Field in KC Missouri keeps producing....UPDATED!!! CLEANED SOME ITEMS!!!!


Sr. Member
Jan 15, 2006
Fort LeonardWood, Missouri
Detector(s) used
Another hunt with my pals Schloopy and relikhunter is in the books. Schloopy and I hunted over 12 hours on Saturday and relikhunter came up Sunday for another hunt which lasted about 8 hours or so.... All in all it was very productive for us. This field is just an awesome spot. One of the best spots I've ever hunted...not one of the most coin producing spots but I've never found the variety of finds like I have there. No big pennies or colonials but that's ok, although Schloopy has found a seated dime there. I just keep having to tell myself we're not on the east coast..... LOL!!!!
We, as a hunting trio are keeping good on our commitment to try and get together at least once a month or so. I am trying to get the guys down here to hunt some of my spots.... They won't be like this field but still having them down for some good times is one of my main objectives..... I'm also trying to get others to join us... Never know, maybe one day our monthly hunts will consist of 5 or 6 of us or more instead of the trio....!!!! Hopefully....

Ok, too the hunt!!!!!

Schloopy and I started out Saturday as early as we could without actually hunting in the dark. I had to call Schloopy 3 times to get him to finally wake up and come pick me up at the hotel.... Ha, ha. The second time I called I'm more than positive he was still asleep cause I couldn't understand a single word he was saying. He doesn't remember the call either so what does that tell you. He scared the hell out of me so I hung up on him and called him back about 15 minutes later. He was awake this time. You know I had to scold him for being late, ha!!! Anyway, we got to the hunt site, you could tell Schloopy was still tired cause it took him like 30 minutes to put his magic wand together. I always leave my "DFX" whole so I was out on the field in no time. Matter of fact, by the time it took him to put his detector together and get out into the field I had already found a trade token and 3 Indians..... He was ticked...... It took me a while to find the 4th Indian but after that they came quick... I ended up with 6 Indian Head pennies for the day, an 1899 Barber dime, 3 trade tokens (one was really cool, it was a 5 cent in trade Kansas City token shaped like a cross), a sterling thimble, a silver spoon which I have researched already. A few pieces of odd sterling, a gold link probably from a watch chain, a few other jewelry pieces, a watch fob, a Santa Fe Railroad baggage tag, and a few other number tags, one is shaped like a heart.... Some really cool stuff, see what I mean about variety!!!! I won't go into Schloopy's finds (he, he) but I will be posting his pics. It wasn't really Schloopy's day, two or three times I turned around to look for him and he was laying in the middle of a clover patch sound asleep. One of those times he slept for 2 1/2 hours. Comfortable clover eh? Did I have him out too early???? Maybe!!!
Sunday's hunt was shorter but just as sweet. My wife even got out and hunted for about an hour. She had my son digging while she detected. And she's the one that says that metal detecting is geeky and why are you so dirty all the time.... Well guess what, she found a 1901 Indian.... On the way home that night her words exactly were "maybe I'll try that again sometime"! Think she's hooked??? Now who's the geek???
As I said, relikhunter came up from Kansas to hunt with us. We all did pretty good. My first find was pretty quick. I thought I had an Indian until after I took the picture of the clod and cleaned the coin to find a 1977 Memorial.... The newest coin to come out of the field. The second newest was Schloopy's about a month earlier, a 1909 wheatie. Crazy huh??? Well, I ended up with another 2 Indians, an 1906 Barber dime, two trade tokens. One from Oklahoma, and one from KC. Another silver spoon which I broke as it came out of the ground, another watch fob which is way cooler than the one I dug the previous day. You'll see it in the pics. A small piece of gold with some initials on it, a small piece of sterling something or another and a coat tag from the Iler Grand Hotel which I research today and found in Omaha, Nebraska..... The tag predates 1909 cause the Iler Grand became the Rome hotel and the only pic I could find of either was the Rome in 1909.... Variety, Variety, Variety.... I love it....... We had an awesome weekend for sure.... Schloopy was a little better Sunday although about half way through the day he confessed that he came to the site with two different types of tennis shoes on.... I looked down and sure enough... I think it was a Reebok and a Nike! This guy is something else.. LOL!!!
Let's put it this way, Schloopy may sleep in a clover patch for half a day, and then wear two different types of shoes.......Relikhunter may call me names I've only heard come out of Sailer's mouths on TV but I wouldn't want it any other way.... Great guys, great times, great hunts.... This hobby is the best pastime in the world!!!!!! Thanks you two for a great weekend....Oh, and thanks for the side bets guys....That's why you see the greenback in one of the pics y'all!!! Let's keep making those bets...!!!
Here are lots of pics. We like to take pics of the finds coming out of the ground. We didn't get them all and some of the pics didn't come out great so I deleted them but we got some good ones. Check out all the trash we dug too, had to be 15 pounds worth. I've also posted mine, John's and Mike's finds individually. Hope you enjoy them. There's a pic in here for MasterEagle, it's John detecting for his pinpointer ha, ha!!! There's also a pic or two on my son Alex. Some of y'all know him. If you look close I've got him swinging the XLT. I'm starting him off with the big boys. The other pic is of Alex and John. John let him use his bounty hunter cause the XLT is kind of heavy for him. Needless too say Alex gets bored quick and ends up digging holes for the heck of it and climbing hay bales.... He ended up keeping us hydrated most of the day by bringing us water. He's a great kid and will one day make a great TH'er!!!!!!!

