Digital cameras CAN see buried gold


The horizontal travel sounds kind of like the recent oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. Oil from the capped drill hole was coming up in spots some distances from the well, by similar methods.

The more you say about the conditions, the more sense it makes. There's a lot of stuff in "nature" that goes on, which when combined, can do unusual things.

EE my friend: In your post of the 15 th, # 457, you hit upon what may be the key. I have been waiting for someone to pick it up.

You posted -->Gold generating it's own EMF radiation is one thing, 'but we all know that it is capable of - re-generating signals it receives, -- as it does with metal detectors'!

How do we identify gold as humans? How do we identify a single piece of gold jewelty in a show case fill of them? Is any degradation of the gold piece ever evident in the viewing?

Don Jose de La mancha


Well, we see the gold piece because light is reflecting off it, and back to our eyes, for one. It reflects a certain frequencies of light better than others, and shades of light reflected are differently reflected, according to it's exact surface form. And then if you touch it, and feel it's weight and hardness, smell it, and so forth, the different senses come into play. Scientifically, observing something with your eyes will not cause it to degrade, because you are merely receiving the light it reflects.

However, there can be other factors which can be at work when you look at something, which are beyond the empirical, but I don't think you are referring to that sort of thing. And it upsets some people to consider it, so I am reluctant to bring it up on it's own, in a public forum.

Your question about the scientific functions involved in observing the piece of gold jewelry, does bring up even more related possibilities. A metal detector emits EMF radiation at a frequency which it determines, and that radiation creates a current within a piece of gold which is within it's field, and that current radiates it's own EMF, at that same frequency, but at a different phase due to the conversions to current and again to EMF waves, and the metal detector's receive circuitry then picks that up and can measure the "phase shift" for gold.

But gold also has it's own resonant frequency, as does everything. As in the effect of striking a tuning fork with a single whack will result in the fork resonating at it's own frequency, I wonder what a lightning strike does to gold? And I wonder if whatever it might emit, as a result of the strike, has some electrochemical effect on it's surroundings? In addition to the usual chemical reactions with gold, there are also many known electrolysis reactions, such as plating and de-plating, with various metals. And both the chemical and electrochemical reactions all have certain by products, many of which are gaseous.

I'm not sure what direction you wanted to go with your question, but that's what I thought of about it.


Lightning strikes and Gold? It makes it ring all day long 24/7.

Even if the strike is across the world. Ah, but you cannot see the rings or hear them with a digital camera. In a cave in Europe that was worked by the Romans for gold that was covered by a glacier is where you will find the tool that was used to detect gold. It is the simplest of tools and nobody knows how it was used or what they were looking at when it was recovered. Keep trying, but save the camera for snapshots.


Nobody said anything about photographing EMF radiation here.

I don't think you read all of this thread!

It now sounds like you are building up to a promotion for LRLs, are you? If you are, that's OK with me, because my opinion is, "If it's possible, it's possible." I just wish somebody would build one that actually works, that's all.

Thanks for your input.


No LRLs, but keep trying.

And no mention about EMF (electro-motive force or dynamo hum). An EMP is another thing, and no mention of that either.
Sorry you misunderstood. I use a camera to take pictures with and the stuff shines real good. Gold=Arum=The Morning Blush.
The Romans had it dialed in but their culture failed as well as most of their advancements to the dark ages.

Gentlemen: One possible factor that has been overlooked, and can possibly explain why Gold is not gradually eliminated over time in producing visble evidence of it's presence, while other metals are, is possibly due to a 'Catalytic' effect. This effect could cause many different types of reactions, still unknown, yet leave the Gold intact. Sorry swr.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
Good morning EE: You posted -->Whenever you add two frequencies, you end up with four frequencies: the original two frequencies, plus the sum frequency and the difference frequency. The sum would be a higher frequency, and the difference a lower

You are correct, plus the intermodulation of their combinations and on to infinity.

Sorry, guys, yer both wrong.

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
Evening EE. since swr cannot envision the interactions of the infinite frequencies involved in dowsing, or anything Else for that matter, I doubt that he understood Dr lands theory of using two simple frequencies working together creating a third base frequency. In this case the full color spectrum.

By combining basic factors of one color's frequency with another color's frequencies, he successfully reproduced the full color spectrum by harmonics.

DJ, since this thread is partly about Polaroid auras, and since you seemed to be taunting someone over their knowledge of how Polaroid film works, are you suggesting that the two-color system is used in Polaroid film?

It’s okay Carl.

Moonlab math and electrical theory always had a good following with pretty aural pictures. :icon_scratch:


I know, that you know, what hetrodyning is. That's what I described.

So what's up with your comment?


Whenever you add two frequencies, you end up with two frequencies. Heterodyning ain't adding.

Good afternoon Carl; You posted -->Sorry, guys, yer both wrong.


Hmm and just what are harmonics? With just two originally,, you have an infinite no of differing frequencies both ascending and decending.
You posted --> you seemed to be taunting someone over their knowledge of how Polaroid film works
Your allusion to taunting is 180 degrees off. What I try to do is to get others to do their own research and their own thinking. I have no ego that needs bolstering.
you posted -->Whenever you add two frequencies, you end up with two frequencies. Heterodyning ain't adding
I see that you are attempting to cloud up the point by diversionary tactics. What may I ask are harmonics, and how do they develop?

Don Jose de La Mancha

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
I see that you are attempting to cloud up the point by diversionary tactics. What may I ask are harmonics, and how do they develop?

Don't cloud up the pretend stuff with facts, eh? Show me the math where adding two frequencies produces infinite harmonics.


I should have said, "Mix," instead of, "add." But I didn't think it was necessary to be formal, not realizing that the electronics police were monitoring.

ExcUUUuuuuuuuuuuuUUUse me!


good afternon EE: Relax, I know that Carl knew full well what was intended. It is just that he has had (?) hanging around so much in blind adulation, that some rubs off, he tends to get picky or contrary when there is no need for it, yet.

He was contracted to help design a new detector for Whites. He is not an idiot, on the contrary, but he is just a bit brusque.

Incidentally, just how did the pilot programming turn out Carl?

Don Jose de La Mancha


My overly nit-picky and somewhat smar-tarse post had a purpose. It was to demonstrate who is a Real Deal, and who is a pretender. Your response was what I expected from a non-pretender. There is an obvious corollary to this.

Where did that come from? Certainly not that hack, de Forest. He couldn’t tell anyone how the Audion worked. It was magic.

Sometimes all the technology designed to enhance something and exclude other things has to be put on its ear.

Like filters to remove noise. Who would want to listen for noise when everyone else wants to avoid it? A noise hunter would.

Or, an antenna that is not designed for peak performance where an undesirable attribute is really a most desirable feature; It rubs against the grain of conventional thinking. It hurts the brain.

You have to first define what it is you are looking for, then think outside the box so you can sniff it out with a new approach. Keep trying.

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