Swamp Gold


Sapphire Member
Dec 15, 2004
Reaction score
Golden Thread
South Florida
Detector(s) used
70's Whites TM Amphibian, HH Pulse, Ace 250
Primary Interest:
Beach & Shallow Water Hunting
Anyone know anything about the supposedly "well documented" lost payroll in the Florida Everglades? ?Near the end of the Civil War, a Confederate paymaster being pursued by Union troops buried a million-dollar payroll in gold and paper currency. Records reveal he wrote: "Chased by the enemy, we buried our payroll at a point in the Everglades at a junction of two creeks, where the land rises like a camel's back. The money is buried in the west hump of the rise." He was captured, but never found the $200,000 in gold or the paper money.

SWR...Thanks for showing some interest...I do not believe a ship was involved. Anyone who is looking for this gold is looking in the center of the swamp, where it is drier. It appears that they were pursued on horseback deep into SW Florida, and were captured...I can find no further info on this "well documented" mystery...I asked myself the question what was so much gold doing in Florida?...Well first I don't know how far they were pursued--from where? And second --Central Florida cattle country supplied beef to the Confederacy and they were paid mostly in Spanish gold...
Fifteen years ago a park ranger told me, around the campfire, that a very well known treasure hunter requested permission to search for this gold in the park and was denied. But he believed it was in the park...This area is so remote and I am very familiar with the area that it was something that interests me. But I don' know where to find the rest of the story...Any help or thoughts will be appreciated....
Cracker story: http://www.losttreasure.com/newsletter/7-2-2000/7-1-2000.html

Jim, I never said nor do I believe troops were stationed in the center of a near impenetrable swamp with no roads. They were pursued by Union troops from somewhere further North.... There is also another story where Capt. John Riley, trying to ship Confederate gold to Havana in the spring of 1865, was chased into the Everglades by Federal troops, where he buried $ 500,000 in gold bullion...
The second cracker story was given to show Confederate gold in South-Central Florida...Glad to give you a lead in your old rodeo town...Thanks for the input.

u'll are alookin' :o fur the wrong treasure!
I know of one, (actually, TWO!) and It's (they) r a "biggie"! :P
In Fact!!!
It's Huge! ;D :P
And! I duz mean HUGE!
It's rat thar in Florreda TOO! (Both of them are!)
( If I were to mention the estimated value, :o you'd say I wuz a NUT! :-\ )
They have actually, factual evidence as to information about them & thier worth !

To B.C. Hnt'er & Cptbil:
If one of them is the same one I know about, it is indeed a HUGE! Treasure, if ever found!
That I doubt that the U.S. Govt. would allow any "Deals" as to the split!
I have tried to figure the value, in todays money !
I gave up !
:D It's way, :P way ::) TOO! Big!

Any hints Cptbil? ???

I hope that you understand...? :-X
I am afraid that I have logged way, too many RESEARCH hours, in both, to just give them away!
The first, and it is and can be fully documented, is going to require more than the usual pick & shovel to recover!
The second treasure, which was found from researching the first treasure, is going to require a "REAL FLORIDA CRACKER" type person to track it down!
I can personally guarantee that these treasures DO EXSIST!
I can truthfully say, that the FIRST One, is in the ranks of the very! largest! ? in the U.S. ! (AND! I can authicate that statement with The U.S. Govt. Records!)
There are Offical U.S. Records (of the time and later) to prove it's exsistence! ( In case anyone gets a little "snippy" )

They are that kind of treasure :P that you put aside in hopes that one day, you'll hit the "Big One" !
You Will beable to get everything togather and go back and search ! ::)
Since I no longer live in Florida, that day may be a ways off! :'(
:D I am still considering it! ;D
I have done all of the research, :P I have the approximate locations, ;) now it remains to get things togather :P and head on out ! :o

Cptbil, are you talking about something on land or under the ocean?

One of each!
One is, A very shallow (-20') underwater site ( The VERY LARGE Treasure) and the other, :o is on land !
Or! I hope that is still is! ::)
Be, HECK! recoverying, if it isn't! :P

There are many, many unrecovered treasures underwater off the Florida coast but you have to find them in miles and miles of ocean. On land you may not need as much equipment but also have many miles to cover. I was only interested in the swamp stories because I spend much time there hunting over the years and have become familiar with the area, some of it unchanged.

The Treasure site that is underwater, is NOT! in miles and miles of water !
Is it miles & miles offshore !
It is in a very specific, relatively small location/area ?

NOT! Really! ;D
As both of these treasures actually DO! EXSIST!? ?:)
Check Reply #8
There is Actual, "hands-on",? Historical evidence/documents, to prove this!
But! You won't find them, the story/info,? ? :'(? in any treasure book/magazine!
You'll have to do some,
A Whole LOT? ?:P :P? of RESEARCH! and! More RESEARCH!

If I knew someone had the expertise, experience and the equipment, ( "THE THREE Es"!) That I'll devulge the infomation ..
AND! Be HAPPY! with Just 10 % of the recovery of the large one!
::) Unless you ARE Qualified "3 E'er" ::)

Just Capt to Capt. 8)

Keep the locale...give us the story brother??? I will be submitting my application (3 er) early next year.

What's the latest Florida split laws/recovery anyway? Or is this a real mission (hint) for a Capt.????????


I'd like to... :)
To give out the story, would be to give away, WAY! TOO! Much information! ::)
Anyone should beable to figure out the location, from the information included in the story!
W/o that information, you just wouldn't have a story !
I don't believe that Florida could claim any portion of the treasure!!
Even tho it is in Florida Waters!
(Shallow & close to shore)
Even this little bit of information is giving away information!
From this little bit, You might/should beable to figure who owned the Treasure!

Aye aye Capt..... :'(

I give some quarter and hold off on the keel hauling for now...


I can show you factual, authentic documents for each and every claim that I have made For this treasure!!
You would be :o "Stunned" :o to figure out the actual value of this treasure!
I can say, that it is LARGE! :P LARGE! LARGE! ;D
That is why!
I don't want to just give it away! :-\
One Day!
(& don't we all say this?) "I hope to be in a position to do more than think and talk about it"
My present, hopefully, prospective & future, Marine Salvage venture may be the "Ticket" !
Capt BuzzKill!
You mentioned that you may be in a position, in the near future, 8) to enter, a " 3'er " application ?
I'd be glad to hear of your proposal!
What do you have in mind ? ???

Ok, no problem. You know we like a good story on here too...and I mean background not bs. I think it helps all of us to read an extra source or two that we may have missed in our own personal projects or hunting. Didn't want to compromise the mission at all.

Now, trying to finish off a project in Dec. down in your part of the country...hopefully for the better... in AZ. Then....I got a plan for you. ;)


Capt. BK

I also like a good story.
All you are doing is telling us a whole bunch of nothing. ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
I'm not impressed. What does this have to do with swamp gold.?

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