on the Red Sea and on building the temple. The Temple of Solomon is considered to be built according to Phoenician design, and its description is considered the best description of what a Phoenician temple looked like. Phoenicians from Syria were also called "Syrophenicians."

Long after Phoenician culture had flourished, or Phoenicia had existed as any political entity, Hellenized natives of the region where Canaanites still lived were referred to as "Syro-Phoenician," as in the Gospel of Mark 7:26: "The woman was a Greek, a Syrophoenician by birth…"

The word Bible itself ultimately derives (through Latin and Greek) from Byblos, the Phoenician city. Because of its papyri, Byblos was also the source of the Greek word for book and, hence, of the name of the Bible.

**Please note references here to the Bible and contents are ONLY for the purposes to explain the existence of Ancient
people visiting the Americans in "biblical times" can not, and must not be construed out side that context.These
are the urls and annotations and footnotes to show source materials to the academically oriented and are only offered in that context.
to do otherwise is to not see the secular nature that biblical things take , when described in terms of clues and strictly as
an historical document, quoted freely under the First Amendment Rights of the Constitution of the United States.
Further more to do is to ignore the secular context in which these various quotations are offered. NO conversion,
evangelism or religiosity are inferred or implied. I rest my case.

This will be a very Good Topic Rangler. You Wrote " How did they get here, How did they move those giant
boulders into place, What for and When? " I have seen some Boulders that even Today can not be put into the Position they are in. I don't care How many Indians they had as slaves. There is something missing. Some knowledge or wisdom that is Gone. I will agree with some here. The " Espanoles " were here chancing and Following other signs that were here way before them. There has to be something else besides Gold and silver. I think it goes deeper much deeper than that. The Indians Hid away lots and lots of Gold.... But for what ??? I Can't prove any of this. I see the signs in the Field and I " feel " there is much more to it than just Gold and Silver. Some things are not meant to be understood by " everyone ".

Yes You have Leones Corazon. :thumbsup:

Sorry,, don't have any answers,, only more questions,, Why are there signs that can only be seen from the air!!! Example: On the tops of Mountains, and Smaller Hills,, there are groupings of Numbers and sometimes Letters!! In the center of 500 Ft. cliffs,, there are also these Signs as well as others! Did they have Technology then, that we do not posses today?? I believe the Powers that be,, have kept much from us!!!
I also believe like Rangler,, that maybe much of what the Spanish did all over the World,, was more Recovery than Mining,, I believe that most of the Caches were already there, and they had somehow, gotten access to Ancient Codes and Ancient Truths! Thanks, TD

A thread well worth following . Thanks for opening it . I have many questions myself that conventional history can not/will not answer .

Judy wrote....
"Many thanks for this thread, Rangler. I have just recently started researching this subject, and have found more questions than answers.

I am in agreement with Victorio, in that the feeling I get from these carvings is that they are about more than wealth. What, I don't know. I have posted pics on another thread of the "monuments" I have found...and when I am there, in the presence of these wondrous marvels, I am overcome with a sense of the vastness of time that seperates us from a truer knowledge. I know this sounds a little wacky, but that is the best I can describe it."

"I don't have the slightest idea how they built these things. But I have seen evidence that at mining, they were the most proficient miners I have ever witnessed. (and mining is my gig, so I know what I'm talking about) No tailing piles, no debris. Precision cuts.[1]

I don't know what technology they used, for any of it, but the fact their knowledge was way and beyond current methods is pretty obvious. So, I am in agreement that there must be something that has either been lost...or hidden.

I am anxious to see what you and others can share on this thread. Thanks again for a great (and timely, for me) topic. "


Thanks Judy, it was your pics on Thoms thread that the tripped the trigger for me.. but really Old Dog & Doug have been relentlessly mentioning this on various threads, which I read and reread -because it struck a chord with me and keep nagging me because I have run into the same feeling of Ancients ones, who I feel who preceded the Jesuits.
Also I have been mystified by the same aspects of percisiion mining and no tailings etc..(I am also a miner) I found this gem of an article just this day..which like most of this stuff we try to get a handle on, asks more questions than answers, however this does give to what MIGHT have happened,....see what you think

...Ivan Watkins is a Professor of Geology, Department of Earth Sciences, at St. Cloud University in St. Cloud, Minnesota.

