CruTeams Gold Coin Collection...


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May 25, 2007
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Cru'Teams Gold Coin Collection...

This is Cru'Dad & I's total collection of gold coins. Roughly speaking I found 70% of them. I still remember as a kid when I joined this great hobby & all I wanted to find was just 1 Celtic Gold. However, it took at least 20 years to get my first, but everyone is a golden memory!
One such memory is the 1777 Guinea that Cru'Dad found. He went on a short weekend caravanning holiday & decided to take along the detector. On arriving he asked the owner if he could have a quick go around his land & the OK was given. After a couple of hours of digging the usual junk he got 1 last signal before it was too dark to see. With very little enthusiasm he dug what he knew would be another piece of junk, only to be faced with that little beauty. The landowner was more than surprised/grateful when Cru'dad showed him & offered him more cash to keep it, than they had spent on the weekend
Just added this one!

Note to self, need to update with these:


  • Gold Coins - 27 Sep 15.webp
    Gold Coins - 27 Sep 15.webp
    406.6 KB · Views: 1,491
  • Gold Coins- 27 Sep 15.webp
    Gold Coins- 27 Sep 15.webp
    323.5 KB · Views: 1,314
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Upvote 84
V?ery nice grouping, covering many centuries too. I am assuming that
There were lots more that were sold or given to landowners that didn't make it into this pic:occasion14:

Hey Cru Team!! CONGRATS!! Really Nice Finds!! Obviously some Really Ancient Pieces!! GORGEOUS!! Anyway, GOOD LUCK and GOOD HUNTING!! VERDE!!

V?ery nice grouping, covering many centuries too. I am assuming that
There were lots more that were sold or given to landowners that didn't make it into this pic:occasion14:

No this is my lifetimes collection of gold coins, I find them impossible to be parted from. We have spent a lot of money to keep them. Some take the cash, some just let us have them.

Hey Cru Team!! CONGRATS!! Really Nice Finds!! Obviously some Really Ancient Pieces!! GORGEOUS!! Anyway, GOOD LUCK and GOOD HUNTING!! VERDE!!

The top left are the oldest & are from the time of Julius Caesar's Gallic Wars circa 55BC & were minted in France to pay the largest Gallic army every raised.

The thin gold Medieval types are the hardest to find.

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That's one impressive collection of gold coins.....most people don't even find one during their detecting.

Regards + HH


Wow that is a sweet collection, lots of history and you have lucky to have found more thatn one happy hunting

:icon_thumleft::icon_thumright: Without words to say.


That's one impressive collection of gold coins.....most people don't even find one during their detecting.

Regards + HH


Yeap, believe it or not there are still plenty of UK hunters looking for their first.


The only more extensive group of gold coin finds I recall seeing was found by a detectorist in the Northwestern US....I believe I might have a picture on my PC if I can find it I'll pm it to you.

Regards + HH


That is an incredible group and makes just as good of a picture!

Yeap, believe it or not there are still plenty of UK hunters looking for their first.

Then you read about someone who is a newby and finds a million dollar cache in his first 5 minutes in the field...::BangHead::BangHead:

Just for international relations I willingly give 50% of my pull tab collection for one gold coin...

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Then you read about someone who is a newby and finds a million dollar cache in his first 5 minutes in the field...::BangHead::BangHead:

Just for international relations I willingly give 50% of my pull tab collection for one gold coin...

Yeap, read lots of that type of story, makes you

Awesome gold coin collection Crusader! It took me 32 years to find my first gold coin (1787 George III Half Guinea)

Incredible collection of finds. For us stateside hunters over here in NYC,,, finding just one GOLD COIN would be like finding the Holy Grail.
Thanks for sharing your good fortune

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