Stonehenge site found in New Ross ,Nova Scotia


Bronze Member
Apr 7, 2007
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Golden Thread
Clearfield Pa. and Nova Scotia, Canada
Detector(s) used
Schonstedt sopt, GPL , 2 box, Dowsing Rods, Long Range Locators, Radar, Bounty Hunter & a lot more
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
OK I already know what a lot of you will have to say , O :icon_scratch: NO Ley Lines , Vortex , Stonehenge , and dowsing rods whats next :BangHead:. Well if you do not understand or believe how they work go to another site and bash someone.

Last year we located a Vortex at the New Ross site and tracked down 31 ley lines that helped us discover new finds. Now just 2 days ago we found out this is not just a vortex site it is laid out 100% like Stonehenge in Europe. All the lines fit, all the angles fit , and the number's are right on. Who ever laid out this site knew a lot about Stonehenge. We now know why they built the Castle at that site and why it is turned to face the way it is. Now we have the proof to show why they built the first church in the New World at the spot it is at . I am sure there will be many more new finds this summer . This week History Channel is sending a person to look at our info and soon we should be digging. Soon I hope to post pictures .

OK, now you members that want to bash this post , go a head :hello2: its OK . Bashing my post is how we found out about the Stonehenge connection.
Thank You New Age

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I hope it all goes well with the History Channel rep. It would be cool for you to be recognized for your work.

Why is this thread in the Oak Island forum?...there is not even a link to the island mentioned in the first post
Isn't there a better sub forum for this to be placed under?

Why is this thread in the Oak Island forum?...there is not even a link to the island mentioned in the first post
Isn't there a better sub forum for this to be placed under?

Oak Island is connected to this site. The info we have now did solve a lot of things for us on our site BUT a lot of this is connected to Oak Island its just there is no vortex on the island. I am sure the info we have will answer a lot of questions for both sites .

Why is this thread in the Oak Island forum?...there is not even a link to the island mentioned in the first post
Isn't there a better sub forum for this to be placed under?

They are 20 miles apart, I think FK also believes the Templars came through Oak Island before doing anything at Charing Cross (New Ross).
Cheers, Loki

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Oak Island is connected to this site. The info we have now did solve a lot of things for us on our site BUT a lot of this is connected to Oak Island its just there is no vortex on the island. I am sure the info we have will answer a lot of questions for both sites .

You have nothing never did
You got kicked off the castle site and created this new Stonehenge site to keep your dream alive of getting a tv show.I predicted it months ago

I was going to give you a pass because of the holidays but you are asking for it so I will use your own posts to prove that you severly bend the truth to further advance the current fairy tale you are trying to promote.

#1 "I just told you there is only the well on Tims land and that's it".....FK

There are now 4 different threads started by you trying to convince people of the fantastic things you were finding on this property.Now since you no longer have access to that property there is nothing there.


#2 "We worked on Tim;s land for 5 years and we left just before he bought it.".....FK

"Not just this site but the new land owner is trying to take over the New Ross site for his own. He is not making any new friends there. He knows nothing about treasure hunting but thinks he can dig up any treasure under his land and keep it. Ya we got a New Bee and that is a pain in the xxx".....FK

"Tim the new owner of the Holy Well site thought we had a deal in the works .....Tim had History Channel on site and divers in the well and never told me anything about this. If we were to be partners I would think this should be a major event to talk about."......FK

It is very clear you wanted to continue working on this property but for whatever reason got kicked off.Your past posts strongly suggest this contrary to your current posts that you were done there.

"Ya he said keep off ".......FK


#3 "This week History Channel is sending a person to look at our info"......FK

"We are meeting with a film crew this week to film us in New Ross this summer"......FK

"They are coming to my town to film us this week ".....FK

This film crew meeting has now been drug out 2 weeks and the location of filming has swapped from Nova Scotia to Clearfield Pa.
It sounds like the last post suggests just a guy from History channel is coming.
I'd bet no one shows up just like the time Discovery channel was supposed to be on your Dents Run site.

"The Discovery Channel will be on site to film us working for a trailer for a possible TV series"......FK


#4 " a circle of stones around a Vortex was here before the Templars. The circle would of looked like Stonehenge in Europe."..... FK SEPTEMBER 29 2016

"Bashing my post is how we found out about the Stonehenge connection,Thank You New Age"....FK

You had already decided way back in September that you had discovered a new Stonehenge site although you are now trying to claim it is a more recent picture that I posted that led to this discovery.


If you just Tell the truth you wouldn't have to remember what you posted in the past.But the truth won't get you a tv series ...will it.

A new Stonehenge site without the stones.That is pretty much scrapping the bottom of the barrel and it is getting sad that you have to sink to this level to pursue your dream of getting you own tv show.

"We want a major find in New Ross that will get us our own TV series ".....FK

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Hay New Age , You are working to hard :BangHead: take it easy. I would hate to live your life. Have a Great Day :hello:

Forty threads below two million tips are buried ...