He is investigating the finished surface of Inca stonemasonry. He says the surface of stone, at the microscopic level, indicates how it was, or wasn't, worked. "And you can rule out the standard issue explanations when it comes to ancient Inca stonemasonry, which is very similar to that of Egypt," he says. 

Watkins explains that soft rock is easy to cut; granite and the other hard igneous rocks are difficult. Granite contains 15 to 30% quartz crystals, and a few other minerals of varying degrees of hardness, which is important when viewing the signature marks left in stone under the microscope. The methods that are supposed to have been used by the ancients, such as pounding, hammering, grinding, polishing with abrasives, and wedging, just don't match up with what Watkins sees under the microscope.

What he sees, in the case of hammering, is rock wanting to break along pre-existing planes of weakness. When river sand, which is mostly quartz, is used to grind and polish rock with quartz, the softer minerals in the rock are sanded out, while the quartz crystals, little affected, are left standing above the rest of the minerals on the surface. In the case of wedging rock, Watkins finds the absence of low-angle fractures, and no ability to control the cracking of the rock.

On a surface worked with pounding stones, all the minerals are unevenly fractured. 

All of which is incompatible with what Watkins sees with Inca stonemasonry. What he does see on some Inca stones are slick surfaces, at Machu Picchu and Ollantaytambo, and the Rodadero at Sacsayhuaman, still used as a slide by children.

Similar to a ceramic glaze, heat can melt quartz fragments into a glaze that fills in irregularities, creating a smooth surface..

In an effort to discover just how such surfaces could have been obtained by ancient cultures, Watkins went looking for modern technology that produces a similar signature. He found an important clue in the work of geologist David Lindroth, at the US Bureau of Mines, Twin Cities Research Center. Lindroth was using 100 watts of light energy, focused to a circle of 2 mm, to cut through any rock, in a process called "thermal disaggregation." The cuts were only 2 mm deep, but repeated passes can cut through rock of any size, he reports. Quartzite fragments quite easily with this process while basalt melt. And, he concludes, Inca stone surfaces are similar to those that have been thermally disaggregated. 

What about a process that could cut stone, produce this signature, and used an energy source available to the Inca? Watkins found another clue in the bracelet worn by a modern-day priest in Cuzco. In the yearly Festival of the Sun, fire must be given by the hand of the sun. The ceremony requires lighting wisps of cotton on fire by using the sun’s rays, which are concentrated with a highly polished, concave indentation on a large gold bracelet. The bracelet is similar to those worn by ancient Inca. 

Then Watkins noticed large parabolic gold bowls in a museum in Peru. "These bowls weren't meant to sit on a table holding fruit; they'd roll around the table. They must have been used for something else. They are just the right shape and material for catching the sun's rays, and focusing them into a beam of light." 

Sun light strong enough to cut stone?

Watkins suggests ancient Inca stonemasons heated and cut stone by using a series of very large gold parabolic reflectors to concentrate and focus solar energy. He points to the Conquistador’s records mentioning an Inca golden dish so large, it spanned the length of two men (it was cut up for poker chips before it was melted into ingots and carried back to Spain); to those big granite bedrock posts at Machu Picchu as possible supports for the mirrors; the fact that Peru, like Egypt gets strong sunlight all year long; and that gold is at its most reflective when its alloyed with silver.

Interesting that some pyramidions, or capstones, found in Egypt were made of electrum, an 80/20 ratio of gold to silver. Watkin's research led him to develop a solar-powered device for cutting and polishing stone, for which he received a patent, application #4611857.

Now let me introduce you to our guest who reads the signature of precision machine tools, even when he sees them in places that just ‘can't be,’ according to Egyptologists. And read them he did, from core drills more efficient that our diamond bits today, to "space- age precision" planing, to intersecting lathe marks. 

Chris Dunn, now in senior management at Danville Metal Stamping in Danville, Illinois, has spent much of his career working with machinery for jet-engine components, and non-conventional manufacturing methods such as laser processing and electrical discharge machining. He also brings a fresh perspective to viewing an ancient artifact, describing himself as "unencumbered with dates and histories and chronologies."