HH All,

ridge runner


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Re: Field in KC Missouri keeps producing....Thanks to Schloopy I keep going back!!!!

Here's some more pics!!!!!


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Re: Field in KC Missouri keeps producing....Thanks to Schloopy I keep going back!!!!

My finds for the weekend!!!!!


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Re: Field in KC Missouri keeps producing....Thanks to Schloopy I keep going back


Re: Field in KC Missouri keeps producing....Thanks to Schloopy I keep going back!!!!

I contacted an expert on Early American Silversmith's about the spoon here's the email he sent back too me:

Greetings Scott,
Thank you for the kind words; pleased to hear the work has been of use.

The spoon was probably retailed by Chauncey Johnson, a watchmaker and
jeweler in Albany NY. He worked alone from 1824 to 1831, then in
partnership with his brother Alonzo until 1838, then alone again until
1845 or so.The additional marks are typical of those used by New York
state wholesale manufacturers and remain generally untraceable.

If you run across any other puzzles, feel free to email.

Wm Voss

Too bad it is bent but still cool though!!!!


Re: Field in KC Missouri keeps producing....Thanks to Schloopy I keep going back!!!!

Great wknd guys.Glad it was so productive for you.That's a lot of finds! And the pics do it up right.

Re: Field in KC Missouri keeps producing....Thanks to Schloopy I keep going back!!!!

Wow those finds are too cool. I still haven't found my first IH. :(

That badge thing is really neat. Looks like you had a good hunt with some great finds.

Re: Field in KC Missouri keeps producing....Thanks to Schloopy I keep going back!!!!

Nice finds!!! A+++ We need to get together some and hunt some spots that I have. Tom

OUTSTANDING Haul Ridgerunner!!!!

That's a heckuva batch of stuff!!! It's cool that you took pictures of the trash you dug too. I keep a 5 gallon bucket in my truck that I toss it into and when it's full I'll put a lid on it and start on another one. The sole reason that I do that is for when I see posts from people who get discouraged from their trash-to-treasure ratio. I'll post my trash pics just to show how much I dig when I hunt. I do it to demonstrate that if they're digging the kind of trash that they see in my pic, then they are diggin the "right" kid of trash and the coins will happen if they keep it up.

Your wife sounds JUST like my wife when it comes to metal detecting. At least you've gotten yours to jump into your foxhole for a bit and get behind a detector. I hope she got hooked!!!

