Rutz Clovis


Feb 18, 2013
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Golden Thread
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Hello all!

I've been asked to post a thread regarding an item in my possession called the Rutz Clovis, my family is in the process of deciding what to do with the piece and we're looking for information since we've basically not a clue where to start besides some old letters from Gramly, among others. I'd also like to know what pictures to take, what notes to gather, whatever you would be interested I'm going to try to answer and hopefully in the process have the thing well documented as well (personally) as learn more about the subjects of knapping, arrowheads, and the Clovis points in particular.

Point (1) - Copy.webp
Point (3) - Copy.webp

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Hey there - thanks for starting this thread. I know very little, but more pictures, high resolution, good light, close ups, etc, would be great. Also if you could offer the information about how it was found, how it came into your possession, all of these would be very interesting to the community here. If you're interested in options for the point, there are a number of folks on here who are very knowledgeable and I'm sure will contact you with their thoughts.

I mean no disrespect at all with this comment, but with a point this famous and outstanding, it will take a bit of convincing for some people to believe the story at all.

Welcome to the site and thanks for posting.


Personally I have no reason To argue its authenticity... I hope You find out all that you can About that piece.

All I know Is that it's documentation Was done a long time ago.
And it's "the original " if there was one..seeing as the source of the material has never been found..

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Thanks for coming over and sharing. Maybe some members will have some advice. Is this the casting of it?

Large Clovis Point From Washington State

That's exactly the one. We have a cast as well that they gave us for letting them borrow the point and they gave us a poster as well. Everyone is right, it's been a long time, I suppose we'll have to get it... reauthenticated? I'm not sure what the process for that would be. It's been in my family for years, as far as I know it was given to us by Les who found the thing (my father collected small arrowheads but nothing this huge), there was the thing in Nat Geo (I think I have the article in the binder with everything else), Bostrom had it for the poster and the cast, it was in Buffalo with Gramly for a bit. I can look through the binder again and talk to my mother about the specifics, luckily she has everything from letters to packing slips. I'd be a fool to think it wouldn't be questioned, there's too many fakers out there for anyone to just accept me for my word and that's why I want to take photo requests. How big can the images be for this site? The pictures I've posted are a lot smaller than the originals but they were too big to post in the forum. I do have a Google+ page for the arrowhead with the higher resolution pictures on it though.

I would possibly consider some of the larger auction houses like Christies or Soethsbys and set a minimum . They will explain their fees but this would give it a world wide audience and in the mean time you could get it back out there like you are doing here and get the buzz going on it. We are glad to have you and that piece on our pages and hopefully follow its journey.

On posting the pictures just edit and crop out the edges and it should post unless you are shooting in 16 or 20 megs. Also hit the enter bar and put a space between the pictures so each one will zoom in even further

This is a well documented piece and the only thing left to discover is how much collectors are willing to pay for it.

This is a well documented piece and the only thing left to discover is how much collectors are willing to pay for it.

However blunt... I must agree

Its amazing. I cant buy it lol. I bet it would go really high.

I look forward to the pictures. Anything like this is of course out of the realm of most of us including me. There are a few though here that are well connected with buyers. My guy passed away or I would put you in contact with a serious collector. That does not mean I am not super interested in its journey and history.

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I look forward to the pictures. Anything like this is of course out of the realm of most of us including me. There are a few though here that are well connected with buyers. My guy passed away or I would put you in contact with a serious collector. That does not mean I am not super interested in its journey and history.

I've actually been looking at this site for a couple years now and again looking for information on the point, thought only just today got the go ahead to start feeling out if there was any interest in the piece. I figured any questions that guys/gals like you who love the subject had would only help me document the point more. I see it as a win/win since I don't know much about the subject let alone any recent developments so I can learn what is really interesting about it as you guys are interested.

Well you have all the documentation on it and no one is going to fake that one less the real one shows up but it sounds like you have it. The market is not great but,, that is a specialty item. I have passed on to these links to a few nice people at universities and hopefully a museum will be interested in acquiring it. Any luck with more pictures would be great.

Hello all!

I've been asked to post a thread regarding an item in my possession called the Rutz Clovis, my family is in the process of deciding what to do with the piece and we're looking for information since we've basically not a clue where to start besides some old letters from Gramly, among others. I'd also like to know what pictures to take, what notes to gather, whatever you would be interested I'm going to try to answer and hopefully in the process have the thing well documented as well (personally) as learn more about the subjects of knapping, arrowheads, and the Clovis points in particular.

View attachment 743865
View attachment 743866

First of all welcome to the forum. It is truly a honor to see this point here on the forum. I have read the story on this and its possible relation to the Wenatchee Clovis points. It is a amazing artifact. The price of it would probably be in the 100k+ area and would not be surprised if it broke 200k+. Please show that artifact the respect it deserves. There are only a couple of Clovis points that size, and yours being the third largest ever found will bring a very high value at auction. Remember a slight chip will devalue it immensely so please be extra careful with it.................................I just wish i had the money to buy it. Your parents found and hit the lottery that day. It was a real honor seeing it here. I have one request, could you show the picture of it that has never been shown, one shot of it against the light showing the translucency of the obsidian? No one has ever seen that picture of this great Clovis!!!.............................Thank you for posting it here for your questions!..........................GTP

Great piece! Sell it!

We've got the picture in our binder, and you can see the transparency at the edges but not really a great color in the photo. I'm gonna scan it in later but right now we're trying to rig something with the plastic sheets from some recess lighting so we can take a new picture as well and hopefully get the color better. Home Depot ahoy!

Dang the market is just so slow rite now. If it ever picks back up you could probably get allot more for it. Sell it now if you really need the money but if you wait say 5 or 10 yrs it might bring double or the same as now. Who really knows

This is just my opinion.... but I don't believe the common market value.. or how fluid the market is at the moment will have much effect on someone willing and able to lay down 100,000 dollars for a want.

And please....... just hold it in front of a light bulb for one photo.

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Here are some of the original pictures I found, I'm going to try to take some new ones this evening.

Bottom Left.webp

Bottom Right.webp

Top Left.webp

Top Right.webp

These are just scans of the glossys so they're a bit small, we have some that are blown up but they lost a lot ofthe color and definition it seems

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I agree I think the point will sell as this is not a normal market item any ways. It will be an investment piece or a bragging rights piece. That is why I was suggesting a large auction house for international exposure.

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