Two visits to Egypt, for personal inspections of selected artifacts, had him asking "how was this created? How, precisely, is this engineered? what tools were used to make this?" His opinion of the tools on display as the instruments by which many ancient artifacts were created: "they are simply physically incapable of reproducing those artifacts today. So why should I believe they could do so thousands of years ago?" Logical enough. 

And it does not deter him that ancient tools capable of reproducing these artifacts have not been unearthed. "The tools haven't yet been found, but that shouldn't stop us from deducing what they were, by the marks left on the artifacts," he says.

What marks? According to Dunn’s investigation, the marks of sophisticated sawing, drilling, lathe, and milling practices, and a standard of even, level, flat surface planes impossible to achieve by hand. 

There’s the diorite bowl in the Cairo Museum that appears to have been cut on a lathe. Dunn points out the simple stone bowl has a "sharp cusp, where two spherical, concave radii intersected. This indicates the radii were cut on two separate axes of rotation. Cutting stone on a turning lathe is a pretty sophisticated use of a wheel." 

And how to explain the spherical, stone drill cores, the piece removed when a round hole is cut? Dunn points out that ancient drill cores fascinated famed British Egyptologist Sir Flinders Petrie, who first established, by examining the cores and the holes left behind in the stone, that a tubular drill was used, the same as we use today. 

Dunn found, in "Pyramids and Temples of Giza," published in 1883, that Petrie had calculated the rate of descent of this ancient tubular drill, by measuring the distance between the spiral grooves it left behind on the core, as 1/10th of an inch per revolution. Which means, according to Dunn, that these ancient drills cut through solid granite with a feed rate 500 times greater than today's diamond drills. 

"I presented Petrie’s astonishing calculations to other craftsman, asking them to determine what possible method could create that same feed rate, and the other characteristics we see in ancient drill cores, such as the hole and core tapering into the stone, and grooves cut deeper in quartz than in feldspar," says Dunn. "Most gave up. Only one figured it out, and he independently came up with the same method I did." What method is that? "Ultrasonics." 

How do we use sound today to cut through rock? Dunn explains, "today’s ultrasonic drills use very high frequency vibration, sound, traveling through a medium. It induces a tool to oscillate, or reciprocate back and forth about 19,00 to 25,000 hertz, in a rapid grinding process. A paste or slurry stimulates the cutting action."

Modern ultrasonic machine-bits are used for the precision machining of odd-shaped holes in hard, brittle materials. It is significant that ultrasonic drills cut through quartz more easily than through the feldspar of granite. "Ultrasound gets the quartz in the granite vibrating in sympathy, and therefore cuts more easily," says Dunn..

Then there's the so-called sarcophagus in the King's Chamber of the Great Pyramid. (Why assume it was meant to hold dead bodies, when no bodies, mummified or other, were ever found in the Great Pyramid?

Was it instead a chamber of initiation? Or did it have something to do with the Ark of the Covenant, since the Ark's outside dimensions are said to be a perfect fit to the sarcophagus' inside dimensions?) Dunn points out the end piece of this granite box, the side facing north, bears saw marks that are very similar to saw marks on today’s granite surface plates.

What is a surface plate? "They are precision- ground, flat blocks that serve as a reference plane when measuring other flat planes in the manufacturing process. Granite is used, because it’s stable and extremely hard. Metal surface plates can swell. Granite surface plates don’t," explains Dunn. 

And this is why he finds it intriguing that the big black granite boxes in the Serapeum at Sakkara were only roughed out when first brought into underground chambers with quite different atmospheric conditions than the dry outside air.

We deduce this from one rough-cut box that still sits in a corridor, having never made it to its chamber. Once inside the chambers, after the stone had a chance to adapt to the atmosphere, was it then finished. This helped the granite retain it’s precise dimensions. 

And "space age precision" is how Dunn describes the level surface of the inside of the Great Pyramid's sarcophagus, or granite box, and those of the Serapeum.

He brought along a portable instrument which measures the accuracy of a level surface, and shone a flashlight behind a straight edge held against the smooth sides. No light escaped between the straight edge and the granite to indicate slight imperfections. "Of course, to really measure it, I’d like to bring in laser surface scanning equipment. But from my quick measurements, I'd say it was so even, so level, it would be impossible to achieve that by hand," says Dunn.

