🥇 BANNER Clay Pot with Coins Inside!!!!!

BVI Hunter

Bronze Member
Apr 8, 2013
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Golden Thread
🥇 Banner finds
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ACE 250
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Vibra Probe 580
Vibra Tector 730
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
Back to my pals old property and found had a signal close to this pot.
I had previously picked up lots of surface bottle finds so moved this out of the way to use the pinpointer - but the signal had gone ???

Looked inside and saw what turned out to be coins!!!!:thumbsup:

Will try to clean these up a bit, the soil was packed quite hard inside.

Picture below show the pot (outside and inside) and the coins as found!:thumbsup:

middle ridge etc 017.webpmiddle ridge etc 018.webpmiddle ridge etc 019.webpclay coins 003.webpclay coins 004.webpclay coins 006.webpclay coins 002.webpclay coins 012.webpclay coins 009.webpclay coins 008.webpclay coins 007.webpclay coins 015.webpclay coins 019.webpclay coins 018.webp

Upvote 66
Wow thats pretty incredible! Good job!!

What type of coin are they?

Wow thats pretty incredible! Good job!!

What type of coin are they?

Spanish I think???

gonna clean them up slowly!

the "orange' color has me confused? don't think they are copper - perhaps stained from the clay??

Holy shat!!!! Dude, you never cease to impress! Absolutely amazing find!

That is just awesome. Congrats.

Fascinating find! Wow! :headbang: Love the scalloped edge on the one that's more exposed now! Looking forward to seeing them all after slow clean-up. :cat: Andi

Perhaps they're gold! Congrats.

Looks like an old Dutch Gin bottle. Bols still makes the same bottles for their gin. The next time you're in the liquor store, check it out.

Looks like an old Dutch Gin bottle. Bols still makes the same bottles for their gin. The next time you're in the liquor store, check it out.

from what year approx.???

Amazing. What an incredible find. Can't wait to see exactly what you have for coins. Congrats!

Awesome you found a cache! Hope there's some gold in there too!

Holy crap Captain, me thinks you might have found some Spanish Gold! The coins while orangish in color and could be confused to be Copper, don't appear to have any corrosion or green veridigris on them. The encrustation if I am correct, should come off pretty easily with Acetone or possibly something else that someone knows will work. I could be wrong but from the details on the coins, they don't appear to be Spanish Coppers (Maravedis) and appear to be Escudos like in the pic below. Here is hoping for you and if they are Gold, then this is another Banner find for you! Congrats! Please update us as soon as possible on what they are (Gold or Copper or other).



:goldtrophy:Incredible finds of old coins seems to be your destiny. Thank you for the pics. Best of luck in your cleaning.
Banner nomination in!:icon_thumright:

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