Stonehenge site found in New Ross ,Nova Scotia

Seems odd to me that someone who only joined in July 2014 is making fun of someone who joined a few months later. Perhaps the Easter Bunny was less generous to Eldo than he expected.

If FK would state the Eater Bunny existed and built this new Stonehenge site he found.
Eldo would be along shortly to defend him and say FK didn't really say that.

Eldo is to FK as Shawn Spicer is to Donald Trump

Here is your full quote from September 29 2016

"We are done with our research at New Ross and we have the proof that the Knights Templar did build a castle at this site. The Minick Indians or the Vikings could of been at this site way before the Templars but the Templars did build the castle at this site. It is possible that a circle of stones around a Vortex was here before the Templars. The circle would of looked like Stonehenge in Europe. There is a lot more going on at this site and its a great story. Check out our other post for new updates."

Call it what you want but I am more then comfortable in saying that your statement that you just made this discovery in the last 2 days is nothing more then a flat out bald faced lie.Especially since you described the exact same thing months earlier.

It is pretty clear what happened here and that is after you got kicked off the castle site you needed another fairy tale to try and woo an entertainment company and this is what you came up with back in September not just 2 days ago.

Twist ,Twist you did it again . I said It is possible that a circle of stones around a Vortex was here before the Templars. The circle would of looked like Stonehenge in Europe. There is a lot more going on at this site and its a great story.
That was it , for months nothing new until your post. Now we make solid claims that we can back up. Thank You New Age :notworthy: keep up the good work.

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Ya I said this site would or could of looked like Stonehenge a few months back and that was it, and no other statement was made. Now after you posted the picture I saw things I never looked for before and the more we looked the more we found. Now I made the new post and this site doesn't just look like Stonehenge it is a copy of Stonehenge . The stones have been moved in the 1960's. Who ever laid out this castle site knew a lot about Stonehenge. I never made those statements before this week and its all because of you.
A megalith arranged in a circle, like Stonehenge, is called a cromlech, and was used for astrological and religious observation by the cultures across all of Neolithic Europe, Asia, and Africa.
So what you claim to have found at New Ross, is a cromlech site.

Ya I said this site would or could of looked like Stonehenge a few months back and that was it, and no other statement was made. Now after you posted the picture I saw things I never looked for before and the more we looked the more we found. Now I made the new post and this site doesn't just look like Stonehenge it is a copy of Stonehenge . The stones have been moved in the 1960's. Who ever laid out this castle site knew a lot about Stonehenge. I never made those statements before this week and its all because of you.
Credit #1 ^

I'll be darned

Can you PM me the date and time of this meeting with the History Channel?
I would like to be there to negotiate the terms of my commission for helping you find this new site if any filming ever takes place.

I objected to you giving me credit and you were adamant that I receive some credit anyhow so now you can expect me to want be compensated for any finds or contracts for filming that takes place.

Excuse me while I quote all the times (to preserve them) you have given me credit for helping advance this great new discovery of your.....just in case you ever do get your tv show.

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OK I already know what a lot of you will have to say , O :icon_scratch: NO Ley Lines , Vortex , Stonehenge , and dowsing rods whats next :BangHead:. Well if you do not understand or believe how they work go to another site and bash someone.

Last year we located a Vortex at the New Ross site and tracked down 31 ley lines that helped us discover new finds. Now just 2 days ago we found out this is not just a vortex site it is laid out 100% like Stonehenge in Europe. All the lines fit, all the angles fit , and the number's are right on. Who ever laid out this site knew a lot about Stonehenge. We now know why they built the Castle at that site and why it is turned to face the way it is. Now we have the proof to show why they built the first church in the New World at the spot it is at . I am sure there will be many more new finds this summer . This week History Channel is sending a person to look at our info and soon we should be digging. Soon I hope to post pictures .