Still, why was such precision needed? After all, you don't go to all that trouble for no reason. So it's an open question as to exactly what the builders were doing with these artifacts. Unfortunately, these stonemasons weren’t giving away any secrets, or writing them down. Judging by the Freemasons, architects and builders who, some say, trace their lineage back to mystery schools of ancient Egypt, they were a secretive lot. This too does not deter Dunn.

"The interpretation and understanding of a civilization's level of technology cannot hinge on the preservation of a written record for every technique that they developed," he says. 

What about the preservation of an artifact? In this case, these precision tools. Where are they? What were they made of? Copper is just not tough enough for this kind of work. "Ferrous metal tools would have rusted away by now," answers Dunn. 

Petrie, who was the leading Egyptologist of his day, also determined that saws nine feet in length were used by the ancient Egyptians, and noticed that, during the construction of the Great Pyramid’s sarcophagus, the drill had wondered away from its course, leaving a scallop cut a little deeper in the corner.

Yet today’s Egyptologist never seem to mention such curiosities. I wonder how they can overlook such rock-hard evidence, forsaking the opportunity for sound forensic science.

When a theory cannot adequately explain the evidence, let’s throw out the theories, not the evidence. Personally, I’ve found it helpful to become comfortable with the unknown, to be wary of easy answers, and to follow the clues provided by the anomalies. Which after all, are anomalies only because they, for now, lie outside our intellectual comfort zone."
Whoa, there you go..hope we fired a few synapses and provoked some thought...

For that which we cannot see, feel, smell, touch, or understand, we do not believe. For this, we are merely fools walking on the grounds of great potential with no comprehension of what is.”-Buddhist monk quotation

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TD said...Peoples!!
" Sorry,, don't have any answers,, only more questions,, Why are there signs that can only be seen from the air!!! Example: On the tops of Mountains, and Smaller Hills,, there are groupings of Numbers and sometimes Letters!! In the center of 500 Ft. cliffs,, there are also these Signs as well as others! Did they have Technology then, that we do not posses today?? I believe the Powers that be,, have kept much from us!!!"

again more questions than answers! This is a VERY good questions from the Nazca Lines in South American to the Snake Mound in Ohio, these artifacts beg the question of WHY? Why build something that can only be appreciated from the air?? The following snippet gives a tiny glimpse of an unsubstantiated sighting as follows....

...The ancient Peruvians may have invented ballooning. In 1690, a Portuguese Jesuit priest recorded that he had actually seen the Peruvians flying about in hot-air balloons.
Again, this is just a small sampling of the wealth of intriguing anomalies Brad Steiger has assembled in Worlds Before Our Own

More time devoted to this tidbit of data - through research :icon_study: might reveal more intellegence..Jump on it TDog dig more up and reply back if have the inclination and the time..

"The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be;
and that which is done is that which shall be done:
and there is no new thing under the sun*....Ecclesiastes 1:9

(*Thanks for the correction Cache Crazy, it is very much appreciated!!)

Victorio said...
"There is something missing. Some knowledge or wisdom that is Gone. I will agree with some here. The " Espanoles " were here chasing and Following other signs that were here way before them. There has to be something else besides Gold and silver. I think it goes deeper much deeper than that. The Indians Hid away lots and lots of Gold.... But for what Huh I Can't prove any of this. I see the signs in the Field and I " feel " there is much more to it than just Gold and Silver. Some things are not meant to be understood by " everyone "".

Right Victorio, there are missing pages of all the history books, on that I think we is up us to seek
this knowledge out and fill in some of those blank pages. Your also right about it being about more than gold, as Judy also says, this is far greater that just the ore, or riches, I think this is about Knowledge and Power that is part of some big secret - kept from the general population either out of ignorance or some hidden agenda.

Either way we are left out and left wondering...................


"three things are are soon uncovered, the sun , the moon and the truth"....Buddhist saying

although not as old do not forget the celts / viking tales of the 1000 ish era -- about 500 years before columbus in 1492 --- running from norway / ireland area to iceland /greenland then on to canada then running along the shoreline down the east coast arounrd the tip of florida and running up the west coast of florida into the gulf area -- go up the mississippi river into the heartland of the usa.--their sea going long boats have been found up to 115 feet long* and by using their sails properly -- can reach sailing speeds of up to 30 knots * as quoted in the history channel show --the vikings (* 115 feet is bigger than columbus vessels length by the way)

OK guys,

Dw and I have been finding this stuff for a long time.
I will post a couple for comments and then a couple more.