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Hay New Age , You are working to hard :BangHead: take it easy. I would hate to live your life. Have a Great Day :hello:

I don't know my life doesn't seem so bad compared to having to make up stories on an internet forum to try and become famous.

Surely you didn't forget you had already stated you had a new Stonehenge site months before trying to make it seem my picture gave you the idea.
Why did you feel the need to lie about that?

Stonehenge with no stones......LMAO
I would love to see their reaction when you say you found a new Stonehenge and then show them a picture of an empty field and try to explain it really is there because this map of ley lines and vortexes say so.

How many episodes can they make out of filming you walking around in a field with dowsing rods tracking down ley lines?

Drone footage from overhead would be nice.

I don't know my life doesn't seem so bad compared to having to make up stories on an internet forum to try and become famous.

Surely you didn't forget you had already stated you had a new Stonehenge site months before trying to make it seem my picture gave you the idea.
Why did you feel the need to lie about that?

Stonehenge with no stones......LMAO
I would love to see their reaction when you say you found a new Stonehenge and then show them a picture of an empty field and try to explain it really is there because this map of ley lines and vortexes say so.

How many episodes can they make out of filming you walking around in a field with dowsing rods tracking down ley lines?

Ya I said this site would or could of looked like Stonehenge a few months back and that was it, and no other statement was made. Now after you posted the picture I saw things I never looked for before and the more we looked the more we found. Now I made the new post and this site doesn't just look like Stonehenge it is a copy of Stonehenge . The stones have been moved in the 1960's. Who ever laid out this castle site knew a lot about Stonehenge. I never made those statements before this week and its all because of you.

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show me one thing that exists that was found on oak island and is of value

Nope. I'll keep bashing you unless these things are on Oak Island. YOU need to relocate these unrelated silly threads elsewhere.

They are 20 miles apart, I think FK also believes the Templars came through Oak Island before doing anything at Charing Cross (New Ross).
Cheers, Loki

But he believes a LOT of odd things. Templars, Ley Lines, invisible giant lithic structures. He needs a separate category. We're debunking legends, not hallucinations.

Ya I said this site would or could of looked like Stonehenge a few months back and that was it, and no other statement was made. Now after you posted the picture I saw things I never looked for before and the more we looked the more we found. Now I made the new post and this site doesn't just look like Stonehenge it is a copy of Stonehenge . The stones have been moved in the 1960's. Who ever laid out this castle site knew a lot about Stonehenge. I never made those statements before this week and its all because of you.

Here is your full quote from September 29 2016

"We are done with our research at New Ross and we have the proof that the Knights Templar did build a castle at this site. The Minick Indians or the Vikings could of been at this site way before the Templars but the Templars did build the castle at this site. It is possible that a circle of stones around a Vortex was here before the Templars. The circle would of looked like Stonehenge in Europe. There is a lot more going on at this site and its a great story. Check out our other post for new updates."

Call it what you want but I am more then comfortable in saying that your statement that you just made this discovery in the last 2 days is nothing more then a flat out bald faced lie.Especially since you described the exact same thing months earlier.

It is pretty clear what happened here and that is after you got kicked off the castle site you needed another fairy tale to try and woo an entertainment company and this is what you came up with back in September not just 2 days ago.

They are 20 miles apart, I think FK also believes the Templars came through Oak Island before doing anything at Charing Cross (New Ross).
Cheers, Loki

I heard Loki likes to say Cheers a lot......even though he's being a fool.....

Cheers, Eldo

Say Hi to the Laginas when you see them at work next time ok Loki......

Traverse City.....joins dec 2014...etc etc

I don't know my life doesn't seem so bad compared to having to make up stories on an internet forum to try and become famous.

Surely you didn't forget you had already stated you had a new Stonehenge site months before trying to make it seem my picture gave you the idea.
Why did you feel the need to lie about that?

Stonehenge with no stones......LMAO
I would love to see their reaction when you say you found a new Stonehenge and then show them a picture of an empty field and try to explain it really is there because this map of ley lines and vortexes say so.

How many episodes can they make out of filming you walking around in a field with dowsing rods tracking down ley lines?

But you just joined here and we already see your game as it has manifested.....

I mean taking on one guy by himself must have been fun.....can't wait till you try to vet other people here.....

You really took things out of context in every part of your "research project", Noob Age, and after seeing the lengths you went to, just to try to keep FK from being able to put up his info and discuss it without heat.

In fact we are still waiting to see a post of your own......

Cmon be brave and try to tell us that you actually do enjoy treasure hunting and that you aren't some paid moron from their Cabal.....

Cmon.....just show us your work in the field and your finds......

That's all the pros ask of you being a newbie.....

Time to show it all New Guy,......LOL


Your most recent discoveries according to your massive investment into TNET and your bulging profile

NEW AGE TreasureNet - The Original Treasure Hunting Website.webp

We the members here thank you for your commitment to participating in absolutely nothing that the site is dedicated to....

Now go get a life......from the street corner you bought your IP address from....


Seems odd to me that someone who only joined in July 2014 is making fun of someone who joined a few months later. Perhaps the Easter Bunny was less generous to Eldo than he expected.

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