Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

A tip that I have heard from very experienced hunters , is , if you have a new gun or you have clean your gun recently , before go in the woods , shot twice to a target for training or fun . The smell of the gunpowder in the barrel will keep the bear away from you .

And , happy birthday Ditlihi ! I wish you health and whatever you desire !

Not sure I would trust that if my life was on the line. Some areas haven't had hunting done in them for years. If the bear is upset, then only the smell of fresh gun powder and the rounds killing it will work.

Not sure I would trust that if my life was on the line. Some areas haven't had hunting done in them for years. If the bear is upset, then only the smell of fresh gun powder and the rounds killing it will work.

For sure Au . Always is a 50-50 possibility and depends of many circumstances . Is better to be prepared psychologically for an attack and to have your eyes " 14 " , than to be relaxed using some hints and tips .

A tip that I have heard from very experienced hunters , is , if you have a new gun or you have clean your gun recently , before go in the woods , shot twice to a target for training or fun . The smell of the gunpowder in the barrel will keep the bear away from you .

And , happy birthday Ditlihi ! I wish you health and whatever you desire !

Thank You, Marius! :hello: :occasion14:

And I wish the same for You! Many Blessings! :notworthy:


Yes, El Forgetful One, my birthday was on the 12th....the original Columbus Day, (until 1971 when Columbus Day was changed to the second Monday of October). After 1971 the date became Mine, as I wake up in a New World every day. :laughing7:

But I still remember my friend's birthdays. 8-). Maybe that's why you have no friends?

"It doesn't register"....hmphh....a likely excuse. :dontknow:


Well, I'm pretty sure your profile is wrong...

At least I can see when you are on line now, but that may be because I requested you as a friend...


Yes, El Forgetful One, my birthday was on the 12th....the original Columbus Day, (until 1971 when Columbus Day was changed to the second Monday of October). After 1971 the date became Mine, as I wake up in a New World every day. :laughing7:

But I still remember my friend's birthdays. 8-). Maybe that's why you have no friends?

"It doesn't register"....hmphh....a likely excuse. :dontknow:

Well, since I wasn't in the know, I can't be faulted for not wishing you Happy Birthday. Well, maybe i can, but I shouldn't be.

I'll raise a glass of rum in your honor, anyway.


Well, I'm pretty sure your profile is wrong...

At least I can see when you are on line now, but that may be because I requested you as a friend...


Interestingly enough, I just checked my profile, and you don't show up there either.....at least as Real of Tayopa. The (currently nonexistant) Real de Tayopa shows up.

Well, since I wasn't in the know, I can't be faulted for not wishing you Happy Birthday. Well, maybe i can, but I shouldn't be.

I'll raise a glass of rum in your honor, anyway.


ARRR.....You are forgiven, Sir Skalawag. :skullflag: Pass the Grog!! :notworthy: :occasion14:

Sir Tayopa, you have to check off on the little avatar pic that pops up when you accept the friend request, then click "Save changes".

ARRR.....You are forgiven, Sir Skalawag. :skullflag: Pass the Grog!! :notworthy: :occasion14:

Here we go with the Sir again....Oh well, the grog is on the way. Depending on how many hands it goes through before it gets to you, the bottle may be empty....If so, I'll open another.:skullflag:



Happy belated D.!
If you had warned us ,you could have bought a round on your anniversary..:laughing7:
Wishing you many more.

1492. Surely you jest? :icon_scratch:

nope " I"m in the mood for love"" oops, I mean, to cast a psychological proflie. Horoscope if you wish, Why I suggested a PM..

no one would know except your friends, the stinky one, and me. I'm no problem since I am tooked by my child bride.


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Well, Oro, as is usual with you, I can’t make any mistakes. This is actually a compliment to you, and I want to thank you for keeping me on my toes. You are absolutely correct in that there are some powerful black powder cartridges (and muzzle loaders as well). I would have to say that the .50 Barrett probably out performs any of them, including the 2 bore, in punch, stopping power, penetration, range and accuracy, even though it does have slightly less muzzle energy than the 2 bore. Muzzle energy isn’t everything, and neither is velocity. However, none of us are likely to carry a .50 Barrett around, no matter how effective. Not many people used the 2 bore, either. One of my favorites in black powder is the .50-90 Sharps or the even larger .50-140 Sharps, but that doesn't mean that I would want to rely on them for a life and death situation. IMHO, overall, modern smokeless cartridges will ALWAYS outperform black powder, when you take all factors into account (velocity, muzzle energy, recoil, retained energy down range, trajectory, accuracy, etc.). There is a reason that everybody went to smokeless, and it wasn’t only because black powder makes for dirty guns and lots of smoke…..

Don Jose has mentioned damaged and blood shot meat, which is a negative if you are hunting for food, and is a result of the velocity of most modern cartridges. However, that is not an issue if you are trying to keep from being eaten. Who cares if the meat is blood shot, if the critter is no longer trying to eat you.......

Coffee for everyone? :coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:


"As is usual with you."? Shortfinger I don't know what the deal is with you, it seems that one cannot DISAGREE about anything without that becoming an issue for you. This is why I did not even mention that you had posted the statement about modern smokeless being superior to black powder, as I was trying to avoid causing a problem with you.

Also I RESPECTFULLY disagree even about your choice of the 50 Barrett as superior to the old 2 bore. The Barrett is an impressive rifle in its own right, and is in 50 BMG, which comes the closest to the venerable African big game caliber 2 bore, yet even so it falls short in stopping power. At the best load for the 50 BMG, you get 14,895 foot pounds of energy, while with the 2 bore firing bronze bullets, the energy is 17,500 foot pounds. The difference is about the same amount of energy as what is in a 30-06 round. Now this does not mean anyone should run out and buy a 2 bore rifle <1.326 inch diameter bullet> to then pack through the brush in Alaska, personally I would sooner carry one of those excellent Marlin 'guide gun' rifles and all stainless steel, in 444 or 45-70. All that I was trying to point out is that black powder guns are not SO inferior to smokeless powder firearms, to dismiss them out of hand. Not many of us will have to be concerned about stopping charging elephants or rhinos to need an elephant gun.

<2 bore cartridge compared to 45-70>

After all our ancestors had nothing else but black powder firearms and managed to survive, and there is something to be said about meat spoilage due to too much power in the caliber and also the 'icepick effect' for bullets traveling at extreme high speeds, that literally pass through the target without doing much damage while a slower, heavier bullet stops in the target and thus transfers ALL of its energy into that target. This is one of the positive factors for the old 45 ACP versus the speedier 9mm in self defense in fact as I am sure you know. This aspect is probably one of the reasons why the venerable 30-30 continues to be among the favorite calibers for deer hunting, as it is virtually an ideal caliber for that game animal.

Good luck and good hunting amigos, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.
:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2:


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