You have seen some before but I have marked a few inconsistancys that make a person keep looking at the picturs once you start finding them.

Otherwise I am posting no comments about these.
and will only reply to legitamate comments



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REALLY good point, in fact on the Art Bell Show, Coast to Coast , just last week, he had a couple of hours on the Kensington Stone, found in Minnesota at the turn of the century..just as Judy's syncronicsity is palatable - so it is here with me, as I had this story on que, and your segway is timely and appreciated!

"although not as old do not forget the celts / viking tales of the 1000 ish era -- about 500 years before columbus in 1492 --- running from norway / ireland area to iceland /greenland then on to canada then running along the shoreline down the east coast arounrd the tip of florida and running up the west coast of florida into the gulf area -- go up the mississippi river into the heartland of the usa.--their sea going long boats have been found up to 115 feet long* and by using their sails properly -- can reach sailing speeds of up to 30 knots * as quoted in the history channel show --the vikings (* 115 feet is bigger than columbus vessels length by the way)"

Found in Minnesota, just before the turn of the last century, by a farmer, removing a an tree. The stone was tangeled in the roots and was found face down. Made from local stone, even showing the drag marks of the glacial period, and the Runes of Nordic origin , with perhaps Knights Templar connection!

The Kensington Rune Stone

Geologist and researcher Scott Wolter discussed the discovery and significance of the Kensington Rune Stone. Found by a Minnesota farmer over a hundred years ago, the 202 lb. rock contained Runic (letters in the old Norse alphabet) inscriptions. Initially dismissed as a hoax, the authenticity of the stone has been debated over the years. It wasn't till the 1960s that it was discovered that the style of the Kensington Stone inscription matched those on stones on a remote island off Sweden, called Gotland, and this strengthened the case for authenticity, he noted.

Dated 1362, the inscription refers to a party of 30 who had traveled "far west of Vinland." This suggests that established history is wrong, and westerners made it to America, far before Columbus, Wolter said. He speculated that the travelers came to Minnesota possibly to take advantage of fur trade or to make land claims.

He further posited that the travelers could have been Knights Templar, who during this time frame were being persecuted and perhaps were motivated to seek out new lands. As a secret society, the Templars may have kept their voyages to the New World hushed up, he added. Wolter mentioned that other rune stones have been found in North America, and they will be the subject of his next book.
(word-for-word): 8 Geats/Goths/Gutnish/Gotlanders and 22 Norwegians/Northmen on a? discovery/seeking expedition, from Vinland west of. We had a camp with 2 shelters, one day's journey north from this stone. We were at fishing one day, after we came home found 10 men red of blood and dead. AVM (Ave Virgo Maria[1]) rescue from evils.
[side of stone] Have 10 men by/at sea to look after our ship, 14 day journey from this island. Year 1362.