Who are you with at Lost-In-The-Woods? I'm an Engineer (21N30/21B30) in the Michigan Guard and I hunt around St Louis and in SE Illinois on occasion when I can get down there. Right now I'm in Iraq (again) so I have to practice my hobby vicariously through viewing other people's finds. I should be home in early May-ish just in time for the nice detecting weather in Michigan.

Anyway, just wanted to introduce myself and congrats on the outstanding finds and the cool pics of them "in the wild".


Re: Field in KC Missouri keeps producing....Thanks to Schloopy I keep going back!!!!

Great post, photos, hunt and finds.

Re: Field in KC Missouri keeps producing....Thanks to Schloopy I keep going back!!!!

What a great weekend! Congrats on all the great finds! Out of curiosity, where is the Okla. token from?

Re: Field in KC Missouri keeps producing....Thanks to Schloopy I keep going back!!!!

stoney56 said:
What a great weekend! Congrats on all the great finds! Out of curiosity, where is the Okla. token from?

Stoney I wish I could tell you where it's from but it's really corroded on the side with the city and address or business name. All I can read is OKLA. at the bottom....

Mastereagle, the badge this you're refering to is a watch fob from a company that sold rope and twine. I still have to clean it up some and read the writing on the back.....

Take care all and thanks for the great replies,

Ridge Runner

Re: Field in KC Missouri keeps producing....Thanks to Schloopy I keep going back!!!!

What a great day out with your son. As a seperated father, I can't wait until my little buddy is old enough to go detecting with me. I've already bought him a detector and he's only 2. Congrats on the finds and the quality time with your son.

Re: Field in KC Missouri keeps producing....Thanks to Schloopy I keep going back!!!!

You sure have found yourself (selves) a sweet spot to hunt!

I love seeing the finds - and the trash! It keeps things in perspective, doesn't it.


Re: Field in KC Missouri keeps producing....Thanks to Schloopy I keep going back!!!!

Great job Scott! You have an interesting place to hunt. After I talked to you the other day I went out and found just one lousy dropped bullet (two hours of hunting). You are welcome to come down here and hunt, but I am afraid that my site wouldn't be worth your drive. Keep us posted....Steve

Re: Field in KC Missouri keeps producing....Thanks to Schloopy I keep going back

plehbah said:
That is an outrageous quantity of stuff. Beautiful! So many trade tokens!

Could we please see a close up of both sides of the cross shaped token?

It was worth digging all of that trash.


Here are the pics of the Cross shaped Trade Token....It doesn't have a business name on it but I know for sure that it's from KC, MO.... It's got the proprietor's name on it and it reads F. Probasco. I've started doing some research on it... Hopefully I'll have some info on it in a couple days...The coolest token I've found so far!!!! Coolest shaped anyway......



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Re: Field in KC Missouri keeps producing....Thanks to Schloopy I keep going back!!!!

Those are some great finds. You guys have THE SPOT. Keep Digging-Keep taking pictures-Keep Posting

Re: Field in KC Missouri keeps producing....Thanks to Schloopy I keep going back!!!!

Just a couple of thoughts.Probasco use to be a big name in the Presbyterian Church yrs and yrs ago.Also,nothing you guys would know anything about,and that's BEER!I think there was a beer down in Brazil called Probasco around 'Carnival Time',yrs ago.I also think there was Probasco's into clothing stores and a Probasco oil field in Kansas.Goodluck!

Re: Field in KC Missouri keeps producing....Thanks to Schloopy I keep going back!!!!

Dang great pic's of the finds. Thats the kind of site and finds that I love to search for. WTG to all of you. I did notice that Burdie was not with you guys. Must of been an oversight. :o :o ;D Just kidding. Keep up the good work.


Re: Field in KC Missouri keeps producing....Thanks to Schloopy I keep going back!!!!

Burdie said:
Dang great pic's of the finds. Thats the kind of site and finds that I love to search for. WTG to all of you. I did notice that Burdie was not with you guys. Must of been an oversight. :o :o ;D Just kidding. Keep up the good work.


Don't feel bad,Burdie,I feel like chopped liver myself! lol

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