Oak Island is connected to this site. The info we have now did solve a lot of things for us on our site BUT a lot of this is connected to Oak Island its just there is no vortex on the island. I am sure the info we have will answer a lot of questions for both sites .
You have nothing ....you never did
You got kicked off the castle site and created this new Stonehenge site to keep your dream alive of getting a tv show.I predicted it months ago
I was going to give you a pass because of the holidays but you are asking for it so I will use your own posts to prove that you severly bend the truth to further advance the current fairy tale you are trying to promote.
#1 "I just told you there is only the well on Tims land and that's it".....FK
There are now 4 different threads started by you trying to convince people of the fantastic things you were finding on this property.Now since you no longer have access to that property there is nothing there.
#2 "We worked on Tim;s land for 5 years and we left just before he bought it.".....FK
"Not just this site but the new land owner is trying to take over the New Ross site for his own. He is not making any new friends there. He knows nothing about treasure hunting but thinks he can dig up any treasure under his land and keep it. Ya we got a New Bee and that is a pain in the xxx".....FK
"Tim the new owner of the Holy Well site thought we had a deal in the works .....Tim had History Channel on site and divers in the well and never told me anything about this. If we were to be partners I would think this should be a major event to talk about."......FK
It is very clear you wanted to continue working on this property but for whatever reason got kicked off.Your past posts strongly suggest this contrary to your current posts that you were done there.
"Ya he said keep off ".......FK
#3 "This week History Channel is sending a person to look at our info"......FK
"We are meeting with a film crew this week to film us in New Ross this summer"......FK
"They are coming to my town to film us this week ".....FK
This film crew meeting has now been drug out 2 weeks and the location of filming has swapped from Nova Scotia to Clearfield Pa.
It sounds like the last post suggests just a guy from History channel is coming.
I'd bet no one shows up just like the time Discovery channel was supposed to be on your Dents Run site.
"The Discovery Channel will be on site to film us working for a trailer for a possible TV series"......FK
#4 " a circle of stones around a Vortex was here before the Templars. The circle would of looked like Stonehenge in Europe."..... FK SEPTEMBER 29 2016
"Bashing my post is how we found out about the Stonehenge connection,Thank You New Age"....FK
You had already decided way back in September that you had discovered a new Stonehenge site although you are now trying to claim it is a more recent picture that I posted that led to this discovery.
If you just Tell the truth you wouldn't have to remember what you posted in the past.But the truth won't get you a tv series ...will it.
A new Stonehenge site without the stones.That is pretty much scrapping the bottom of the barrel and it is getting sad that you have to sink to this level to pursue your dream of getting you own tv show.
"We want a major find in New Ross that will get us our own TV series ".....FK