FBI Pores Over Thousands of Artifacts from Indiana Collector


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Jan 27, 2009
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I just saw that article. They also said: "It may be 30 years — or never — before they have it all cataloged." In other words, the guy was robbed.

There is no way they can prove, nor can he probably, that the items were collected before or after the antiquities act. Problem is, they won't need to prove it, but he will have to prove his own innocence. They can just sit on the artifacts, knowing it will be much easier to bully his heirs.

Don Miller worked on the Manhattan Project! He is a living artifact from WWII. What a shame. I have 2nd thoughts about what I post on this site now. I would love to share my finds but at what cost? Is the FBI going to kick in our doors and steal our collections?

Watch out Tn the FBI made my post on this go away, don't know where it went but it's not showing up on my computer:dontknow:. Maybe they are checking me out:laughing7:Hate to bust their bubble but I already have a back ground check with Homeland, FBI, MBI, DOT and local guys and I gave body fluids also.

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These are the types of situations that make wonder, why aren't they hunting down pedophiles or human organ thieves?
Trust me when I say that these problems of misdirection are at many levels of the law.
Makes me sick

These are the types of situations that make wonder, why aren't they hunting down pedophiles or human organ thieves?
Trust me when I say that these problems of misdirection are at many levels of the law.
Makes me sick

Not merely misdirection, but a whole lot of things, in the words of Alice, are getting "curiouser and curiouser".

Boy, what a way to ruin the emotional stability of a 91 year old man. Most likely he won't live much longer after that.

All those items in a old farm house? like he was hiding them from the world. Couldn't they've just let him enjoy those pieces until he became a artifact like one of them.

I mean come on! do we study every piece of dirt in the world? If so.. Let's all just dig 20ft down around the world and suspend in the air. There no more wondering.

Sorry that might of been a little much. but I just wanna give that old man a hug and apologize for my generation filled with greed.

Watch out Tn the FBI made my post on this go away, don't know where it went but it's not showing up on my computer:dontknow:. Maybe they are checking me out:laughing7:Hate to bust their bubble but I already have a back ground check with Homeland, FBI, MBI, DOT and local guys and I gave body fluids also.

Monster I looked and nothing has been removed,lol. Are you sure you hit reply? It is showing you edited this post nothing else.
SeaDog is that who it was ? He was a legend . This is a shame as they will destroy his life now.

Yes, Tnmountains. From looking at his house, you would think he could have hired a good attorney, but it's kind of hard for someone of his age to fight 100's of federal agents off his property. I think he showed one person too many his collection and they had misperceptions of how he acquired his artifacts. We're talking about a man who was making $1k a month in the 1940s when most were lucky to bring home 1/10th of that. In my opinion, he got the majority legally. My wife's from up there, so I have a little inside info.

Watch out Tn the FBI made my post on this go away, don't know where it went but it's not showing up on my computer:dontknow:. Maybe they are checking me out:laughing7:Hate to bust their bubble but I already have a back ground check with Homeland, FBI, MBI, DOT and local guys and I gave body fluids also.

Yeah, I did notice your original thread on the subject vanished. I remember it as I replied to it.

The encouraging thing is...in all of the different stories on this that I have read, the responses in the "Comments" sections were overwhelmingly in opposition in the crime that was committed on this man, and the way the raid was conducted. He says he bought the foreign items while traveling, and obviously brought them back into the country with him...so it had to have been allowed to pass through customs. He claims he legally found or obtained the domestic items. He is SUPPOSED to be considered innocent until proven guilty.

The fact that when these over-zealous law enforcement teams burst into these peoples property and seize EVERYTHING, instead of just certain items in question, is just terrifyingly disappointing.

I think the common voter when shown the facts of what is going on in these situations, would overwhelmingly support reform with these draconian antiquities laws, and the way they are enforced. We just need some politicians with some common sense (good luck), to introduce the changes.

Our country is headed into a scary place when the Constitution is ignored, only certain laws are enforced, you are guilty until proven innocent, and your personal property can be seized with no cause, or crime being reported. Laws aren't retro-active. You can't make a law today saying purple ties are illegal, then go out and arrest anyone that ever wore a purple tie.

These are the types of situations that make wonder, why aren't they hunting down pedophiles or human organ thieves?
Trust me when I say that these problems of misdirection are at many levels of the law.
Makes me sick

because those people might have guns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

...i can seriously ...not exaggerating....go to any high school student and if he/she was willing to...get heroin from them within a day...they ALL know how to ask....but the cops don't? bah.....

Watch out Tn the FBI made my post on this go away, don't know where it went but it's not showing up on my computer:dontknow:. Maybe they are checking me out:laughing7:Hate to bust their bubble but I already have a back ground check with Homeland, FBI, MBI, DOT and local guys and I gave body fluids also.

Is this it ? http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/treasure-news/408449-not-good.html

Did you originally post it in Todays Finds ?

If you did, I made it disappear to it's Proper Place :laughing7:

I didn't search all your posts so I don't know if you have it elsewhere too, But odds are it wasn't deleted,
it was just moved .

Today's Finds is not for News stories, purchases etc. I don't allow todays finds to be
filled with off topic posts.:unhappysmiley:

I may let it go elsewhere but not in such an obvious place like Todays Finds

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If the FBI hadn't been so busy trying to steal an old man's artifact collection, maybe they could have done something constructive like stop the Boston Marathon bombers. Guess this case had more priority than saving human lives.

Thanks Jeff. It was not showing as ever having been here.

The government is nothing but a bunch of hypocrites! They took over the US from Native American Indians by force and now they want to act like they have the authority to preserve the original owners heritage. Makes me sick to think about it everytime I find a artifact. As for the FBI. Their days are numbered!!!!!! This country is broke/en!!! And I will die standing!! Not on my knees!!

(''Laws aren't retro-active. You can't make a law today saying purple ties are illegal, then go out and arrest anyone that ever wore a purple tie'' quote jon phillips). They do= Here in S.C. in the 90's CDV laws (criminal domestic violence) were passed and were retro active. If convicted of 1'st offense CDV (a misdemeanor) you would loose your 2'nd amendment right to ever own a firearm again. If you had ever been convicted in the past for certain offenses , assault on a female,etc (even misdemeanors that didn't evolve firearms ) you lost your second amendment right. There were law officers that lost there jobs because they could no longer own a firearm. I was in law enforcement at the time and this was a scary law to me. I by no means agree with hitting a spouse or threatening anyone and a person should be held accountable for there actions but if you were in the presence of a officer and threatened to slap your spouse or even acted like it that office by law had to make an arrest for CDV. I thought man what if they pass a law to take your firearms for disorderly conduct or something simple. And this is S.C. I could only image what some other states might do. So the powers that be can do almost whatever they want to in my opinion.

People that have something to hide,will not open up to the public..if it wasn't for us ,history would be lost...

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