The Kensington Runestone is 31 inches high, 16 inches wide, six inches thick and weighs 202 pounds.
This is how the expedition, 130 years before Columbus started:
Navigator for the crews was Nicolas of Lynn, an English astronomer who was known throughout Europe. He brought the small ships safely to Iceland, Greenland, Rhode Island and Hudson Bay. While the main party went south looking for a safer way back to New England than the bitter cold northern route, he mapped the whole of Hudson Bay and discovered, for the first time in history, the magnetic North Pole.
The sons of Columbus said the discovery of islands in the west by Lynn, was one of the factors which encouraged his father to try the southern route to America. A map by John Ruysch, dated 1508, refers to the discovery of the magnetic North Pole as an accomplished fact. In 1537 a map was published of Hudson Bay showing the discoveries of Lynn, which included such details as spring thaws which flooded to the north.
The American evidence is equally extensive.
A series of 15 campsites have been found, running from Hudson Bay to Sauk Centre, Minnesota. The Vikings, as is still the case in Norway, cut triangular holes in convenient rock ledges to which to fasten anchor pins for their boats.
Because the Indians or early settlers to Minnesota did not use such type of holes, these mooring holes are distinctive and have not been molested. They are so old, the rain and sand have worn the tiny chisel marks on their inner surfaces smooth. Several have been found at projected intermediate places along the route.
There are a number of actual 1362 period Norse instruments, which have been taken to Europe and found to be identical with similar instruments in the Nordic museum near Stockholm and other museums.
These instruments have been found in no other place in the North American continent showing they could not have been brought to this country by settlers.
These instruments include a firesteel for making fires; a ceremonial halbred signifying a royal expedition; a heavy battle axe with a 16 inch cutting edge; a light battle axe, used for fighting men in armoured suits; a spear head; a Nordic sword, and other relics which include mooring stone pins.
The Verendrye Runestone was found in 1783 near Minot, North Dakota. It was fitted into a pillar, had runic markings on both sides and was about 5 inches wide and 13 inches long. Indians who were asked about the stone said it had been part of the pillar since time immemorial.
Verendrye, a French explorer, took the stone to eastern Canada, where it was studied by Jesuit priests, and then he took it to France where it became lost. The Minnesota Historical Society has offered a $1,000.00 reward for its rediscovery.
Mr Holand says it may well have been found in Mandan territory and that it may carry an additional message from the Vikings who lived out their lives with those Indians.
There are blue-eyed Mandan Indians who knew about Christianity before the first settlers arrived, and who lived in square medieval-Norwegian design buildings. It is believed that the main party which went south from Hudson Bay had a special religious service at Sauk Centre at a huge stone alter there and then turned back north to rejoin their comrades.
However, due to accident, fire, error in judgment, or unexpected severe fall headwinds, they were unable to return in time to go with Lynn on his return back to Europe. So, they cast their lot with the Mandan Indians, widely known for their noble mode of life.
The evidence is written in stone! the date of 1362 shows that a 110 years before Columbus had his 15 minutes of fame, hehe, we have the Noble Viking planting a Stone of Discovery in the form of a lamention. This Stone by the way was planted on a small hill or knoll, that 6 Centuries ago was surrounded by water, which was at the head waters of a stream that flowed in to the Mississippi. Under the age old method of claiming lands for Sovereign Nations of the Old World, in the New World, markers and Proclamations where located at the headwaters of a large drainage area, meaning that ALL the lands touching all the streams and rivers on THIS area is Claimed for the King. So the provenance is correct, the inscription is authentic, I see no accident that many people of Scandinavian decent live and have a long lineage and history in Minnesota.

The list goes on, of the ones who found this continent centuries before Columbus had his tete de tete with Queen Lizzy.

"For men of consequence a mound should be raised to their memory, and for all other warriors who had been distinguished for manhood a standing stone; which custom remained long after Odin's time."....The Ynglinga saga


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"got square bearded dudes on your site?

Another tantalizing tidbit here..a man called Saragon an Assyrian from around 780bc who conquered
his known world and out of this culture came the Semites, Hammarabi, the Wheel, first Iron Smelting,
the working knowledge of working Gold, Silver, and far flung trade with perhaps the America's!.
In 2400 BC the Sumerian King of Uruk, Lurgalzaggisi, had united the Middle East into one great empire from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean. He ruled it for 25 years. Then a junior officer, a Semite, Sargon of Akkad, revolted. He captured Lurgalzaggisi and exhibited him in a cage at the gate of the temple of Enlil at Nippur. Sargon and his descendants ran the united empire, thereafter called the empire of Sumer and Akkad (2370-2285 BC). Sargon and his grandson Naram-Sin, one of the greatest oriental rulers, were both called king of the four regions, which the Cambridge Ancient History properly allows to be a claim for the universal dominion over the whole earth. The detailed evidence suggests that Sargon and his descendants were in fact continuing a tradition of contact and trade with the America’s and the Far East.

Could this trading have been in the New World , where mining and exploiting the precious metals of North American be the source of the "kilograms" of Gold used to decorate their Altars and Temples?


"The upper ranges I scaled,The lower ranges I traversed,The sea lands three times I circled."
.......from a poem of Saragon...

Thanks for the pics Thom (Old Dog) it is greatly appreciated!
I see other faces in your pics as well... I am hoping DW will
post a pic or two, in the spirit of working together to solve
some little piece of this giant puzzle.
thanks again..more please!

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