OK, now you members that want to bash this post , go a head :hello2: its OK . Bashing my post is how we found out about the Stonehenge connection.
Thank You New Age

Credit #2

Twist ,Twist you did it again . I said It is possible that a circle of stones around a Vortex was here before the Templars. The circle would of looked like Stonehenge in Europe. There is a lot more going on at this site and its a great story.
That was it , for months nothing new until your post. Now we make solid claims that we can back up. Thank You New Age :notworthy: keep up the good work.

Credit #5

I am done posting on this site , its time to dig, Thank You All :hello:

*big sigh* What the heck has happened - I'm away for a couple of days and come back to all this drivel ...

I think it's like magic- you say it three times and click your heels, and it definitely works!

We just signed with a film company to do our own TV show in New Ross and they want us to stop posting info. Thank You All :hello:

We just signed with a film company to do our own TV show in New Ross and they want us to stop posting info. Thank You All :hello:

This is great news for me......hopefully it is the Stonehenge site I was so instrumental in helping you find.

Unfortunately this isn't the first time you have made this exact claim.Here are some about a TV show covering only how you solved the Beale Ciphers.And all these are confined to only one thread you started.There are many other claims of upcoming tv shows or a series of shows featuring your crew in a vast array of other threads.Did I miss these tv shows?...or did they never get made.The only one I know of is the 1 show on America Unearthed.

I will have to wait a bit to see if what you claim is true with your track record of claiming tv shows are coming that never actually get produced.

Is it just me or does this just seem like a bump to keep the threads from sinking to the bottom?
This would explain why you post the exact same message multiple times in different threads to keep them on top.

Not to mention you posted a couple days ago you were done posting and now you are once again done posting but now with a TV contract.

Regardless I sincerely hope you do have a tv show may finally get to find out who I am.
It will be disappointing but you have been trying to figure it out since I started posting.

Feb 2 2011
" We are working with the History Channel on one of our sites called Dents Run and when the snow melts we plan to dig. If everything goes good the History Channel wants to do our other sites this summer. The Beale Codes will be one of them."...........FK

Nov 12 2011
"We hope to return with a film crew in the summer of 2012 ".......FK

Feb 29 2012
"Its been years of hard work but Finders Keepers could have a TV series or a few TV shows and the Beale Codes Solved will be one of them"...FK

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FK, you need to get a restraining order to make sure this dude is only stalking you on the internet

FK, you need to get a restraining order to make sure this dude is only stalking you on the internet

Do you honestly believe this group has

#1........solved the Beale ciphers
#2........located the Liberty Hill treasure location
#3........found over a ton of gold bars in PA
#4...... found a Viking ship on Hobson Island
#5.......found a Templar castle in New Ross
#6.......found another Stonehenge in Nova Scotia

They have claimed to have done all this and more but have never provided even a tiny shred of evidence to support any of them.At what point do you stop believing anything they say?

There are dozens of posts of theirs scattered about here stating a TV show or series is forthcoming featuring their work.
They never materialize....except for the one show with Wolter.

Do you think everyone should just look the other way and never question anything they say.When confronted they deny what they have earlier said so I quote their own words to prove what I am claiming.

Should we all pat them on the back and say great work finding a new Stonehenge that had the stones removed in 1960.Rather then ask why no one thought to take a picture of this fantastic site pre 1960 before the stones were removed?

I guess when you can't handle the truth and someone quoting past posts is hurting the line of BS one of your friends is currently running.A post like yours is the best you can do to try and help.

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Should we all pat them on the back and say great work finding a new Stonehenge that had the stones removed in 1960.Rather then ask why no one thought to take a picture of this fantastic site pre 1960 before the stones were removed?

Exactly. I mean it's not like henges were an unknown structure at that time. It's unbelievable to think that it would have been torn apart out of simple ignorance. What is even more unbelievable is that in the hundreds of years of European settlement, or in all the time that the First Nations were in the area, no one documented this structure. When the roads were surveyed in that area in the early 1800's, where this alleged henge is located, there is no way that the survey crews would have missed it... they would have walked right through it ... and yet not one mention of it.

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