Lost a permission today, but the silver streak still continues.....


Bronze Member
Jan 5, 2012
MS, Lynchberg
🥇 Banner finds
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Primary Interest:
Relic Hunting
Had a few hours this afternoon to hunt so I texted a lady to let her know we were wanting to hunt her lot.
We have perm to hunt there, but she wants to know when we go there, so I told her we would contact her each time before we went.
So I texted her and said we were thinking about going and wanted to make sure it was ok.
She called me back and said they caught someone else there without permission, and now they don't want anyone there anymore.
I guess theyre afraid others will see us, and think its ok to hunt this area without getting permission.
So I was nice. Killed her with kindness. And said I understand.
Went to another spot where I had good results in the past, and didn't have much luck.
So last 45 minutes of daylight we tried the hunted out school where I scored a silver rosie last time we went there.
2nd to last hole I dug a .925 sterling charm with a R on it. I rescanned the hole and then scanned the nearby area looking for the necklace or other charms. Got a choppy deep signal a couple feet away with the 9" coil. Was thinking maybe another silver charm, and out pops a 1942 merc.
So I think I know where I will be going tomorrow afternoon....:icon_scratch:
And so the silver streak continues...


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Aaah! That's so frustrating getting punished for other people's lack of respect. Sorry to hear that, but glad you found some silver anyway.

Thanks J. It kinda bummed me out a bit, but at least we were able to hunt it a few times and make some decent finds.
Was fun while it lasted.
All I could do was be nice and hope she has a change of heart one day.
I wanted to say, well, that's ok, "Some people are funny, and now you're funny too"

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Don't you just hate it that some yahoo decided to hunt without permission? :BangHead: This is not limited to your area. I ran into 2 older MDers here 2 weeks ago detecting the Catholic church property without permission. They certainly make it harder for the rest of us. Looks like you saved the day with those 2 silvers.:thumbsup:

Good to see your silver streak is continuing. On your permission lost,that happens too much when poachers see us hunting and go without asking first.

There's that mentality again. With thinking like that, as soon as one driver rolls thru a stop sign, EVERYBODY has to stop driving!

I'd ask for a letter of permission from one who's given it. That way, if someone is stopped for hunting without permission, they can deal with criminal trespass. As long as you don't bring someone else in that they don't know, you should be good.

Others always gotta ruin a good thing, but you came out on top anyway!

Bummer !!! As hard as it is to knock on doors and get proper permission nowadays, that sucks ! Sorry to hear that, I hope you get reinstated soon, or at least gain access to a new spot...ddf

When I first started detecting, I had a local farm in mind that goes back many generations. I went and asked the old fellow that lives there and he said he had no problem with it, but he had turned the farm over to his son. I thought I would get permission for sure because I work with the son's wife and we have always been friendly. When I talked to her, she informed me they wanted no one on the property because of neighbor's helping themselves to their land while riding horses without permission. She also said if they let me, another fellow at work ( he is a drunkard that lives nearby and not well liked ) would want to detect since his son has a detector. She apologized and I told her no hard feelings. It is their land and theirs only. I respect and understand their wishes but have heard many stories of land off limits to all because of the thoughtless actions and carelessness of a few.

So what do you guys do if it is a vacant property and are unable to find owner, or get response from owner (owner out of state,etc). Is it ethical to proceed with detecting after that point, granted there is no no trespassing signs?

So what do you guys do if it is a vacant property and are unable to find owner, or get response from owner (owner out of state,etc). Is it ethical to proceed with detecting after that point, granted there is no no trespassing signs?
You will probably get a lot of varied responses from that last question, but I say keep trying to contact the owner first. Otherwise you will be trespassing.
I suggest you goto city hall and look at the tax/land records to find who the owner is.
Most cities/counties have GIS mapping websites that will tell you who the owner is, the property boundaries, and the owners current mailing address.

Interesting, I've given some thought to this exact thing, about others "hoping on your permission". I always thought night hunting was just bad, and sneaky, but lately thought that if you have a GREAT site, and it is very "visible" then it just might be a good idea to night hunt it.

Well done BP. I like that little charm. GL&HH!

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