Well, Oro, as is usual with you, I can’t make any mistakes. This is actually a compliment to you, and I want to thank you for keeping me on my toes. You are absolutely correct in that there are some powerful black powder cartridges (and muzzle loaders as well). I would have to say that the .50 Barrett probably out performs any of them, including the 2 bore, in punch, stopping power, penetration, range and accuracy, even though it does have slightly less muzzle energy than the 2 bore. Muzzle energy isn’t everything, and neither is velocity. However, none of us are likely to carry a .50 Barrett around, no matter how effective. Not many people used the 2 bore, either. One of my favorites in black powder is the .50-90 Sharps or the even larger .50-140 Sharps, but that doesn't mean that I would want to rely on them for a life and death situation. IMHO, overall, modern smokeless cartridges will ALWAYS outperform black powder, when you take all factors into account (velocity, muzzle energy, recoil, retained energy down range, trajectory, accuracy, etc.). There is a reason that everybody went to smokeless, and it wasn’t only because black powder makes for dirty guns and lots of smoke…..
Don Jose has mentioned damaged and blood shot meat, which is a negative if you are hunting for food, and is a result of the velocity of most modern cartridges. However, that is not an issue if you are trying to keep from being eaten. Who cares if the meat is blood shot, if the critter is no longer trying to eat you.......
Coffee for everyone?